dpq2 1.2.1
Medium-level binding to the PostgreSQL database
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
An interface to PostgreSQL for the D programming language.
It adds only tiny overhead to the original low level library libpq but make convenient use PostgreSQL from D.
Please help us to make documentation better!
- Text string arguments support
- Binary arguments support (including multi-dimensional arrays)
- Both text and binary formats of query result support
- Immutable query result for simplify multithreading
- Async queries support
- Reading of the text query results to native D text types
- Representation of binary arguments and binary query results as native D types
- Text types
- Integer and decimal types
- Money type (into money.currency, https://github.com/dlang-community/d-money)
- Some data and time types
- JSON type (stored into vibe.data.json.Json)
- JSONB type (ditto)
- Geometric types
- Conversion of values to BSON (into vibe.data.bson.Bson)
- Access to PostgreSQL's multidimensional arrays
- Bulk data upload to table from string data (SQL COPY)
- Simple SQL query builder
Bindings for libpq can be static or dynamic. The static bindings are generated by default.
- On Linux, you may install
for dynamic linking e.g.sudo apt-get install libpq-dev
#!/usr/bin/env rdmd
import dpq2;
import std.getopt;
import std.stdio: writeln;
import std.typecons: Nullable;
import vibe.data.bson;
void main(string[] args)
string connInfo;
getopt(args, "conninfo", &connInfo);
Connection conn = new Connection(connInfo);
// Only text query result can be obtained by this call:
auto answer = conn.exec(
"SELECT now()::timestamp as current_time, 'abc'::text as field_name, "~
"123 as field_3, 456.78 as field_4, '{\"JSON field name\": 123.456}'::json"
writeln( "Text query result by name: ", answer[0]["current_time"].as!PGtext );
writeln( "Text query result by index: ", answer[0][3].as!PGtext );
// It is possible to read values of unknown type using BSON:
auto firstRow = answer[0];
foreach(cell; rangify(firstRow))
writeln("bson: ", cell.as!Bson);
// Binary arguments query with binary result:
QueryParams p;
p.sqlCommand = "SELECT "~
"$1::double precision as double_field, "~
"$2::text, "~
"$3::text as null_field, "~
"array['first', 'second', NULL]::text[] as array_field, "~
"$4::integer[] as multi_array, "~
"'{\"float_value\": 123.456,\"text_str\": \"text string\"}'::json as json_value";
"first line\nsecond line",
[[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
auto r = conn.execParams(p);
scope(exit) destroy(r);
writeln( "0: ", r[0]["double_field"].as!PGdouble_precision );
writeln( "1: ", r[0][1].as!PGtext );
writeln( "2.1 isNull: ", r[0][2].isNull );
writeln( "2.2 isNULL: ", r[0].isNULL(2) );
writeln( "3.1: ", r[0][3].asArray[0].as!PGtext );
writeln( "3.2: ", r[0][3].asArray[1].as!PGtext );
writeln( "3.3: ", r[0]["array_field"].asArray[2].isNull );
writeln( "3.4: ", r[0]["array_field"].asArray.isNULL(2) );
writeln( "4.1: ", r[0]["multi_array"].asArray.getValue(1, 2).as!PGinteger );
writeln( "4.2: ", r[0]["multi_array"].as!(int[][]) );
writeln( "5.1 Json: ", r[0]["json_value"].as!Json);
writeln( "5.2 Bson: ", r[0]["json_value"].as!Bson);
// It is possible to read values of unknown type using BSON:
for(auto column = 0; column < r.columnCount; column++)
writeln("column name: '"~r.columnName(column)~"', bson: ", r[0][column].as!Bson);
// It is possible to upload CSV data ultra-fast:
conn.exec("CREATE TEMP TABLE test_dpq2_copy (v1 TEXT, v2 INT)");
// Init the COPY command. This sets the connection in a COPY receive
// mode until putCopyEnd() is called. Copy CSV data, because it's standard,
// ultra fast, and readable:
conn.exec("COPY test_dpq2_copy FROM STDIN WITH (FORMAT csv)");
// Write 2 lines of CSV, including text that contains the delimiter.
// Postgresql handles it well:
string data = "\"This, right here, is a test\",8\nWow! it works,13\n";
// Write 2 more lines
data = "Horray!,3456\nSuper fast!,325\n";
// Signal that the COPY is finished. Let Postgresql finalize the command
// and return any errors with the data.
Compile and run:
Running ./dpq2_example --conninfo=user=postgres
2018-12-09T10:08:07.862:package.d:__lambda1:19 DerelictPQ loading...
2018-12-09T10:08:07.863:package.d:__lambda1:26 ...DerelictPQ loading finished
Text query result by name: 2018-12-09 10:08:07.868141
Text query result by index: 456.78
bson: "2018-12-09 10:08:07.868141"
bson: "abc"
bson: "123"
bson: "456.78"
bson: {"JSON field name":123.456}
0: -1234.57
1: first line
second line
2.1 isNull: true
2.2 isNULL: true
3.1: first
3.2: second
3.3: true
3.4: true
4.1: 6
4.2: [[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6]]
5.1 Json: {"text_str":"text string","float_value":123.456}
5.2 Bson: {"text_str":"text string","float_value":123.456}
column name: 'double_field', bson: -1234.56789012345
column name: 'text', bson: "first line\nsecond line"
column name: 'null_field', bson: null
column name: 'array_field', bson: ["first","second",null]
column name: 'multi_array', bson: [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]
column name: 'json_value', bson: {"text_str":"text string","float_value":123.456}
Using dynamic version of libpq
Is provided two ways to load libpq
- Automatic load and unload (
build config option) - Manual load (and unload, if need) (
To load automatically it is necessary to allocate ConnectionFactory
This class is only available then dynamic
config is used.
Only one instance of ConnectionFactory
is allowed.
It is possible to specify filepath to a library/libraries what you want to use, otherwise default will be used:
// Argument is a string containing one or more comma-separated
// shared library names
auto connFactory = new immutable ConnectionFactory("path/to/libpq.dll");
Then you can create connection by calling createConnection
Connection conn = connFactory.createConnection(params);
And then this connection can be used as usual.
When all objects related to libpq
(including ConnectionFactory
) is destroyed library will be unloaded automatically.
To load libpq
manually it is necessary to use build config dynamic-unmanaged
Manual dynamic libpq
loading example:
import derelict.pq.pq: DerelictPQ;
import core.memory: GC;
auto conn = new Connection(connInfo);
/* Skipped rest of useful SQL processing */
conn.destroy(); // Ensure that all related to libpq objects are destroyed
GC.collect(); // Forced removal of references to libpq before library unload
In this case is not need to use ConnectionFactory
- just create Connection
by the same way as for static
- Registered by Denis Feklushkin
- 1.2.1 released 11 days ago
- denizzzka/dpq2
- github.com/denizzzka/dpq2
- Boost
- Authors:
- Sub packages:
- dpq2:integration_tests, dpq2:example
- Dependencies:
- derelict-pq, money, vibe-serialization
- Versions:
1.2.1 2025-Mar-13 1.2.0 2025-Jan-27 1.2.0-rc.1 2024-Jul-24 1.1.7 2024-Apr-02 1.1.7-rc.1 2023-Nov-15 - Download Stats:
13 downloads today
114 downloads this week
463 downloads this month
84415 downloads total
- Score:
- 4.5
- Short URL:
- dpq2.dub.pm