thepath 0.0.1

The Path - the easy way to work with paths and files in D

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

The Path

Yet another attempt to implement high-level object-oriented interface to manage path and files in D. Inspired by Python's pathlib and D port of pathlib but implementing it in different way.

NOTE: this is alpha version, and api is still subject for change

Following ideas used in this project

  • Implement struct or class Path that have to represent single path to file or directory.
  • Any operation on path have to create new instance of Path, thus no implicit modification of Path allowed to avoid side effects
  • Simplify naming for frequent operations (introducing new type for this allows to do it without name collisions).
  • Automatic tilde expansion when needed (for example before file operations), thus allowing to easily work with patth like ~/my/path without any special work needed.


import thepath;

Path app_dir = Path("~/.local/my-app");
Path catalog_dir = app_dir.join("catalog");

void init() {
    if (!app_dir.exists) {
        app_dir.mkdir(true);  // create recursive
    if (!catalog_dir.exists) {

void list_dir {
    fopeach(Path p; catalog_dir.walk(SpanModel.breadth)) {
  • Dmytro Katyukha
1.1.0 2023-Nov-04
1.0.0 2023-Oct-03
0.1.8 2023-Jul-26
0.1.7 2023-Jun-18
0.1.6 2023-Jun-16
Show all 35 versions
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