concepts 0.1.0

Concepts for D

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Concepts for D

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Template constraints in D are one the language's best features. However, when a constraint fails it can be hard to know why it failed. This library tries to remedy that by providing a way to specify that user-defined types are supposed to implement a compile-time interface, or concept. An example would be isInputRange. If you happen to, say, spell empty as empt by mistake your type would not be an input range, but you wouldn't know why that's the case even though the compiler does. The fix is to use models, which can be used as a UDA or in a static assert:

import concepts.models: models;

void checkFoo(T)()
    T t = T.init;;

enum isFoo(T) = is(typeof(checkFoo!T));

@models!(Foo, isFoo) //as a UDA
struct Foo
    void foo() {}
    static assert(models!(Foo, isFoo)); //as a static assert

// can still be used as a template constraint:
void useFoo(T)(auto ref T foo) if(isFoo!T) {


Here a template constraint isFoo is guaranteed to be true for type Foo. The difference between this and a regular static assert is that when the predicate fails the code for checkFoo is instantiated anyway so that the user knows why it failed to compile. Example error message with dmd 2.074:

source/concepts/models.d(111,10): Error: no property 'foo' for type 'Foo', did you mean 'fo'?
source/concepts/models.d-mixin-42(42,1): Error: template instance concepts.models.checkFoo!(Foo) error instantiating
source/concepts/models.d(61,6):        instantiated from here: models!(Foo, isFoo)

This library also implements its own versions of the range template constraints from Phobos so that they can be used with models:

import concepts: models, isInputRange;

@models!(Foo, isInputRange)
struct Foo {
    // ...

Example error message with dmd 2.074 (having implemented front and popFront but not empty):

source/concepts/range.d(13,10): Error: template std.range.primitives.empty cannot deduce function from argument types !()(B), candidates are:
/usr/include/dlang/dmd/std/range/primitives.d(2043,16):        std.range.primitives.empty(T)(in T[] a)
source/concepts/models.d-mixin-42(42,1): Error: template instance concepts.range.checkInputRange!(B) error instantiating
source/concepts/range.d(72,6):        instantiated from here: models!(B, isInputRange)

Using a D interface to specify compile-time template constraints

interface IFoo {
    int foo(int i, string s) @safe;
    double lefoo(string s) @safe;

@implements!(Foo, IFoo)
struct Foo {
    int foo(int i, string s) @safe { return 0; }
    double lefoo(string s) @safe { return 0; }

// doesn't compile
@implements!(Oops, IFoo)
struct Oops {}

Other examples

Contraining a struct to not have member functions (credit to @jmh530):

void checkOnlyData(T)()
    if (is(T == struct))
    import std.traits : isFunction;

    static foreach (mem; __traits(allMembers, T))
        static if (mem != "this")
            static assert(!(isFunction!(__traits(getMember, T.init, mem))),
                          T.stringof ~ " is constrained to not have any member functions, but it has (at least) the member function: " ~ mem);

template isOnlyData(T)
    if (is(T == struct))
    enum isOnlyData = is(typeof(checkOnlyData!(T)));

@models!(Foo, isOnlyData)
struct Foo
    int a;

Foo foo;
  • Atila Neves
0.1.0 2023-Feb-07
0.0.9 2022-Oct-04
0.0.8 2018-Nov-11
0.0.7 2017-Sep-02
0.0.6 2017-May-04
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