Welcome to DUB, the D package registry. The following list shows all available packages:
Name | Last update | Score | Registered | Description |
arsd-clone | 1.2.2, 7 years ago | 0.3 | 2017-Dec-10 | A container of various subpackages that do lots of different things. You should use one of the sub… |
dsurf | 0.5.0, 3 years ago | 0.3 | 2019-Dec-05 | Library for D programming language that provides tools to work with surfaces (2D grids) |
minibus | 0.0.1, 3 years ago | 0.3 | 2021-Mar-20 | Minimal Event Bus |
vix | 1.14.2, 7 years ago | 0.3 | 2017-Mar-22 | vmware vix library for D interface |
microrm2 | 0.8.3, a year ago | 0.3 | 2023-May-16 | Micro ORM for SQLite3 |
ui | 0.0.0, a year ago | 0.3 | 2023-Apr-11 | WIP |
i2d-wgpu | 0.16.0, a year ago | 0.3 | 2023-Mar-22 | D language binding to gfx-rs/wgpu |
jansson-d | 0.9.5-dev, 3 years ago | 0.3 | 2021-Apr-05 | jansson written in D. |
battery-d | 0.0.2, 7 years ago | 0.3 | 2017-Feb-19 | Simple way to get battery info |
rpi-gpio | 0.0.2, 5 years ago | 0.3 | 2019-Dec-29 | A project that helps with rpi gpio |
ashd | 0.8.0, 7 years ago | 0.3 | 2017-Jul-29 | A port of Ash to D |
readconf | 0.4.1, 8 months ago | 0.3 | 2023-Mar-24 | Singleton for simple reading of the configuration file |
topological-sort | 1.0.1, 7 years ago | 0.3 | 2017-Jul-19 | An implementation of topological sorting in D programming language |
maybe-d | 0.0.1, 10 years ago | 0.3 | 2014-May-25 | Provides a Maybe-like data type and helpers. |
atlas | 1.0.2, 5 months ago | 0.3 | 2024-Mar-24 | Rectangle packer/texture atlas generator, compatible with BetterC, @nogc, and nothrow. |
glue-dejector | 0.3.1, 4 years ago | 0.3 | 2020-Apr-08 | Proof of concept D Dependency Injection Framework |
vest-dini | 0.0.3, 2 years ago | 0.3 | 2018-May-04 | Dlang ini-configs |
wasm3-d | 0.1.0, 2 months ago | 0.3 | 2024-Aug-09 | D binding for Wasm3 |
decorated | 0.0.1-alpha, 2 years ago | 0.3 | 2022-Feb-01 | A D library implementation of Python's decorators |
drm | 0.0.2, 2 years ago | 0.3 | 2021-Aug-02 | Collection of D libs |
migemo-d | 0.0.1-dev, 5 years ago | 0.3 | 2019-Nov-26 | cmigemo written in D. |
zip | 0.1.0, 12 months ago | 0.3 | 2023-Oct-13 | Binding for a portable, simple zip library |
earcut-ctfe | 0.1.0, 9 months ago | 0.3 | 2024-Jan-06 | CTFE compatible D port (using GC) of the earcut polygon triangulation library. |
doppler | 0.0.1, a year ago | 0.3 | 2023-Sep-24 | D bindings for the Poppler PDF rendering library |
oceandrift-http | 0.24.312, 7 months ago | 0.3 | 2024-Mar-12 | HTTP application server |
darg-plus | 2.4.0, 3 years ago | 0.3 | 2019-Jul-04 | Robust command line argument parsing for D plus useful extensions. |
re-raylib-d | 3.0.6, 4 years ago | 0.3 | 2020-Jul-25 | D binding for Raylib |
jaypha-base | 1.0.6, 7 years ago | 0.3 | 2015-Apr-16 | Generic code and definitions used in many Jaypha projects. |
ninox-d_std | 1.7.7, 3 months ago | 0.3 | 2023-Jul-09 | A set of utilities |
dasfor | 1.1.2, 10 months ago | 0.3 | 2023-Nov-13 | A tiny library containing a slightly better string format function. |
wcwidth-cjk-compat | 1.0.2-dev, 3 years ago | 0.3 | 2021-Mar-07 | wcwidth-cjk written in pure D. |
soupply | 2.69.0, 6 years ago | 0.3 | 2018-Mar-12 | Automatically generated libraries for encoding and decoding Minecraft protocols |
libarow | 0.5.0, 9 years ago | 0.3 | 2015-Jun-02 | D implementation of AROW linear classification algorithm |
ffeedd | 1.1.2, a year ago | 0.3 | 2021-Jan-22 | RSS 2.0 and Atom 1.0 feed writer |
yxml | 0.1.4, 2 months ago | 0.3 | 2023-Dec-29 | XML parsing library, nothrow @nogc, XML subset. Port of yxml. |
webviewd | 1.0.0, 4 months ago | 0.3 | 2024-Jun-15 | D bindings for webview |
d_rss | 0.1.4, 9 years ago | 0.3 | 2015-Jan-04 | d_rss: D Programming Language bindings for libmRSS: RSS parser/creator |
diggler | 0.2.1, 9 years ago | 0.3 | 2013-Dec-06 | IRC bot framework |
xkeybin-d | 1.0.0, 8 years ago | 0.3 | 2016-Jan-02 | Interface for global keyboard shortcuts on X11 |
mpeg2 | 0.1.0, 7 years ago | 0.3 | 2017-Jul-29 | mpeg2 decoder |
dino | 0.1.0, 6 years ago | 0.3 | 2018-May-16 | Dino, indeed. |
dosimplex | 0.3.2-beta, 8 years ago | 0.3 | 2016-Feb-06 | D OpenSimplexNoise Implementation |
flod | 0.0.2, 8 years ago | 0.3 | 2016-Mar-13 | Another I/O and multimedia streaming library. |
opus | 1.0.0, 7 years ago | 0.3 | 2016-Aug-13 | Opus Bindings |
mergearray | 0.1.0, 7 years ago | 0.3 | 2017-Feb-06 | A concurrent, mergable priority queue. |
nfde | 0.1.2, 3 months ago | 0.3 | 2024-Jul-21 | D bindings to Native File Dialog Extended |
fnl | 1.1.2, a year ago | 0.3 | 2022-Jul-16 | FastNoiseLite bindings (static) |
shelper | 1.0.0, 7 months ago | 0.3 | 2024-Mar-13 | A helper library for managing bgfx shaders. |
dbmigrations | 0.3.0, 3 days ago | 0.3 | 2024-Sep-02 | Simple tool for managing Database migrations |
x11d | 1.0.24, 4 months ago | 0.3 | 2023-Aug-06 | x11 bindings for D |
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Displaying results 2001 to 2050 of 2489 packages found.
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