Welcome to DUB, the D package registry. The following list shows all available packages:
Name | Last update | Score | Registered | Description |
dinicloud | 0.0.1, 6 years ago | 0.6 | 2018-Jun-29 | Use D as scripts language |
asynchronous | 0.6.8, 6 years ago | 2.1 | 2015-Apr-25 | Asynchronous library for D |
roman | 1.0.0, 6 years ago | 1.0 | 2018-Jun-26 | Roman numbers conversion |
derelict-as | 0.0.1, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2018-Jul-06 | Unofficial Derelict binding for Angelscript |
poid | 0.0.1, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2018-Jun-22 | POI implemented in D |
aedi-property-reader | 0.2.0, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2017-Aug-20 | Aedi property reader, a library for reading configuration properties from multiple sources. |
dfix | 0.3.5, 6 years ago | 2.2 | 2014-Nov-21 | Tool for automatically upgrading D source code |
emerald | 0.0.2, 6 years ago | 0.8 | 2018-Jun-18 | Command-line tool for generating files from templates, scaffolding, generic shell command-passing … |
mofile | 0.2.1, 6 years ago | 1.3 | 2018-May-10 | Parse .mo files and find translated messages. |
gamenetworkingsockets_d | 0.0.3, 6 years ago | 0.0 | 2018-Jun-16 | D bindings for valve's gamenetworkingsockets |
libdtasks | 0.0.5, 6 years ago | 0.0 | 2017-Dec-12 | A minimal tasking D library |
std_benchmark | 0.3.3, 6 years ago | 0.8 | 2015-Nov-02 | Randomized benchmark and unittesting module |
iex | 0.1.0, 6 years ago | 0.6 | 2018-Jun-13 | Wrapper for the IEX trading API |
xbuffer | 1.0.0, 6 years ago | 2.4 | 2018-Mar-21 | Growing @nogc buffer with generic type |
tinyendian | 0.2.0, 6 years ago | 4.5 | 2014-Aug-06 | Lightweight endianness handling library |
dalmixer | 0.0.3, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2016-Aug-29 | Binding to the ALmixer library. |
pbkdf2 | 0.1.3, 6 years ago | 2.7 | 2016-Apr-03 | PBKDF2 implementation for D |
json-patch | 0.0.1, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2018-Jun-02 | RFC 6902 JSON Patch implementation |
json-pointer | 0.0.3, 6 years ago | 0.4 | 2018-Apr-25 | IETF RFC 6901 implementation: JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) Pointer |
pgc | 0.1.3, 6 years ago | 0.6 | 2017-Feb-06 | Proleptic Gregorian calendar. |
asn1 | 2.4.3, 6 years ago | 1.7 | 2018-Jan-18 | ASN.1 encoding and decoding with support for BER, CER, and DER |
embaked | 0.1.8, 6 years ago | 1.8 | 2015-Apr-09 | HTML baking library |
plain | 0.1.8, 6 years ago | 1.3 | 2015-Aug-13 | Convert HTML to plain text |
dino | 0.1.0, 6 years ago | 0.3 | 2018-May-16 | Dino, indeed. |
multihash | 1.0.2, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2018-May-12 | D binding for multihash library exposed by Oliver Weichhold for coinfoundry project |
pubg-d | 0.8.4, 6 years ago | 0.3 | 2018-May-08 | D interface for the PUBG api. |
iyzipay-d | 0.6.3, 6 years ago | 0.6 | 2017-Dec-14 | Unofficial iyzipay API d client |
polar-rect-math | 1.0.0-beta.1, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2018-May-09 | Polar Rect math and conversion library. |
llist | 3.0.0-alpha.0, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2018-Apr-08 | For a doubly and singly linked list. |
gl-with-types | 1.0.0-alpha.3, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2018-Apr-16 | Wraps gl with a nice objects. |
tau | 1.0.1, 6 years ago | 0.6 | 2014-Dec-21 | The mathematical constant tau. |
mazzuma | 0.0.1, 6 years ago | 0.8 | 2018-May-09 | Mazzuma mobile money payment API |
snck | 0.0.4, 6 years ago | 0.8 | 2018-May-03 | progress display |
xdgpaths | 0.2.5, 6 years ago | 2.6 | 2016-Mar-10 | XDG Base Directory Specification implementation |
thrift-d | 0.1.1, 6 years ago | 0.9 | 2017-Sep-01 | D library for Apache Thrift RPC system |
collections | 0.1.0, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2018-Jan-09 | A new collections framework for the D Standard Library |
markov | 1.0.10, 6 years ago | 1.6 | 2015-Dec-10 | A generic markov chain library |
libneo4j-client | 2.2.0, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2018-Apr-28 | D bindings for libneo4j-client |
redlock | 0.0.2, 6 years ago | 0.9 | 2018-Mar-13 | Distributed locks with Redis |
geodesicd | 0.0.3, 6 years ago | 0.8 | 2018-Feb-25 | D wraper for Geodesic part of GeographicLib |
plot2d | 0.1.4, 6 years ago | 1.3 | 2017-Sep-24 | 2d plotting library |
mailjet-d | 0.1.0, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2018-Apr-14 | D language wrapper using vibe.d to mailjet.com transactional mail: https://app.mailjet.com |
timer | 0.6.1, 6 years ago | 0.8 | 2016-Nov-02 | A simple countdown timer |
rwslist | 1.0.0, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2018-Apr-10 | Read-Write Mutexed Singly Linked Lists. Individually locks each node in the list allowing many thr… |
rm-rf-exe | 1.0.0, 6 years ago | 0.8 | 2018-Apr-09 | Delete folders recursively on windows with read-only content such as a .git folder |
vibe-aws | 0.1.6, 6 years ago | 2.1 | 2018-Jan-05 | AWS client library for D |
rm-rf | 0.1.0, 6 years ago | 2.9 | 2018-Apr-04 | Delete folders recursively on windows with read-only content such as a .git folder |
libvirt | 0.0.1, 6 years ago | 1.1 | 2018-Apr-02 | Bindings to libvirt |
libzfs | 0.0.1, 6 years ago | 0.7 | 2018-Apr-02 | Bindings for libzfs |
derelict-portmidi | 1.0.0, 6 years ago | 0.5 | 2016-May-17 | A dynamic binding to the PortMidi library |
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Displaying results 1661 to 1710 of 2515 packages found.
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