arsd-official 11.5.3
Subpackage collection for web, database, terminal ui, gui, scripting, and more with a commitment to long-term compatibility and stability. Use individual subpackages instead of the overall package to avoid bringing in things you don't need/want!
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
This package provides sub packages which can be used individually:
arsd-official:core - Shared components across other arsd modules
arsd-official:simpledisplay - Window creation and basic drawing
arsd-official:minigui - Small GUI widget library for Windows and Linux
arsd-official:nanovega - Vector graphics library
arsd-official:minigui-nanovega - Nanovega widget add-on for minigui. New in v9.2.
arsd-official:minigui-terminal_emulator_widget - Terminal emulator widget add-on for minigui. New to dub in v10.5.
arsd-official:minigui-color_dialog - Color picker dialog add-on for minigui. New to dub in v10.5.
arsd-official:minigui-datetime_picker - Date and time picker widget add-on for minigui. New in v10.7.
arsd-official:minigui-webview - Webview widget add-on for minigui. New to dub in v10.5 but NOT STABLE in that release and it will break at random without notice until I say it is stable.
arsd-official:textlayouter - A text layouter that can be used for a variety of tasks
arsd-official:gamehelpers - Assorted game-related structs and algorithms
arsd-official:game - Basic game helper classes (work in progress)
arsd-official:joystick - joystick reading for Windows XInput and Linux
arsd-official:fibersocket - Phobos-based fiber socket async i/o subclass
arsd-official:email - Email helper library, both sending MIME messages and parsing incoming mbox/maildir messages
arsd-official:mailserver - Bare-bones incoming-only smtp server
arsd-official:image_files - Various image file format support - PNG read/write, JPEG, TGA, BMP, PCX, TGA, DDS read and SVG rasterization.
arsd-official:imageresize - Image resizer for color.d's MemoryImage
arsd-official:simpleaudio - Simple audio+midi playback and capture for Windows and Linux
arsd-official:midi - midi file format classes
arsd-official:midiplayer - turn-key midi player library
arsd-official:nukedopl3 - nukedopl3 emulator port, required by simpleaudio's playEmulatedOpl3Midi functio
arsd-official:mp3 - MP3 decoder. Required if you use simpleaudio's playMp3 function
arsd-official:vorbis - Ogg vorbis decoder. Required if you use simpleaudio's playOgg function
arsd-official:wav - wav file format read and write
arsd-official:svg - Dependency-free partial SVG file format read support
arsd-official:jpeg - Dependency-free (except for arsd.core and arsd.color) partial JPEG file format read and write support
arsd-official:png - PNG file format support
arsd-official:bmp - BMP file format support
arsd-official:ico - Windows icon and crsor file format support
arsd-official:htmltotext - HTML to plain text conversion
arsd-official:dom - HTML tag soup DOM library
arsd-official:rss - RSS/Atom parsing
arsd-official:characterencodings - Character encodings to UTF-8
arsd-official:argon2 - Binding to the argon2 password hashing C library
arsd-official:cgi - web server library with cgi, fastcgi, scgi, and embedded http server support
arsd-official:mysql - MySQL client library. Wraps the official C library with my database.d interface.
arsd-official:postgres - Postgresql client library. Wraps the libpq C library with my database.d interface.
arsd-official:sqlite - sqlite wrapper. Wraps the official C library with my database.d interface.
arsd-official:mssql - Microsoft SQL Server client library. Wraps the official ODBC library with my database.d interface.
arsd-official:http - HTTP client library. Depends on OpenSSL right now on all platforms. On 32 bit Windows, you may need to get OMF openssl lib and dlls (ask me if you can't find it)
arsd-official:jsvar - Javascript-like object in D, capable of json read/write/manipulation.
arsd-official:jni - Provides easy interop with Java via JNI.
arsd-official:script - Small Javascript-like script interpreter with easy D API
arsd-official:webtemplate - A dom and script based web template system
arsd-official:terminal - Cross-platform Terminal I/O with color, mouse support, real time input, etc.
arsd-official:terminalemulator - A terminal emulation core as an in-memory library. Also includes mixin templates to assist with creating UIs, etc.
arsd-official:pixmappaint - 2D drawing companion library of Pixmap Presenter.
arsd-official:pixmaprecorder - Video rendering extension for Pixmap Paint. Fancy wrapper for piping frame data to FFmpeg.
arsd-official:pixmappresenter - High-level display library. Designed to blit fully-rendered frames to the screen.
arsd-official:ttf - port of stb_ttf to D
arsd-official:color_base - Base color, point, image interface definitions
arsd-official:database_base - Basic database interface definitions. Use one (or more) of the drivers like arsd-official:mysql or arsd-official:postgres instead
arsd-official:libssh2_bindings - My bindings to libssh2
arsd-official:eventloop - My DEPRECATED event loop. Do NOT use in new programs, only offered here because I use it in a lot of old programs. The core package has a new unified event loop.
arsd-official:archive - Archive file support - tar, tar.xz decoders, and custom format "arcz" encoding and decoding. Self-contained (except for arsd.core).
As of January 1, 2024, this repo is written in the OpenD Programming Language. This is very similar to, but NOT the same as Walter Bright's version of the D Programming Language.
There will be no further public updates with supported compatibility with WB's D Language. If you depend on this code, either contact me to negotiate a commercial support contract or switch to the OpenD Programming Language. If things keep working from here on out, it is purely coincidental: support requests relating to WB's D are likely to go unanswered and new features are not guaranteed to work.
This is a collection of modules that I've released over the years (the oldest module in here was originally written in 2006, pre-D1!) for a wide variety of purposes. Most of them stand alone, or have just one or two dependencies in here, so you don't have to download this whole repo. Feel free to email me, [email protected] or ping me as adam_d_ruppe
on the #d IRC channel if you want to ask me anything.
I'm always adding to it, but my policy on dependencies means you can ignore what you don't need. I am also committed to long-term support for OpenD users. Even the obsolete modules I haven't used for years I usually keep compiling at least, and the ones I do use I am very hesitant to break backward compatibility on. My semver increases are very conservative.
See the full list of (at least slightly) documented module here: and refer to for the list of dub
-enabled subpackages. Please note that dub
is no longer officially supported, but it may work for you anyway.
I have a patreon and my (almost) weekly blog you can check out if you'd like to financially support this work or see the updates and tips I write about.
Breaking Changelog
This only lists changes that broke things and got a major version bump. I didn't start keeping track here until 9.0.
Please note that I DO consider changes to build process to be a breaking change, but I do NOT consider symbol additions, changes to undocumented members, or the occasional non-fatal deprecation to be breaking changes. Undocumented members may be changed at any time, whereas additions and/or deprecations will be a minor version change.
Future release, likely May 2024 or later.
Nothing is planned for it at this time.
arsd.pixmappresenter, arsd.pixmappaint and arsd.pixmaprecorder were added.
Released: Planned for May 2023, actually out August 2023.
arsd.core was added, causing a general build system break for users who download individual files:
simpledisplay.d used to depend only on color.d. It now also depends on core.d.
terminal.d and http2.d used to be stand-alone. They now depend on core.d.
minigui.d now also depends on a new textlayouter.d, bringing its total dependencies from minigui.d, simpledisplay.d, color.d up to minigui.d, simpledisplay.d, color.d, core.d, and textlayouter.d
dom.d, database.d, png.d, and others may start importing it at any time, so you have to assume they do from here on and have the file in your build.
Generally speaking, I am relaxing my dependency policy somewhat to permit a little more code sharing and interoperability throughout the modules. While I will make efforts to maintain some degree of stand-alone functionality, many new features and even some old features may be changed to use the new module. As such, I reserve to right to use core.d from any module from this point forward. You should be prepared to add it to your builds using any arsd component.
Note that arsd.core may require user32.lib and ws2_32.lib on Windows. This is added automatically in most cases, and is a core component so it will be there, but if you see a linker error, this might be why.
I recommend you clone the repo and use dmd -i
to let the compiler automatically included imported modules. It really is quite nice to use! But, of course, I don't require it and will call out other required cross-module dependencies in the future too.
* dom.d's XmlDocument no longer treats `<script>` and `<style>` tags as CDATA; that was meant to be a html-specific behavior, not applicable to generic xml.
* game.d had significant changes, making the Game object be a manager of GameScreen objects, which use delta time interpolated renders and fixed time updates (before it was vice versa). As of 11.0, its new api is not fully stable.
* database.d got some tweaks. A greater overhaul is still planned but might be delayed to 12.0. Nevertheless, some types are already changed from `string` to `DatabaseDatum` (which converts back to string via `alias this` so it should limit the code breakage).
* Support for Windows XP has been dropped (though it may still work in certain places, there's no promises since arsd.core uses some Windows Vista features without fallback.)
* Support for older compilers has been dropped (arsd.core uses some newer druntime features). The new minimum version is likely gdc 10, the tester now runs gdc version 12. gdc 9 might still sometimes work but I'm going to be removing some of those compatibility branches soon anyway.
* minigui's default theme has been slightly modified to use a different font on linux.
Note that dub currently gives a warning when you do dub test
about there being no import paths. Ignore this, it is meaningless.
lld-link: error: undefined symbol: _MsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx@20
>>> referenced by core.obj:(__D4arsd4core27CoreEventLoopImplementation7runOnceMFZv)
Indicates a missing user32.lib
in the link. This should generally be automatic but if not, you can simply mention it on the dmd command line (like dmd yourfile.d
) or add it to an explicit dub config libs
Errors like:
lld-link: error: undefined symbol: _D4arsd4core21AsyncOperationRequest5startMFZv
>> referenced by yourfile.obj:(_D4arsd4core21AsyncOperationRequest6__vtblZ)
Generally, any symbol that starts with _D4arsd4core
indicates a missing core.d
in the build. Make sure you have it downloaded and included.
Still coming
11.0 focused on getting breaking changes in before the deadline. Some additive features that had to be deferred will be coming in 11.1 and beyond, including, but not limited to:
* simpleaudio synthesis
* game.d reorganization (11.0 marks it broken, then it will restablize later)
* minigui drag and drop
* simpledisplay touch
* ssl server for cgi.d
* tui helpers
* database improvements if I can do it without breakage, if it has major breakage, I'll leave it to 12.0.
* click and drag capture behavior in minigui and the terminal emulator widget in particular
* more dox
* i should prolly rewrite the script.d parser someday but maybe that will be a 12.0 thing
Released: May 2021
minigui 2.0 came out with deprecations on some event properties, moved style properties, and various other changes. See for details.
database.d now considers null strings as NULL when inserting/updating. before it would consider it '' to the database. Empty strings are still ''.
Released: December 2020
simpledisplay's OperatingSystemFont, which is also used by terminalemulator.d (which is used by terminal.d's -version=TerminalDirectToEmulator function) would previously only load X Core Fonts. It now prefers TrueType fonts via Xft. This loads potentially different fonts and the sizes are interpreted differently, so you may need to adjust your preferences there. To restore previous behavior, prefix your font name strings with "core:".
http2.d's "connection refused" handler used to throw an exception for any pending connection. Now it instead just sets that connection to aborted
and carries on with other ones. When you are doing a request, be sure to check response.code
. It may be < 100 if connection refused and other errors. You should already have been checking the http response code, but now some things that were exceptions are now codes, so it is even more important to check this properly.
8.0 Released: June 2020
7.0 and 6.0 Released: March 2020 (these were changes to the terminal.d virtual methods, tag 6.0 was a mistake, i pressed it too early)
5.0 Released: January 2019
4.0 and 3.0 Released: July 2019 and June 2019, respectively. These had to do with dub subpackage configuration changes IIRC.
2.0 Released (first use of semver tagging, before this I would only push to master): March 2018
April 2016: simpledisplay and terminal renamed to arsd.simpledisplay and arsd.terminal
September 2015: simpledisplay started to depend on color.d instead of being standalone
Joined dub (tagged 1.0): June 2015
Joined github: July 2011
Started project on my website: 2008
Thanks go to Nick Sabalausky, Trass3r, Stanislav Blinov, ketmar, maartenvd, and many others over the years for input and patches.
Several of the modules are also ports of other C code, see the comments in those files for their original authors.
Many http-based functions in the lib also support unix sockets as an alternative to tcp.
With cgi.d, use
--host unix:/path/here
or, on Linux:
--host abstract:/path/here
after compiling with -version=embedded_httpd_thread
to serve http on the given socket. (abstract:
does a unix socket in the Linux-specific abstract namespace).
With http2.d, use
any time you are constructing a client. Note that navigateTo
may lose the unix socket unless you specify it again.
- Registered by Adam D. Ruppe
- 11.5.3 released 4 months ago
- adamdruppe/arsd
- BSL-1.0
- Authors:
- Sub packages:
- arsd-official:core, arsd-official:simpledisplay, arsd-official:minigui, arsd-official:nanovega, arsd-official:minigui-nanovega, arsd-official:minigui-terminal_emulator_widget, arsd-official:minigui-color_dialog, arsd-official:minigui-datetime_picker, arsd-official:minigui-webview, arsd-official:textlayouter, arsd-official:gamehelpers, arsd-official:game, arsd-official:joystick, arsd-official:fibersocket, arsd-official:email, arsd-official:mailserver, arsd-official:image_files, arsd-official:imageresize, arsd-official:simpleaudio, arsd-official:midi, arsd-official:midiplayer, arsd-official:nukedopl3, arsd-official:mp3, arsd-official:vorbis, arsd-official:wav, arsd-official:svg, arsd-official:jpeg, arsd-official:png, arsd-official:bmp, arsd-official:ico, arsd-official:htmltotext, arsd-official:dom, arsd-official:rss, arsd-official:characterencodings, arsd-official:argon2, arsd-official:cgi, arsd-official:mysql, arsd-official:postgres, arsd-official:sqlite, arsd-official:mssql, arsd-official:http, arsd-official:jsvar, arsd-official:jni, arsd-official:script, arsd-official:webtemplate, arsd-official:terminal, arsd-official:terminalemulator, arsd-official:pixmappaint, arsd-official:pixmaprecorder, arsd-official:pixmappresenter, arsd-official:ttf, arsd-official:color_base, arsd-official:database_base, arsd-official:libssh2_bindings, arsd-official:eventloop, arsd-official:archive
- Dependencies:
- none
- Versions:
11.5.3 2024-Oct-10 11.5.2 2024-Sep-17 11.5.1 2024-Aug-12 11.5.0 2024-Aug-12 11.4.2 2024-Feb-13 - Download Stats:
30 downloads today
585 downloads this week
2716 downloads this month
358636 downloads total
- Score:
- 5.0
- Short URL: