Welcome to DUB, the D package registry. The following list shows all available packages:

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Name Last update Score Registered Description
allegro 4.0.6+5.2.0, a year ago 2.92014-Sep-12D binding to the Allegro5 game development library
almeida 0.0.2, 3 years ago 0.82021-Jul-09A minimal D application.
alpm-d 0.0.2, 4 years ago 0.42018-Jul-25D bindings to Pacman's (lib) ALPM
alsa-lib 1.0.1+, 8 years ago 0.92016-Jan-24Deimos Bindings for ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) library.
amalthea 1.7.1, a month ago 0.02021-Jul-14Linux-specific general purpose library
amazonlogin-d 0.1.0, 7 years ago 0.42017-Feb-09Amazon Login Api for D
anansi 0.0.4, 5 years ago 1.22014-Jul-07A BGL-like graph handling library in D.
anchovy 0.8.3, 9 years ago 1.72014-Feb-12Set of multimedia libraries for games and gui applications
androidlogger 0.0.19, 2 years ago 0.02017-Jul-09An experimental logger outputting android style logs.
animated 0.1.3, 9 years ago 1.02015-Mar-08An animation library, written in D, based loosely upon the animation framework used in Android.
ansi ~master, 8 years ago 0.02016-Apr-05Functions for manipulating a terminal through ANSI escape codes.
antispam 0.1.7, 4 months ago 3.62013-Aug-21Spam message filter engines
antlr-d 1.8.3, 4 years ago 0.32018-Jun-27ANTLR4 runtime library
apache-thrift 0.20.0, 4 months ago 2.52018-Dec-27Apache Thrift D library
apn-d ~master, 7 years ago 0.92013-Dec-27Apple Push Notification (apn) service for D using vibe.d (roughly based on node-apn)
appbase 0.1.33, 11 months ago 1.02019-Aug-01App public infrastructure.
applogger 0.0.6, 2 years ago 0.32022-Apr-08Shared logger with colors
ar80 1.0.0, 3 years ago 1.02021-Jun-09CP/M and MS-DOS library archiver.
archive 0.7.1, a year ago 2.62014-Jul-29An archive library that supports zip, tar, and targz written entirely in D (with underlying gz imp…
archttp 1.1.1, 2 years ago 1.52022-May-11A highly performant web framework written in D.
arff 0.2.0, 6 years ago 0.52017-Oct-22An ARFF (Attribute Relation File Format) loader.
argon 0.0.1, 7 years ago 0.42017-Oct-21Argon html template rendering library.
argparse 1.3.0, a year ago 2.32021-Jun-25Parser for command-line arguments
argsd 1.1.0, 3 years ago 1.62017-May-16A command line argument ( args) and config file parser
arith-eval 0.5.1, 6 years ago 0.52016-Jun-24A minimal math expression evaluation library.
armos 0.2.6, 7 years ago 2.02016-Jan-23Armos is a free and open source library for creative coding in D programming language.
arrogant 0.3.0, 5 years ago 1.42018-Jun-13Fully conformant HTML5 dom library with CSS4 selectors.
arsd-clone 1.2.2, 7 years ago 0.42017-Dec-10A container of various subpackages that do lots of different things. You should use one of the sub…
arsd-official 11.4.2, 5 months ago 4.52015-Jun-01Subpackage collection for web, database, terminal ui, gui, scripting, and more with a commitment t…
artemisd ~master, 9 years ago 1.72013-Oct-07A D port of Artemis Entity System Framework
arturo 0.3.9, 5 years ago 2.22019-Sep-27Simple, modern and powerful interpreted programming language for super-fast scripting
asciitable 0.0.14, 2 years ago 0.82018-Jan-28A simple asciitable.
asdf 0.7.17, a year ago 3.72016-May-02Fast, Expressive, and Easy to use JSON Serialization Library with optional SSE4 Optimization.
ashd 0.8.0, 7 years ago 0.32017-Jul-29A port of Ash to D
aslike 0.4.0, 4 years ago 0.62020-Jul-11Duck-typing with check interface
asn1 2.4.3, 6 years ago 1.62018-Jan-18ASN.1 encoding and decoding with support for BER, CER, and DER
assert_that 0.0.4, 8 years ago 0.52016-Dec-04An assert function with pattern matching
async 0.2.11, 2 years ago 2.22018-May-06A cross-platform event loop library of asynchroneous network sockets.
asynchronous 0.6.8, 6 years ago 2.02015-Apr-25Asynchronous library for D
atelier ~main, 11 days ago 0.32018-Sep-29Moteur 2D pour Grimoire
ath 1.0.0, 2 years ago 0.52022-Jul-05ANSI to HTML converter
atlas 1.0.2, 2 months ago 0.32024-Mar-24Rectangle packer/texture atlas generator, compatible with BetterC, @nogc, and nothrow.
atmosphere 0.1.7, 9 years ago 1.12015-Apr-03Statistical package
atomized 1.0.0, 6 years ago 0.72018-Dec-15An HTTP request/response builder/parser.
atrox-radixsort 1.0.0, 3 years ago 0.62021-Apr-06radix sort - fast sorting method for fixed length values
audio-formats 3.0.2, 5 months ago 0.92020-Mar-18Streaming decoding support for popular audio formats.
audiodb 1.0.0, 2 years ago 0.32022-Jul-14TheAudioDB API client
aurora-directx 12.1.2+10.0.17763.0, 4 years ago 1.62018-Apr-16DirectX Interfaces for Aurora
aurorafw 0.0.1-alpha.4, 5 years ago 1.42018-May-12A Powerful General Purpose Framework
autoformat 1.0.0, 2 years ago 0.62019-Oct-14Autoformatter of source code with git hooks
autoimpl 1.1.1, 2 years ago 0.02022-Aug-05Library which auto impemetation solutions
autointf 1.2.0, 6 years ago 0.32018-Sep-04Auto interface implementation generator.
autoloader 0.1.0, 8 years ago 0.42016-Jan-25An automatic class-loader for D.
autoloader-pub ~master, 4 years ago 0.32020-Sep-09An automatic class-loader for D.
automapper 1.1.0, 5 years ago 0.62019-Jan-15D automapper
automem 0.6.10, 3 months ago 4.72017-Mar-14Automatic memory management
autoptr 1.0.0-rc.3, 2 years ago 1.02021-Jul-25Smart pointers.
autowrap 0.9.0, a month ago 1.52018-Apr-18Wrap existing D code for use in other languages
avaudioengine 1.0.15, 5 months ago 0.62023-Dec-13AVAudioEngine binding for D.
avgtime 0.5.0, 10 years ago 2.02014-Nov-10Like unix 'time' command, but with repetitions, median, std deviation.
avro-d 0.2.10, 2 years ago 0.52022-Mar-09Library and code generators to use Apache Avro in D.
awebview 0.9.1, 9 years ago 0.92015-Mar-14Awesomium wrapper and WebView GUI library for D programming language.
aws 1.1.11, 2 years ago 0.92021-Jul-15aws client services
aws-d-metadata 0.0.1, 10 years ago 0.62014-Jul-28Library to fetch meta data of an ec2 instance from within a vide.d application.
aws-lambda-d 0.1.0, 5 years ago 0.62019-Nov-04D implementation of the AWS Lambda runtime.
awslambda_d 0.0.20, 8 years ago 0.52016-Mar-13Run D processes on Amazon AWS Lambda
backtrace-d 0.1.2, 8 years ago 1.82013-Nov-07Provides a pretty backtrace for D applications running under Linux
bamboo-d 0.5.0, 6 years ago 0.02018-Jun-04An implementation of the Bamboo/DClass format for the D Programming Language.
bancho-irc 0.7.0-beta.1, 3 years ago 2.02018-Feb-17osu! IRC & multiplayer lobby management library using vibe.d
barcode 0.6.1, 4 years ago 1.62017-Apr-07Bar code generators (EAN13, CODE39, CODE128, QrCode)
base32 0.2.0, 3 years ago 0.92015-Apr-24RFC 4648 base32 encoding / decoding.
basic-string 1.0.0-rc.2, 2 years ago 0.52021-Aug-06Mutable @nogc string struct using `std.experimental.allocator` for allocations.
bass 0.1.3, a year ago 0.42023-Jul-03Binding for BASS audio library.
batch-engine 0.0.2, 10 years ago 1.92013-Dec-01An educational 2D Game Engine ECS based.
battery-d 0.0.2, 7 years ago 0.32017-Feb-19Simple way to get battery info
baussini 0.0.2, 9 years ago 0.62015-Jan-23Advanced, simple to use, thread-safe by choice inifile wrapper.
bc-string 1.4.0, a year ago 3.62020-Dec-23Various string structures and utilities useable in @nogc or betterC code (RCString, String, TempCS…
bcaa 0.0.9, 2 years ago 3.52020-Feb-13Simple associative array implementation for D (-betterC)
bdb2d 5.3.28, 7 years ago 0.32016-Sep-29BerkeleyDB to D bindings.
bdd 3.1.0, 3 years ago 0.02017-Feb-21Behavior Driven Development testing framework for the D programming language
bdwgc-d 0.2.3, 34 days ago 0.02024-Apr-25bdwgc - D bindings
beangle-micdn 0.1.2, 7 months ago 1.22020-Jun-22A minimal CDN.
bearlibterminal 1.5.5, 6 years ago 1.42017-Feb-14D bindings to the wonderful BearLibTerminal.
bed 0.0.5, 10 years ago 0.02014-Jul-31Small BDD testing framework for D.
beep 0.0.2, 5 years ago 1.92018-Sep-11Advanced assertion library
behaviortree 0.5.0, 7 years ago 0.52017-Apr-25This models the components of a behaviour tree
belleglade 1.0.0, 3 years ago 0.52021-Oct-31a tool to make working with GtkD and glade easier by generating a D class that connects handlers t…
ben-eater-8bit-emulator 1.0.0, 6 years ago 0.02018-Sep-01An emulator for the 8-bit computer built by [Ben Eater](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCS0N5baNl…
benchquark 0.8.0, 5 years ago 0.52019-Nov-04SAOC 2019 designs
bencode 1.0.1, 7 years ago 0.52017-Apr-16bencode parser/deserializer and serializer
bert-d 0.1.1, a year ago 0.02023-May-20D bindings to bert.cpp
bessel 3.1.6, 9 years ago 0.72014-Dec-25R bessel functions
besterd 0.0.11, 4 years ago 0.02020-May-02Bester protocol daemon.
betterc 0.2.2, 4 years ago 1.52018-Oct-23Frequently used primitives suitable for use in the BetterC D subset
betterc-interface 1.0.1, a year ago 0.82023-Jan-02Interfaces and Dynamic Casts for betterC classes.
betterclist 0.2.2, 3 years ago 0.92020-Dec-22Dynamic list backed by array compatible with betterC
bettercmath 0.3.1, 3 years ago 0.92020-Dec-233D math library compatible with betterC
bf-ctfe 1.1.0, 7 years ago 1.02017-Jul-30A CTFE BrainFuck Interpreter in D
bformat 5.0.0, 9 months ago 0.22023-Mar-25A simple message format for automatically length-prefixing messages over any socket or stream
bfvm 0.1.1, 6 years ago 0.52018-Dec-23A virtual machine for BrainFuck that supports mocked input, argument passing, silent mode and cycl…

Displaying results 21 to 120 of 2480 packages found.

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