Welcome to DUB, the D package registry. The following list shows all available packages:

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Name Last update Score Registered Description
wikidata 1.1.0, 3 years ago 0.12018-Dec-10Wikidata API for D
easyd 0.13.0, 3 years ago 0.62018-May-07Extension to the D standard library to make coding easier
microrm 0.8.1, 3 years ago 1.82017-Jun-14Micro ORM for SQLite3
treeserial 1.0.0-alpha.7, 3 years ago 0.72020-May-12Simple, attribute driven, branching Serializer.
vox-d 1.0.0, 3 years ago 1.02014-Aug-03vox-d is a library to load VOX voxel files (used by eg. MagicaVoxel).
hunt-openssl 1.0.5, 3 years ago 0.82019-Jun-11Deimos bindings for the OpenSSL cryptographic library
rtree 0.0.3, 3 years ago 0.12018-Sep-25RTree implementation.
hunt-jwt 0.2.0-beta.4, 3 years ago 0.42019-Oct-11A D implementation of JSON Web Tokens
onyx-log 1.5.0, 3 years ago 1.72015-Apr-16logging library for D.
fixedpoint 0.1.3, 3 years ago 0.92019-Dec-29Decimal fixed point type
aftermath 0.0.2, 3 years ago 0.62021-Apr-22Minimal library for working with posit numbers
passwd 0.3.1, 3 years ago 0.02021-Apr-08crypt(3)-compatible (UNIX passwd style) password hashing algorithms
djinn 0.1.1, 3 years ago 2.02021-Apr-08A templating language and code generator inspired by Jinja2
bloomberg_dl 0.2.1, 3 years ago 0.52021-Apr-16D library for Bloomberg Data License API
linear 1.0.0-beta.6, 3 years ago 0.92020-Apr-03Linear math inspired by Haskell Linear library.
structured-rpc 2.0.0-alpha.1, 3 years ago 0.72020-May-12RPC call structure which works with basic tagged-union struct msgs.
jwtlited 1.3.0, 3 years ago 2.12021-Mar-16Fast and lightweight JSON Web Token Dlang implementation.
ggplotd 1.2.3, 3 years ago 2.22015-Nov-11Plotting library for the D programming library. The design is inspired by ggplot2 for R.
jupyter_wire 0.1.3, 3 years ago 1.52018-Oct-16Jupyter kernel written in D
atrox-radixsort 1.0.0, 3 years ago 0.62021-Apr-06radix sort - fast sorting method for fixed length values

Displaying results 951 to 970 of 2489 packages found.

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