jin-go 1.0.3

Thread-pooled coroutines with lock-free staticaly typed communication channels

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


Thread-pooled coroutines with wait-free staticaly typed communication channels

Build Status Join the chat at https://gitter.im/nin-jin/go.d


  • Static typed channels
  • Lock free channels
  • Minimal message size


  • Allow only one input and output ref
  • Autoclose channels



	"dependencies": {
		"jin-go": "~>1.0.0"


import jin.go;

Create channels

auto ints = new Channel!int;

struct Data { int val }
struct End {}
alias Algebraic!(Data,End) Message 
auto messages = new Channel!Message;

Inputs!int ints;
auto channel = ints.make;

Outputs!int ints;
auto channel = ints.make;

Start coroutines

void incrementing( Channel!int results , Channel!int inputs ) {
	while( true ) {
		results.next = inputs.next + 1;

go!incrementing( results.make , ints.make );
auto results = go!incrementing( ints.make );

void squaring( int limit ) {
	return limit.iota.map( i => i^^2 );
auto squares = go!squaring( 10 );

Send messages

waits while outbox/outboxes is full

ints.next = 123; // send message
ints.next!Data = 123; // make and send message
ints.put( 123 ); // OutputRange style

Receive messages

waits for any message in inbox/inboxes

writeln( results.next ); // get one message
writeln( results.next.get!Data ); // get value from one Message

// visit one Message
	( Data data ) { writeln( data ); } ,
	( End end ) { } ,

// handle messages in cycle
while( !results.empty ) {
	if( !results.clear ) writeln( results.next );

// handle messages from multiple channels in cycle
while( !one.empty || !two.empty ) {
	if( !one.clear ) writeln( one.next );
	if( !two.clear ) writeln( two.next );

Complete example

import core.time;
import std.stdio;
import jin.go;

static auto after( Channel!bool channel , Duration dur )
	sleep( dur );
	if( !channel.closed ) channel.next = true;

static auto tick( Channel!bool channel , Duration dur )
	while( !channel.closed ) after( channel , dur );

void main(){
	auto ticks = go!tick( 101.msecs );
	auto booms = go!after( 501.msecs );

	string log;

	while( booms.clear )
		while( !ticks.clear ) {
			writeln( "tick" );
		writeln( "." );
		sleep( 51.msecs );
	writeln( "BOOM!" );

More examples in unit tests

  • jin
dests, vibe-d:core
2.0.1 2020-Jun-17
2.0.0 2020-Jun-14
1.0.5 2016-Mar-29
1.0.4 2016-Mar-29
1.0.3 2016-Mar-27
Show all 10 versions
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