Welcome to DUB, the D package registry. The following list shows all available packages:

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Name Last update Score Registered Description
spinners 1.0.0, a year ago 0.32023-Jan-27Binding for libspinners an elegant terminal spinners
cmpx 0.4.0, 3 months ago 0.32024-Apr-20A pakcage for complex operations.
stripe-client 2.0.0, a year ago 0.32023-Jan-02A client library generated from Stripe's OpenAPI specification.
ji 0.0.5, 5 months ago 0.32023-Dec-13A minimal D application.
wren 1.0.0, 2 years ago 0.32022-Dec-14Binding for wren
dogapi 1.0.0, 2 years ago 0.32022-Feb-15Dog API client
roman-numerals 1.0.0, 8 months ago 0.32023-Nov-14Roman Numerals
libsql-d 0.1.0, a month ago 0.32024-Jun-11D bindings for libsql.
ping 0.0.5, 9 months ago 0.32023-Oct-19A simple ping application
urlencoding 1.0.0, 2 years ago 0.32022-Sep-18Binding for liburlencoding
dgtl 0.0.1, a year ago 0.32023-Jul-16D Google Translate Library
applogger 0.0.6, 2 years ago 0.32022-Apr-08Shared logger with colors
dclone 2.0.0, 2 years ago 0.32022-Sep-08Simple module to copy objects
ministd 0.2.2, a year ago 0.32023-Apr-20A set of utilities
test_repos 0.0.7, 10 years ago 0.32014-Jan-04Test repository.
myers_diff-d 0.0.6, 2 years ago 0.32022-Apr-26D Programming Language Template Implement for Myers Diff
kyle 1.0.3, 2 years ago 0.32022-Apr-27A minimal D application.
server-modeller 0.0.1, 2 years ago 0.32022-Feb-14Documentation for the uim-bootstrap library
micro_orm 0.1.0, a year ago 0.32023-Apr-22A minimal jet complete orm for dlang projects
unexpected 0.0.1, 3 months ago 0.32023-Sep-26A collection of RNG-related code
xoshiro 1.1.0, 2 years ago 0.32022-Apr-30Xoshiro pseudorandom number generators
predictivesearch 1.0.2, 5 months ago 0.32024-Feb-12A searching algorithm which may be faster than binary search
dante 0.3.1, 8 months ago 0.32023-May-03Renaissance client library
ninox-d_dsp 1.0.0, 20 days ago 0.32024-Jul-06Dlang server pages
fcgi-loop 1.2.2, 9 years ago 0.32014-Oct-13Simple interface to FCGI
primesort 1.0.0, 5 months ago 0.32024-Feb-12A really stupid sorting algorithm
mc2d 0.0.1, 20 days ago 0.32024-Jul-07Tool for merging C files into D bindings
rustls 1.0.0, 2 years ago 0.32022-Dec-21Binding for rustls
nova-d 0.16.0, a year ago 0.32023-May-24D translation of the libnova celestial mechanics engine
uim 24.4.1, 4 months ago 0.32024-Jan-05UIM framework for building web applications
isla 0.1.2, 5 months ago 0.32024-Jan-20A library for parsing the ISLA serialisation format.
fnl 1.1.2, a year ago 0.32022-Jul-16FastNoiseLite bindings (static)
serialize-d 1.0.1, a year ago 0.32023-Jun-18A serialization framework for D
audiodb 1.0.0, 2 years ago 0.32022-Jul-14TheAudioDB API client
ninox-d_web 1.2.3, 8 months ago 0.32023-Jul-09A minimal yet complete web framework
utga 0.0.2, 9 years ago 0.32015-Aug-01A very small TGA image format library.
ninox-d_async 1.1.2, 8 months ago 0.32023-Jul-09A minimal asyncronous framework.
ninox-d_data 1.2.1, 4 months ago 0.32023-Jul-10A serialization framework for D
miniasync 0.3.4, a year ago 0.32023-Apr-06A minimal D application.
lantern 1.2.0, 2 years ago 0.32020-Feb-29Compute basic statistics for an array of objects..
di 1.0.4, 3 years ago 0.32021-Aug-22An i18n library for D
smsapi-d-client 0.1.2, 8 years ago 0.32016-Apr-28SMSAPI D Client
vsignal 0.1.0, 3 years ago 0.32021-Sep-17A multipurpose Signal library
symlinkd 1.0.2, 2 years ago 0.32019-Jun-09Portable symbolic link management.
hash 0.1.0, 8 years ago 0.32016-Jun-04A Hash datatype for key => value pairs.
soupply 2.69.0, 6 years ago 0.32018-Mar-12Automatically generated libraries for encoding and decoding Minecraft protocols
opus 1.0.0, 7 years ago 0.32016-Aug-13Opus Bindings
gnuplot-crafter 0.2.1, 8 years ago 0.32016-Sep-06A library that provides utilities to generate gnuplot data files.
cif 0.1.1, 7 years ago 0.32017-Dec-18A CIF parser
option 2.0.2, 3 years ago 0.32021-Oct-13A simple library for optional values.

Displaying results 2061 to 2110 of 2480 packages found.

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