gendoc 0.0.1

Document generator using Ddoc D language standard feature for dub package.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


gendoc is a tool for generating documents using the built-in document generation feature of D language compilers.

This is forked from dxml/gendocs.d, and file search and specification of compilation options based on dub package information are added.

How to build

dub build

How to use

To use gendoc, move current directory to the dub project and enter the following command:


Or, can be run using dub package manager:

dub run gendoc

In addition, to import template document styles using gendoc's dub package:

dub build gendoc -c=init

When you want to know the detail of usage, you can use the help command to display help messages:

gendoc -h

| | options | Type | desctiption | default | |-:|------------------:|:---------|:---------------------------------------------------------|:----------------------------| |-a| --arch | string | Archtecture of dub project. | x8664 | |-b| --build | string | Build type of dub project. | debug | |-c| --config | string | Configuration of dub project. | | | | --compiler | string | Specifies the compiler binary to use (can be a path). | dmd | | | --gendocDdocs | string[] | Ddoc sources of document files. | \["ddoc"\] if exists | | |--gendocSourceDocs | string[] | Source of document files. | \["sourcedocs"] if exists | | | --gendocTarget | string | Target directory of generated documents. | docs | | | --gendocConfig | string | Configuration file of gendoc. | "gendoc.json" if exists | | | --root | string | Path to operate in instead of the current working dir. | . | |-v| --varbose | bool | Display varbose messages. | false | |-q| --quiet | bool | Non-display messages. | false | |-h| --help | bool | This help information. | false |

  • SHOO
0.0.8 2022-Nov-30
0.0.7 2021-Jun-05
0.0.6 2020-Sep-25
0.0.5 2020-Mar-12
0.0.4 2019-Oct-22
Show all 9 versions
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