drmi 0.4.1

D Remote Method Invocation help wraps

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
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This package provides sub packages which can be used individually:

drmi:mqtt - mqtt rmi

D Remote Method Invocation

This package provide high level wraps for remote method invocation and MQTT low level transport (drmi:mqtt) as example.

If you wan't use drmi:mqtt see ./example/mqtt, otherwise read below.

RMICom base interface with one method RMIResponse process(RMICall).

class RMISkeleton(T) : RMICom is server-side wrap, method process must be used in your event loop for dispatch process to real object.

class RMIStub(T) : T is client-side wrap, it's use class RMIStubCom : RMICom for sending messages and get's responses. RMIStubCom has string caller() const @property field for filling caller field in RMICall.

Your interface methods must have paramters and return value serializable to vibe.data.json.Json.


import drmi;

struct Point { double x, y, z; }

interface Test
    int foo(string abc, int xyz);
    string foo(string str);
    string bar(double val);
    double len(Point pnt);
    string state() @property;
    void state(string s) @property;

class Impl : Test
    string _state;
    string foo(string str) { return "<" ~ str ~ ">"; }
    int foo(string abc, int xyz) { return cast(int)(abc.length * xyz); }
    string bar(double val) { return val > 3.14 ? "big" : "small"; }
    double len(Point pnt)
        import std.math;
        return sqrt(pnt.x^^2 + pnt.y^^2 + pnt.z^^2);
    string state() @property { return _state; }
    void state(string s) @property { _state = s; }

void main()
    auto rea = new Impl;
    auto ske = new RMISkeleton!Test(rea);
    auto cli = new RMIStub!Test(new class RMIStubCom
        string caller() const @property { return "fake caller"; }
        RMIResponse process(RMICall call) { return ske.process(call); }

    assert(rea.foo("hello", 123) == cli.foo("hello", 123));
    assert(rea.bar(2.71) == cli.bar(2.71));
    assert(rea.bar(3.1415) == cli.bar(3.1415));
    assert(rea.foo("okda") == cli.foo("okda"));
    assert(rea.len(Point(1,2,3)) == cli.len(Point(1,2,3)));

    static str = "foo";
    cli.state = str;
    assert(rea.state == str);
    assert(cli.state == str);
  • Oleg Butko (deviator)
Sub packages:
vibe-d:data, vibe-d:core
0.15.0 2019-Sep-09
0.14.0 2018-Dec-03
0.13.0 2018-May-03
0.12.1 2018-Feb-26
0.12.0 2017-Nov-14
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