libdominator 1.0.4

A HTML Parser Library

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

#libdominator libdominator is a HTML parser library written in d

#Filter Syntax Expression = TAG[PICK]{ATTRNAME:ATTRVALUE} Multiple expression can be concated with "." to find Stuff inside of specific parent nodes.

TAGThe Name of the nodea , p , div , *
[PICK](can be ommited) Picks only the n th match. n begins on 1. PICK can be a list or range[1] picks the first match , [1,3] picks the first and third , [1..3] picks the first three matches
{ATTRNAME:ATTRVALUE}The attribute selector{id:myID} , {class:someClass} , {href:(regex)^http://}


const string content = `<div id="div-2-div-1">
        <ol id="ol-1">
          <li id="li-1-ol-1">li-1-ol-1 Inner</li>
          <li id="li-2-ol-1">li-2-ol-1 Inner</li>
          <li id="li-3-ol-1">li-3-ol-1 Inner</li>
      Dominator dom = new Dominator(content);
      assert( dom.getNodes.length == 5);
      assert( dom.filterDom(DomFilter("ol")).length == 1 );
      assert( dom.filterDom(DomFilter("")).length == 3 );
      assert( dom.filterDom(DomFilter("{id:li-3-ol-1}")).length == 1 );
 Dominator dom = new Dominator(readText("dummy.html"));
    auto filter = DomFilter("article");
    assert( dom.filterDom(filter).filterComments().length == 1 );
    assert( dom.filterDom(filter).length == 3 );

    filter = DomFilter("div.*");
    assert( dom.filterDom(filter).length == 3 );

    filter = DomFilter("");
    assert( dom.filterDom(filter).length == 6 );

    filter = DomFilter("");
    assert( dom.filterDom(filter).length == 6 );

    filter = DomFilter(`{id:(regex)^li-[\d]+}`);
    assert( dom.filterDom(filter).length == 6 );

    filter = DomFilter(`ol{id:ol-1}.li{id:(regex)^li-[\d]+}`);
    assert( dom.filterDom(filter).length == 3 );

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  • Martin Brzenska
1.1.7 2019-Feb-18
1.1.6 2017-Oct-31
1.1.5 2017-Oct-07
1.1.4 2017-Oct-07
1.1.3 2017-Jan-08
Show all 20 versions
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