dproto 1.1.1

D Protocol Buffer library

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

D Protocol Buffers

This is a project that's designed to enable mixing in a .proto file into your D code at compile time.

Inspiration and a good portion of the parser is adapted from square/protoparser


Further info: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/overview

Examples can be found in import/dproto/dproto.d and in examples.

Simple Example

import std.stdio;
import dproto.dproto;

mixin ProtocolBufferFromString!"
    message Person {
      required string name = 1;
      required int32 id = 2;
      optional string email = 3;

      enum PhoneType {
        MOBILE = 0;
        HOME = 1;
        WORK = 2;

      message PhoneNumber {
        required string number = 1;
        optional PhoneType type = 2 [default = HOME];

      repeated PhoneNumber phone = 4;

int main()
    Person person;
    person.name = "John Doe";
    person.id = 1234;
    person.email = "[email protected]";

    ubyte[] serializedObject = person.serialize();

    Person person2 = Person(serializedObject);
    writeln("Name: ", person2.name);
    writeln("E-mail: ", person2.email);
    return 0;

More Complex Example

import dproto.dproto;

mixin ProtocolBufferFromString!"
    enum PhoneType {
      MOBILE = 0;
      HOME = 0;
      WORK = 2;

    message Person {
      required string name = 1;
      required int32 id = 2;
      optional string email = 3;

      message PhoneNumber {
        required string number = 1;
        optional PhoneType type = 2 [default = HOME];

      repeated PhoneNumber phone = 4;

    message AddressBook {
      repeated Person person = 1;

int main()
    Person t;
    t.name = "Max Musterman";
    t.id = 3;
    t.email = "[email protected]";

    Person.PhoneNumber pn1;
    pn1.number = "0123456789";
    pn1.type = PhoneType.WORK;
    Person.PhoneNumber pn2;
    pn2.number = "0123456789";

    t.phone = [pn1, pn2];
    AddressBook addressbook;
    addressbook.person ~= t;
    addressbook.person ~= t;

    ubyte[] serializedObject = addressbook.serialize();
    AddressBook addressbook2 = AddressBook(serializedObject);
    assert(addressbook2.person.length == 2);
    foreach(t2; addressbook2.person)
        assert(t2.name == "Max Musterman");
        assert(t2.id == 3);
        assert(t2.email == "[email protected]");
        assert(t2.phone[0].number == "0123456789");
        assert(t2.phone[0].type == PhoneType.WORK);
        assert(t2.phone[1].number == "0123456789");
        assert(t2.phone[1].type == PhoneType.HOME);
        assert(t2.phone[1].type == PhoneType.MOBILE);
        assert(t2.phone.length == 2);
        assert(addressbook2.person[0] == addressbook.person[1]);
    return 0;
  • Matt Soucy
2.1.6 2020-May-02
2.1.5 2018-Mar-09
2.1.4 2018-Jan-26
2.1.3 2017-Apr-22
2.1.2 2017-Mar-18
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