ggplotd-cli 0.1.0

CLI for using ggplotd to plot graphs

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


Command line tool for quickly plotting graphs using ggplotd. It's designed to complement the tsv-utils toolset.


  • Draw scatter, line, box, histogram (1D and 2D), kernel density (1D and 2D) and word-cloud-style label plots.
  • Output to GUI window or to a variety of image file formats (as supported by Cairo backend).

Currently it's an 80% solution: it's useful for a lot of quick data visualisation, but has many limitations. Please support the underlying ggplotd library if you need more features.

Quick Start

By default, ggplotd-cli reads in tab-separated values and draws a scatter graph, using the first column for x values, the second column for y values and (optionally) the third column for tagging different data series.

$ # Generate some sin() and cos() data
$ cat
[: import std.math;
foreach (x; iota(-4.0, 4.0, 0.1)) :]
[= x, "\t", sin(x), "\tsin" ]
[= x, "\t", cos(x), "\tcos" ]
$ djinn
$ head sincos.tsv
-4	0.756802	sin
-4	-0.653644	cos
-3.9	0.687766	sin
-3.9	-0.725932	cos
-3.8	0.611858	sin
-3.8	-0.790968	cos
-3.7	0.529836	sin
-3.7	-0.8481	cos
-3.6	0.44252	sin
-3.6	-0.896758	cos
$ # Plot to GTK window
$ ggplotd < sincos.tsv 
$ # Plot to PNG image file
$ ggplotd -o sincos.png < sincos.tsv 

<img src="sincos.png" alt="Plot of sin() and cos() functions">


Usage: ggplotd [--help] [--help-type] [--help-fields] [--type=<PlotType>]
               [--output-file=<string>] [--size=<string>]
               [--delimiter=<string>] [--fields=<string>] [--header] [input

Positional arguments:
 input files     paths of data files to plot

Optional arguments:
 --help, -h      display this help and exit
 --help-type     display help on plot types and exit
 --help-fields   display help on specifying fields and exit
 --type, -t <PlotType>
                 plot type (scatter, line, box, hist, hist2, density, density2,
 --output-file, -o <string>
                 output file name
 --size, -s <string>
                 output dimensions (WxH)
 --delimiter, -d <string>
                 field delimiter
 --fields, -f <string>
                 field specifier (c = colour, l = label, x = x, y = y)
 --header, -H    treat the first line of each file as a header
  • Simon Arneaud
darg, ggplotd
0.2.0 2021-Jun-05
0.1.0 2021-Mar-22
~master 2021-Jun-05
Show all 3 versions
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