bc-string 1.4.0

Various string structures and utilities useable in @nogc or betterC code (RCString, String, TempCString, format, ...)

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Set of utilities to help working with strings in a @nogc or betterC codes.

It uses parts of druntime or phobos for betterC builds to allow otherwise impossible compilation or problems with @nogc uses.


This module contains @nogc formatter with a compile time format specifier parser.

  • doesn't have problems with Nullable - see issue 17269
  • can be used with any Nullable like type defining a common interface (isNull, nullify, get) - ie mir.algebraic.Nullable
  • can format exception backtrace (currently on Linux only) - and not in betterC as there are none
  • can be used to determine resulting string size (ie for preallocations)
  • can be used to format texts for asserts or format something in class destructors while being cleaned up by GC, etc.

Note: It's not feature complete compared to std.format.format, but pretty close (can be improved, but it's just ok for logging purposes).

Main functions are:

  • nogcFormatTo - formats text to the provided sink (must be @nogc)
  • nogcFormat - formats text to internally stored static String - content is replaced on each use
  • getFormatSize - gets size needed to format the text with a provided arguments


import bc.core.memory;
import bc.internal.utf : byCodeUnit;
import core.stdc.string : strlen;
import std.algorithm : filter;
import std.range : chunks;

assert(nogcFormat!"abcd abcd" == "abcd abcd");
assert(nogcFormat!"123456789a" == "123456789a");
version (D_NoBoundsChecks) {}
else version (D_BetterC) {}
    () @trusted
        import core.exception : RangeError;
        import std.exception : assertThrown;
        char[5] buf;

// literal escape
assert(nogcFormat!"123 %%" == "123 %");
assert(nogcFormat!"%%%%" == "%%");

// %d
assert(nogcFormat!"%d"(1234) == "1234");
assert(nogcFormat!"%4d"(42) == "  42");
assert(nogcFormat!"%04d"(42) == "0042");
assert(nogcFormat!"%04d"(-42) == "-042");
assert(nogcFormat!"ab%dcd"(1234) == "ab1234cd");
assert(nogcFormat!"ab%d%d"(1234, 56) == "ab123456");

// %x
assert(nogcFormat!"0x%x"(0x1234) == "0x1234");

// %p
assert(nogcFormat!("%p")(0x1234) == "0000000000001234");

// %s
assert(nogcFormat!"12345%s"("12345") == "1234512345");
assert(nogcFormat!"12345%s"(12345) == "1234512345");
enum Floop {XXX, YYY, ZZZ}
assert(nogcFormat!"12345%s"(Floop.YYY) == "12345YYY");
char[4] str = "foo\0";
assert(nogcFormat!"%s"(&str[0]) == "foo");

version (D_BetterC) {} // can't import std.uuid in betterC
    import std.uuid;
        == "22390768-cced-325f-8f0f-cfeaa19d0ccd");

// array format
version (D_BetterC)
    int[] arr = (cast(int*)enforceMalloc(int.sizeof*10))[0..10];
    foreach (i; 0..10) arr[i] = i;
    scope (exit) pureFree(arr.ptr);
else auto arr = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9];

assert(nogcFormat!"foo %(%d %)"(arr[1..4]) == "foo 1 2 3");
assert(nogcFormat!"foo %-(%d %)"(arr[1..4]) == "foo 1 2 3");
assert(nogcFormat!"foo %(-%d-%|, %)"(arr[1..4]) == "foo -1-, -2-, -3-");
assert(nogcFormat!"%(0x%02x %)"(arr[1..4]) == "0x01 0x02 0x03");
assert(nogcFormat!"%(%(%d %)\n%)"(arr[1..$].chunks(3)) == "1 2 3\n4 5 6\n7 8 9");

// range format
auto r = arr.filter!(a => a < 5);
assert(nogcFormat!"%s"(r) == "[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]");

// Arg num
assert(!__traits(compiles, nogcFormat!"abc"(5)));
assert(!__traits(compiles, nogcFormat!"%d"()));
assert(!__traits(compiles, nogcFormat!"%d a %d"(5)));

// Format error
assert(!__traits(compiles, nogcFormat!"%"()));
assert(!__traits(compiles, nogcFormat!"abcd%d %"(15)));
assert(!__traits(compiles, nogcFormat!"%$"(1)));
assert(!__traits(compiles, nogcFormat!"%d"("hello")));
assert(!__traits(compiles, nogcFormat!"%x"("hello")));

assert(nogcFormat!"Hello %s"(5) == "Hello 5");

struct Foo { int x, y; }
assert(nogcFormat!("Hello %s")(Foo(1, 2)) == "Hello Foo(x=1, y=2)");

version (D_BetterC)
    struct Nullable(T) // can't be instanciated in betterC - fake just for the UT
        T get() { return T.init; }
        bool isNull() { return true; }
        void nullify() {}
else import std.typecons : Nullable;
struct Msg { Nullable!string foo; }
assert(nogcFormat!"%s"(Msg.init) == "Msg(foo=null)");

Example formating current stack (no betterC and linux only):

import bc.core.system.backtrace : TraceInfo;
printf("%s\n", nogcFormat!"where am i: %s"(TraceInfo.current).ptr);


Just a helper to determine required number of digits of integral numbers - numDigits.


assert(numDigits(0) == 1);
assert(numDigits(11) == 2);
assert(numDigits(-1) == 2);

assert(numDigits(int.min) == 11);
assert(numDigits(int.max) == 10);
assert(numDigits(long.min) == 20);
assert(numDigits(long.max) == 19);
assert(numDigits(ulong.min) == 1);
assert(numDigits(ulong.max) == 20);


String holding structures for various usecases. Has char, wchar and dchar variants. All has leading \0 character so can be used as a C string as is without the need to use toStringz.

  • TempCString - temporary zero terminated string - inspired by not visible std.internal.cstring.TempCStringBuffer
  • RCString - refcounted string that can be passed as needed and is freed with last instance
  • String - non copyable variant that can be only moved (passing ownership)
  • dedent - CT variant of std.string.outdent that can be used to directly outdent string literals in CT (ie when writing in code indented SQL commands)


string str2 = "abc";

// Intended usage
assert(strlen(str2.tempCString()) == 3);

// Correct usage
auto tmp = str2.tempCString();
assert(strlen(tmp) == 3); // or `tmp.ptr`, or `tmp.buffPtr`

// Incorrect usage
auto pInvalid1 = str2.tempCString().ptr;
const char* pInvalid2 = str2.tempCString();

RCString rcs;
rcs ~= "fo";
rcs ~= 'o';
rcs ~= "bar";
rcs ~= "baz".byCodeUnit.filter!(a => a == 'z');
assert(rcs.length == "foobarz".length);
assert(rcs.data == "foobarz");
assert(rcs == "foobarz");
assert(rcs.ptr == &rcs.data[0]);
assert((rcs.ptr["foobarz".length]) == 0);

// construction from write like params
rcs = RCString.from("foo", 42, "bar");
assert(rcs == "foo42bar");

auto ss = String("Hello");
assert(ss[] == "Hello", s[]);
ss ~= " String";
assert(ss[] == "Hello String", ss[]);
auto ss2 = ss.clone();
assert(ss[] == ss2[]);
assert(ss.ptr != ss2.ptr);

auto ss3 = ss.move();
assert(ss.length == 0);
assert(ss3 == "Hello String");

enum indented = `
        SELECT foo, bar, baz
            FROM foos
            WHERE id=ANY($1) AND type_id IN (
                SELECT id FROM bars WHERE owner=$2

enum dedented =
            "SELECT foo, bar, baz\n" ~
            "    FROM foos\n" ~
            "    WHERE id=ANY($1) AND type_id IN (\n" ~
            "        SELECT id FROM bars WHERE owner=$2\n" ~

assert(dedent!indented == dedented);
  • Tomáš Chaloupka
1.4.0 2023-May-15
1.3.3 2022-Jan-12
1.3.2 2021-Dec-06
1.3.1 2021-Oct-17
1.3.0 2021-Oct-12
Show all 12 versions
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