dlangui 0.0.2

D language cross platform GUI library, inspired by Android UI API. Supports OpenGL based hardware acceleration, i18n, styles and themes.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

This package provides sub packages which can be used individually:

dlangui:example1 - dlangui library example 1

dlangui:dlanguilib - D language cross platform GUI library, inspired by Android UI API. Supports OpenGL based hardware acceleration, i18n, styles and themes.

Dlang UI

GUI for D programming language, written in D.

  • Crossplatform (Win32 and Linux are supported in current version)
  • Mostly inspired by Android UI API (layouts, styles, two phase layout, ...)
  • Supports highly customizable UI themes and styles
  • Supports internationalization
  • Hardware acceleration using OpenGL (when built with USE_OPENGL)
  • Fallback to Win32 API / XCB when OpenGL is not available
  • Actually it's a port (with major refactoring) of GUI library for cross platform OpenGL based implementation of Cool Reader app prokeject from C++.
  • Almost ready for 2D games development
  • Goal: provide set of widgets suitable for building of IDE.

Win32 builds

  • Under windows, uses Win32 API as backend.
  • Optionally, may use OpenGL acceleration via DerelictGL3/WGL.
  • Uses Win32 API for font rendering.
  • Optinally can use FreeType for font rendering.

Linux builds

  • Uses XCB (X C binding) as backend.
  • Uses shared memory images for faster drawing.
  • Uses FreeType for font rendering.
  • TODO: Use FontConfig to get font list.
  • TODO: OpenGL initializes ok, but images not visible on screen. Disabled temporary.

Other platforms

  • Other platforms support may be added easy

Third party components used

  • DerelictGL3 - for OpenGL support
  • DerelictFT + FreeType library support under linux and optionally under Windows.
  • DerelictFI + FreeImage library support for decoding of images
  • WindowsAPI bindings from http://www.dsource.org/projects/bindings/wiki/WindowsApi (patched)
  • XCB and X11 bindings (patched) TODO: provide links

Hello World

// main.d
import dlangui.all;

/// entry point for dlangui based application
extern (C) int UIAppMain(string[] args) {
    // resource directory search paths
    string[] resourceDirs = [
        appendPath(exePath, "../res/"),   // for Visual D and DUB builds
        appendPath(exePath, "../../res/") // for Mono-D builds

    // setup resource directories - will use only existing directories

    // setup i18n - look for i18n directory inside one of passed directories
    // select translation file - for english language
    i18n.load("en.ini"); //"ru.ini", "en.ini"

    // create window
    Window window = Platform.instance.createWindow("My Window", null);
    window.mainWidget = (new Button()).text("Hello world"d);
    // run message loop
    return Platform.instance.enterMessageLoop();
  • Vadim Lopatin
Sub packages:
dlangui:example1, dlangui:dlanguilib
dlangui:example1, dlangui:dlanguilib
0.10.7 2024-Mar-11
0.10.6 2024-Mar-04
0.10.5 2024-Feb-28
0.10.4 2023-May-19
0.10.3 2023-May-18
Show all 666 versions
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  • 2 downloads today

  • 12 downloads this week

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