sodium 0.1.4

Deimos binding to libsodium xor wrapper

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Twofold binding to libsodium, current C-source version 1.0.12, released on Mar 12, 2017 []

subPackage 'deimos': Static binding, the "import-only" C header's declarations.
subPackage 'wrapper': 'deimos' + some 'D-friendly' stuff, predominantly overloaded functions and unittests.

The dependency name is either sodium:deimos or sodium:wrapper

Some restructuring (subPackages)/changing importPath and sourcePath was done for version 0.1.0 (different from previous 0.08) in order to have the 'wrapper' subPackage sit aside subPackage 'deimos'.
Thus code that already used versions<0.1.0 needs to replace 'import sodium...' by either 'import deimos.sodium...' or 'import wrapper.sodium...'.

'wrapper' aims at providing at least the same functionality as 'deimos' and provide @trusted @nogc (pure nothrow) alternatives, work in progress: a) 'wrapper' is a superset of 'deimos' in that everything from 'deimos' is reachable, but deliberately not all at your fingertips. b) all new functions with 'deimos-functionality' have the same name as their 'deimos'-cousins, building either overload sets to choose from, or for parameter-less functions, 'substituting' their cousins. c) all new functions calculating a variable-length output are restrictive about the size of the output-buffer offered, if the required size can be easily computed in advance, throwing in case of wrong-sized buffers. This way, if the function succeeds, all buffer.length bytes are meaningful and no additional function parameter carrying the meaningful length information is required

Probably, usage of 'wrapper' isn't possible, if function randombytessetimplementation shall be used (wrapper.sodium.core:shared static this() calls sodium_init()). The unittests of subPackage 'wrapper' include a lot of function usage examples, the next is a simple application example based on sodium:deimos, using rdmd:

cd example/source  &&  chmod 775 app.d  &&  ./app.d

Expected output (byte values within brackets differing of course):

Unpredictable sequence of 8 bytes: [52, 225, 21, 245, 74, 66, 192, 247]
ciphertext: [76, 18, 112, 219, 144, 230, 206, 219, 40, 255, 78, 43, 172, 49, 129, 175, 4, 235, 81, 224]

Heap allocations: Quoting the Sodium-manual: "Cryptographic operations in Sodium (C binary) never allocate memory on the heap (malloc, calloc, etc) with the obvious exceptions of cryptopwhash and sodiummalloc."
The same holds, if usage is restricted to sodium:deimos and also holds for many functions of sodium:wrapper.

The case is different, more complex with sodium:wrapper: It shall provide more D-convenience and @safe callables making it hard to use functions in a wrong way, but this may involve the heap allocation's cost.

  1. The unittests make permissive use of heap allocations by means of GC allocated memory, but don't handle real secrets and aren't meant for release builds, thus no security problem.
  2. Most new functions are @nogc @trusted "overloads" (just D friendly wrappers around the C function calls and may throw a NoGcException in order to still be @trusted, even with -dip1000).
    Some are as simple as taking a D slice and pass it's .ptr and .length to be safe or require a static array to ensure .length, thus don't themselves allocate heap memory and have attribute @nogc (and calling them doesn't postulate heap allocation either; the D slice parameter is welcoming arguments being static arrays as well as dyn. heap allocated arrays).
    Many functions call a custom enforce function to ensure, that some requirement is fullfilled, and don't allocate either.
    The residual: They use heap allocation !
  3. Other functions perform convenience procedures or part of procedures shown in the Sodium documentaion, like DH keyexchange and may make generous use of heap memory.

Windows: While it get's built, I recommend to stay away from the -m32mscoff (--arch=x86mscoff) build currently:

  1. DUB (1.2.1) doesn't handle that correctly.
  2. unittest of wrapper.cryptoaeadaes256gcm.d fails for cryptoaeadaes256gcm_beforenm for some unknown reason (same compiler, code and .dll as for -m32, only import lib/format of .obj/linker differ)
  • Carsten Blüggel
Sub packages:
sodium:deimos, sodium:wrapper
1.0.18-alpha.5 2019-Jun-07
1.0.18-alpha.4 2019-Jun-06
1.0.18-alpha.3 2019-Jun-06
1.0.18-alpha.2 2019-Jun-05
1.0.18-alpha.1 2019-Jun-03
Show all 21 versions
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