Welcome to DUB, the D package registry. The following list shows all available packages:

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Name Last update Score Registered Description
sizefmt 0.3.1, 9 years ago 1.32014-Oct-26A small library to format file sizes.
enet-tutorials 0.1.0, 10 years ago 1.52014-Oct-24D ENet client/server tutorials
logging 0.3.0, 10 years ago 0.52014-Oct-20simple logging library
endovena 0.3.4, 7 years ago 1.72014-Oct-18Simple D Dependency Injection Framework
derelict-cuda 3.1.1, 7 years ago 1.92014-Oct-16A dynamic binding to the CUDA API.
udis86-d 1.7.2-1, 10 years ago 0.22014-Oct-15udis86 disassembler library wrapper
dfl2 1.0.7, 10 years ago 0.92014-Oct-14dfl2 is a GUI library for Windows,now it can be built by dco, DUB or Visual Studio .NET(such as VS…
ddparser 0.0.1, 10 years ago 1.22014-Oct-14D language port for dparser
qcheck 0.1.1, 6 years ago 0.92014-Oct-14A library for automatic randomized testing.
librsvg-d 0.0.4, 10 years ago 0.42014-Oct-13rsvg bindings and wrappers for the D programming language.
fcgi-loop 1.2.2, 9 years ago 0.32014-Oct-13Simple interface to FCGI
interfacing 0.0.2, 10 years ago 0.02014-Oct-11A webgui library
despiker 0.1.3, 10 years ago 0.02014-Oct-10Real-time frame-based profiler for D
tharsis-dimgui 0.1.10, 9 years ago 1.42014-Oct-09A fork of dimgui used in Tharsis and related projects
diet-coffee 0.1.0, 10 years ago 1.12014-Oct-06Diet filter plugin for coffescript.
d-blosc 1.4.1-2, 10 years ago 0.72014-Oct-06Deimos Bindings for d-blosc.
nbodysim 0.2.0, 10 years ago 1.02014-Sep-30A multicore n Body problem simulator
storageclassutils 0.1.1, 10 years ago 0.72014-Sep-30tools for wrapping and unwrapping storage classes such as ref
pgator-backend 0.2.5, 9 years ago 1.02014-Sep-26Lightweight wrapper for PostgreSQL with binary protocol conversion to BSON and asynchronous connec…
libhell 0.1.1, 10 years ago 0.02014-Sep-25A game framework based on SDL2

Displaying results 2161 to 2180 of 2454 packages found.

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