aurorafw 0.0.1-alpha.4

A Powerful General Purpose Framework

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

<p align="center"><img src=""></p>

Aurora Framework Codacy Badge Code Coverage


Aurora is a Software Framework for General Purpose developed by Luís Ferreira that runs in all platforms, like Windows NT and *NIX Environments such as Linux and Apple Systems. It includes libraries to make code easier to use.


Build Status for LinuxBuild Status for WindowsBuild Status for macOS


Meet our team here .

Want to contribute? Great! Make a pull request on my github repository.


1$ is what you need to support the main developer of Aurora Framework. With this money you help me to buy 1 coffee per month! More coffee equals more code, so, lets donate!


GNU Lesser General Public License (Version 3, 29 June 2007)

OSI <img src="" alt="Open Source Hardware Association" width="120">

More details coming soon. It's freedom, it's [opensource](! This document was written with GitHub Flavored Markdown and Emoji

Made with ❤ by a bunch of geeks

License Discord Server

  • Luís Ferreira
  • Filipe Laíns
  • Ricardo Subtil
Sub packages:
aurorafw:core, aurorafw:cli, aurorafw:math, aurorafw:audio, aurorafw:image, aurorafw:graphics, aurorafw:gui, aurorafw:net, aurorafw:metadata, aurorafw:stdx, aurorafw:unit, aurorafw:entity
aurorafw:stdx, aurorafw:core, aurorafw:entity, aurorafw:image, aurorafw:metadata, aurorafw:audio, aurorafw:graphics, aurorafw:net, aurorafw:gui, aurorafw:unit, aurorafw:math, aurorafw:cli
0.0.1-alpha.4 2019-Dec-08
0.0.1-alpha.3 2019-Sep-24
0.0.1-alpha.2 2018-Jul-27
0.0.1-alpha.1 2018-May-11
~master 2020-Oct-29
Show all 7 versions
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