excel-d 0.5.12
Excel bindings for D
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
Excel API bindings and wrapper API for D
This dub package contains D declarations for the Excel SDK as well as a D wrapper API. This allows programmers to write Excel worksheet functions in D.
Motivation and background for the project can be found here. See also the DConf 2017 lightning talk about excel-d.
Run makedocs.sh to generate the documentation Generated documentation - a work in progress - is available at dpldocs.
A working XLL example can be found in the example
directory. Running dub build
there will create an XLL
) that can be loaded in Excel making all of the
functions in test/xlld/test_d_funcs.d
available to be used in Excel
cells. The types are automatically converted between D native types
and Excel ones. To build the example: dub build -c example [--arch=x86_mscoff|--arch=x86_64]
For this package to build you will need the Excel SDK xlcall32.lib
that can be downloaded from Microsoft.
Copying it to the build directory should be sufficient
(i.e. when building the example, to the example
The library file should be useable as-is, as long as on 32-bit Excel dub build
is run with
to use Microsoft's binary format. If linking with optlink, the file must
be converted first. We recommend using link.exe
to not need the conversion. On 64 bit Excel
just use --arch=x86_64
- no questions of different library formats.
As part of the build a .def
file is generated with all functions to be exported by the XLL.
Excel won't load the XLL automatically: this must be done manually in File->Tools->Add-Ins. Click on "Go" for "Excel Add-Ins" (the default) and select your XLL there after clicking on "Browse".
The only difference between building for 32-bit or 64-bit Excel is the arch=
option passed
to dub. A 32-bit XLL will only work on 32-bit Excel and similarly for 64-bit. You will also
need the appropriate 32/64 xlcall32.lib from the Excel SDK to link.
Sample code (see the example directory for more):
import xlld;
@Excel(ArgumentText("Array to add"),
HelpTopic("Adds all cells in an array"),
FunctionHelp("Adds all cells in an array"),
ArgumentHelp(["The array to add"]))
double FuncAddEverything(double[][] args) nothrow @nogc { // nothrow and @nogc are optional
import std.algorithm: fold;
import std.math: isNaN;
double ret = 0;
foreach(row; args)
ret += row.fold!((a, b) => b.isNaN ? a : a + b)(0.0);
return ret;
and then in Excel:
Future functionality will include creating menu items and dialogue boxes. Pull requests welcomed.
WARNING: Memory for parameters passed to D functions
Any parameters with indirections (pointers, slices) should NOT be escaped. The memory for those parameters WILL be reused and might cause crashes.
There is support to fail at compile-time if user-written D functions attempt to escape their
arguments but unfortunately given the current D defaults requires user intervention. Annotate
all D code to be called by Excel with @safe
and compile with -dip1000
- all parameters will
then need to be scope
or the code will not compile.
It is strongly advised to compile with -dip1000
and to make all your functions @safe
or your add-ins could cause Excel to crash.
Function spelling
excel-d will always convert the first character in the D function being wrapped to uppercase since that is the Excel convention.
Variant type Any
Sometimes it is useful for a D function to take in any type that Excel supports. Typically
this will happen when receiving a matrix of values where the types might differ
(e.g. the columns are date, string, double). To get the expected D type from an Any
use xlld.wrap.fromXlOper
. An example:
double Func(Any[][] values) {
import xlld.wrap: fromXlOper;
import std.experimental.allocator: theAllocator;
foreach(row; values) {
auto date = row[0].fromXlOper!DateTime(theAllocator);
auto string_ = row[1].fromXlOper!DateTime(theAllocator);
auto double_ = row[2].fromXlOper!double(theAllocator);
// ...
return ret;
Asynchronous functions
A D function can be decorated with the @Async
UDA and will be executed asynchronously:
double AsyncFunc(double d) {
// long-running task
Please see the Microsoft documentation.
Custom enum coversions
If the usual conversions between strings and enums don't work for the user, it is possible to register
custom coversions by calling the functions registerConversionTo
and registerConversionFrom
D structs can be returned by functions. They are transformed into a string representation.
D structs can also be passed to functions. To do so, pass in a 1D array with the same number of elements as the struct in question.
Optional custom memory allocation and @nogc
If you are not familiar with questions of memory allocation, the below may seem intimidating. However it's entirely optional and unless performance and latency are critical to you (or possibly if you are interfacing with C or C++ code) then you do not need to worry about the extra complexity introduced by using allocators. The code in the previous section will simply work.
excel-d uses a custom allocator for all allocations that are needed when doing the conversions
between D and Excel types. It uses a different one for allocations of XLOPER12s that are
returned to Excel, which are then freed in xlAutoFree12 with the same allocator. D functions
that are @nogc
are wrapped by @nogc
Excel functions and similarly for @safe
. However,
if returning a value that is dynamically allocated from a D function and not using the GC
(such as an array of doubles), it is necessary to specify how that memory is to be freed.
An example:
// @Dispose is used to tell the framework how to free memory that is dynamically
// allocated by the D function. After returning, the value is converted to an
// Excel type and the D value is freed using the lambda defined here.
@Dispose!((ret) {
import std.experimental.allocator.mallocator: Mallocator;
import std.experimental.allocator: dispose;
double[] FuncReturnArrayNoGc(double[] numbers) @nogc @safe nothrow {
import std.experimental.allocator.mallocator: Mallocator;
import std.experimental.allocator: makeArray;
import std.algorithm: map;
try {
// Allocate memory here in order to return an array of doubles.
// The memory will be freed after the call by calling the
// function in `@Dispose` above
return Mallocator.instance.makeArray(numbers.map!(a => a * 2));
} catch(Exception _) {
return [];
This allows for @nogc
functions to be called from Excel without memory leaks.
Registering code to run when the XLL is unloaded
Since this library automatically writes xlAutoClose
it is not possible to use it to
run custom code at XLL unloading. As an alternative XLL writers can use
passing it a function or a delegate to be executed
when xlAutoClose
is called.
About Kaleidic Associates
We are a boutique consultancy that advises a small number of hedge fund clients. We are not accepting new clients currently, but if you are interested in working either remotely or locally in London or Hong Kong, and if you are a talented hacker with a moral compass who aspires to excellence then feel free to drop me a line: laeeth at kaleidic.io
We work with our partner Symmetry Investments, and some background on the firm can be found here:
- Registered by Symmetry Investments
- 0.5.12 released 3 years ago
- symmetryinvestments/excel-d
- Copyright © 2016-2019 Kaleidic Associates Advisory Limited
- Authors:
- Dependencies:
- nogc
- Versions:
0.5.12 2022-May-17 0.5.11 2022-Mar-28 0.5.10 2021-Aug-02 0.5.9 2021-Jun-15 0.5.8 2020-Aug-26 - Download Stats:
0 downloads today
0 downloads this week
5 downloads this month
84001 downloads total
- Score:
- 2.3
- Short URL:
- excel-d.dub.pm