Welcome to DUB, the D package registry. The following list shows all available packages:

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Name Last update Score Registered Description
vibe-json-log 0.1.2, 5 years ago 0.52019-Jun-18A JSON based logger for vibe-core.
tlscheme2json 1.0.4, 5 years ago 0.52019-May-04A TLScheme generator for Json
subdox 0.1.0, 8 years ago 0.52016-Feb-22Generate documentation for an application written in D using DDOX and Jekyll
acd-versions 1.0.4, 2 years ago 0.52021-Dec-09Treat D versions as boolean expressions.
deslog 0.3.0, 9 years ago 0.52015-May-30D Extended Set Logging System
derelict-as 0.0.1, 6 years ago 0.52018-Jul-06Unofficial Derelict binding for Angelscript
blink1-d 0.2.1, 3 years ago 0.52020-Nov-07D wrapper for blink1-lib, a library for interfacing with the Blink(1) USB RGB LED
phidget_binding 0.1.0, 7 years ago 0.52017-Mar-13A binding to Phidgets c API
salsa20 0.0.1, 2 years ago 0.52022-Jan-03Minimal implementation of Salsa20 cipher algorithm
libasound-d 2.0.0, a year ago 0.52023-May-30D bindings for ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) libasound2 library.
shogi-d 0.0.1, 5 years ago 0.52019-Apr-27A shogi board lib.
farbfelded 0.0.1, 3 years ago 0.52021-Jan-07Minimal reusable library for Farbfeld image format
dnsmadeeasy ~master, 9 years ago 0.52015-Oct-12dlang implementation for dnsmadeeasy API
enumcons 0.1.0, a year ago 0.52023-Feb-01Type-safe extensible enums without classes. @nogc nothrow pure @safe
data-mnist 1.0.0, 7 years ago 0.52017-Nov-25Download MNIST dataset.
nudelo 0.2.1, 7 years ago 0.52017-Nov-14Simple command-line HTML minifier
math-primes 0.1.1, 5 years ago 0.52019-Nov-24Some utilities related to prime numbers
selflinoin 0.0.2, 9 years ago 0.52015-Apr-22A tiny helper to write a compilation error message as well as dmd
sprite_sheet_breaker 1.0.3, 2 years ago 0.52022-Oct-09A tool to break sprite sheets into individual textures written in D
libtidy-d 1.22.0, 9 years ago 0.52015-Apr-27D bindings to libtidy.
scrapd 1.1.0, 5 years ago 0.52019-Mar-02Scrapbox
derelict-sass 2.0.0, 9 years ago 0.52015-Jan-22Dynamic bindings to libsass.
queue 1.0.0, 6 years ago 0.52018-Mar-14A Queue internally on an SList.
pwcheck 0.1.0, 4 years ago 0.52020-Mar-13Check a Unix system for weak /etc/shadow passwords
trial-razer 0.1.1, 6 years ago 0.52018-Mar-10A trial plugin that use the Razer Chroma LEDs to display the test results
indexed-relation 0.0.1, 6 years ago 0.52018-Feb-23In-memory indexed relations
libackis 1.0.4, 8 years ago 0.52013-Nov-20A D1/D2/Phobos/Phobos2 compatible library for communicating with Ackis2.0 compatible message routers
gl-with-types 1.0.0-alpha.3, 6 years ago 0.52018-Apr-16Wraps gl with a nice objects.
seed 1.4.0, 3 months ago 0.52023-Jan-11Command-line tool base library.
libsodium-crypto 0.1.0, 10 months ago 0.52022-Oct-17Libsodium-based cryptographic primitives, including Cruve25519, Blake2b, and Schnorr signatures
ip2whois-d 1.0.0, 14 days ago 0.52024-Jul-12IP2WHOIS D Library
bitstamp-d 0.1.1, 6 years ago 0.52018-Feb-11crypto currency trading platform integration based on vibe.d for bitstamp.
wg-monitor 1.0.0, 2 months ago 0.52024-May-04Wireguard monitor
dtd 0.0.1, 6 years ago 0.52018-Feb-09A D wrapper to TDLib (Telegram Database library)
mailjet-d 0.1.0, 6 years ago 0.52018-Apr-14D language wrapper using vibe.d to mailjet.com transactional mail: https://app.mailjet.com
pushdown 1.0.0, 2 years ago 0.52022-Sep-28Library to parse things via a pushdown automaton
vibe-rcon 1.1.0, 6 years ago 0.52017-Oct-04Source RCON Protocol implementation for vibe.d
xyz 1.1.0, 6 years ago 0.52018-Feb-09Syntax sugar for indexing the beginning of arrays `array[0]` can be accessed with `array.x` and th…
dserial 0.0.3, 10 months ago 0.52022-Sep-27A (linux) serial port implementation that supports blocking IO
unbound-control 0.0.4, a year ago 0.52023-Jan-02Wrapper for the Unbound DNS unbound-control
statsd4d 1.0.0-beta, 9 years ago 0.52015-Feb-15A statsd client for D
benchquark 0.8.0, 5 years ago 0.52019-Nov-04SAOC 2019 designs
d_simplex 0.0.1, 10 years ago 0.52014-Dec-25Nelder-Mead Simplex for the D Programming Language.
cst 1.0.4, 6 years ago 0.52018-Jan-30A simple template function to replace `cast`.
classutil 1.0.0, 2 years ago 0.52022-Dec-20Class/interface type checking utility for D
deadbeef 1.9.1, 6 years ago 0.52018-Jan-20Dlang bindings to DeaDBeeF plugin API
oras 2.2.0, 2 years ago 0.52022-Dec-06OCI Registry As Storage
structuresd 1.0.0-beta3, 7 years ago 0.52017-Dec-25Supporting different types and containers.
easysettings 0.4.0, 11 months ago 0.52018-Oct-16An easier way of saving and loading settings
lzwford 1.0.0, 5 years ago 0.52019-Oct-27libncompress binding for D

Displaying results 1711 to 1760 of 2480 packages found.

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