covered 1.0.0-rc.2

Processes output of code coverage analysis

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

Covered Page on DUBLicenseBuild StatusBuild status

Covered processes output of code coverage analysis performed by the D programming language compiler (DMD/LDC/GDC).


Usage:	covered <options> files dirs

Covered processes output of code coverage analysis performed by the D programming language compiler (DMD/LDC/GDC)

Every option below works with any number of files/directories specified in command line.
If nothing is specified, it looks for '*.lst' files in current working directory

-c  --coverage Reports code coverage (default)
-s    --source Shows source code, number of executions of each line, and it's code coverage
-b     --blame Shows list of files ordered by code coverage
-a   --average Reports average code coverage across all passed files
-v   --verbose Verbose output
-h    --hidden When directory is passed, looks for hidden files as well (default: false)
-r --recursive When directory is passed, looks for *.lst files recursively (default: false)
-h      --help This help information.


$ dub fetch covered # Downloads covered
$ dub run covered # Runs covered

Available options and examples

--coverage - Prints code coverage for each passed file (default option)

$ ./covered sample/hello.lst
hello.d is 100.00% covered

--source - Shows source code, number of executions of each line and it's code coverage

$ ./covered --source sample/hello.lst
| File: sample/hello.lst
| Source file: hello.d
| Coverage: 100.00%
import std.stdio;

void main() {
        writeln("Hello world!");

--blame - Shows list of files ordered by coverage

$ ./covered --blame sample/hello.lst
                                           hello.d | 100.00%

--average - Shows average total coverage of all passed files

$ ./covered --average sample/hello.lst
Average: 100.00%

Performing code coverage analysis with DUB:

$ dub -b unittest-cov

This command will build and run your DUB project. Your program will create many *.lst files in your working dir. Covered uses those files:

$ dub run covered

You can pass aditional options to covered after --:

$ dub run covered -- --help

Performing code coverage analysis like a pro:

Running dub -b unittest-cov leads to some problems:

  1. It pollutes your working directory with tons of *.lst files.
  2. Built-in unittests are not that useful. Failed unittest exits program, so it is impossible to say, how many of them have been failed.
  3. Built-in asserts, which are used in unittest blocks, are not that useful. assert just throws if value is not true, so it is very hard to say, why assertion failed.

Those problems doesn't make development impossible, but harder and slower.

Moving *.lst files into separate directory:

Add this code to your app:

version(D_Coverage) shared static this() {
	import core.runtime : dmd_coverDestPath;
	import std.file : exists, mkdir;

	enum COVPATH = "coverage";

	if(!COVPATH.exists) // Compiler won't create this directory
		COVPATH.mkdir; // That's why it should be done manually
	dmd_coverDestPath(COVPATH); // Now all *.lst files are written into ./coverage/ directory

Do not forget to add ./coverage directory into your .gitignore:


Ta-Da! Your working directory is no longer polluted

Use cool unit-testing library

There are lots of them, but I will describe use of unit-threaded.

1. Add entry to dub.json
"configurations": [
	{ "name": "executable" },
		"name": "unittest",
		"targetType": "executable",
		"preBuildCommands": [
			"dub run unit-threaded -c gen_ut_main -- -f .dub/ut.d"
		"mainSourceFile": ".dub/ut.d",
		"dependencies": {
			"unit-threaded": "~>0.7.28",
			"fluent-asserts": "~>0.6.1"
		"targetPath": ".dub/",
		"targetName": "unittester"

If you want to use it and move *.lst into separate directory, copy it's code into some file (cov.d, for example), and add to your dub.json:

"configurations": [
	{ "name": "executable" },
		"name": "unittest",
		"sourceFiles": ["cov.d"]
2. Use it!
$ dub test

Will run unittests with help of unit_threaded. Go to it's documentation for more information.

Use fluent-asserts instead of built-in assertions.

Just use fluent-asserts. And again, go to it's documentation for more.

Put it all together!

$ dub -b unittest-cov -c unittest

Will build and run your application with all *.lst files moved into ./coverage directory, unittests runned in parallel, and nice messages if something goes wrong.

$ dub run covered -- ./coverage

That's it! Now you're performing code coverage analysis like a pro! Take a cookie: :cookie:

  • Anton Fediushin
1.0.2 2019-Mar-17
1.0.1 2018-Jul-08
1.0.0 2018-Jun-20
1.0.0-rc.2 2017-Aug-30
1.0.0-rc.1 2017-Aug-04
Show all 17 versions
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