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Smart pointers.

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C++-style smart pointers for D.

This library contains:

  • SharedPtr is a smart pointer that retains shared ownership of an object through a pointer. Support weak pointers and aliasing like C++ std::shared_ptr. Pointer to managed object is separated from pointer to control block conataining reference counter. SharedPtr contains 2 pointers or 2 pointers + length if managed object is slice).
  • RcPtr is a smart pointer that retains shared ownership of an object through a pointer. Support weak pointers and only limited aliasing unlike SharedPtr. Managed object must be allcoated with control block (reference counter) in one continuous memory block. RcPtr contains only 1 pointer or 1 pointer + length if managed object is slice.
  • IntrusivePtr is a smart pointer that retains shared ownership of an object through a pointer. Support weak pointers and only limited aliasing unlike SharedPtr. Managed object must contain control block (autoptr.common.ControlBlock). IntrusivePtr contains only 1 pointer and type of managed object must be struct or class
  • UniquePtr is a smart pointer that owns and manages object through a pointer and disposes of that object when the UniquePtr goes out of scope. UniquePtr is alias to RcPtr with immutable _ControlType.

SharedPtr, RcPtr and UniquePtr have 3 template parameters:

  • _Type type of managed object.
  • _DestructorType type reprezenting attributes of destructor for managed object.
  • This parameter is inferred from parameter _Type like this: autoptr.common.DestructorType!_Type.
  • _ControlType type representing control block. This parameter specify reference counting for smart pointer.
  • Default value for UniquePtr is autoptr.common.ControlBlock!void which mean that there is no reference counting.
  • Default value for SharedPtr and RefPtr is autoptr.common.ControlBlock!(int, int) which mean that type of reference counter is int and weak reference counter type is int. autoptr.common.ControlBlock!(int, void) disable weak reference counting.
  • If control block is shared then reference counting is atomic. Qualiffier shared is inferred from _Type for _ControlType. If _Type is shared then _ControlType is shared too.

IntrusivePtr has only 1 template parameters, _Type.

  • _DestructorType is inferred from _Type.
  • _ControlType is inferred from _Type.

Smart pointers can be created with static methods make and alloc.

  • make create smart pointer with stateless allocator (default Mallocator)
  • alloc create smart pointer using allocator with state. Allocator is saved in control block.

Constructors of smart pointers never allocate memory, only static methods make and alloc allocate.


  • Creating smart pointer with make or alloc is @safe if constructor of type _Type is @safe (assumption is that constructor doesn't leak this pointer).
  • Smart pointers assume that deallocation with custom allocator is @safe if allocation is @safe even if method deallcoate is @system.
  • Methods returning reference/pointer (get(), element(), opUnary!"*"()) to managed object are all @system because of this:
    auto trustedGet(Ptr)(ref scope Ptr ptr)@trusted{
        return ptr.get();

    struct S{

    long x;
    this(long x)@safe{
        this.x = x;
        this.x = -1;


    void main()@safe{

    auto p = SharedPtr!S.make(42);
    (scope ref S s)@safe{
        assert(s.x == 42);
        p = null;           ///release pointer
        assert(s.x == -1);  ///`s` is dangling reference


    @safe access to managed object:

    struct S{
        long x;
    this(long x)@safe{
        this.x = x;
        this.x = -1;


    void main()@safe{

    auto p = SharedPtr!S.make(42);
    p.apply!((scope ref S s)@safe{
        assert(p.useCount == 2);
        assert(s.x == 42);
        p = null;           ///release
        assert(s.x == 42);  ///`s` is NOT dangling reference



class Foo{
    int i;

    this(int i)pure nothrow @safe @nogc{
        this.i = i;

class Bar : Foo{
    double d;

    this(int i, double d)pure nothrow @safe @nogc{
        this.d = d;

class Zee : Bar{
    bool b;

    this(int i, double d, bool b)pure nothrow @safe @nogc{
        super(i, d);
        this.b = b;

    ~this()nothrow @system{


        SharedPtr!long a = SharedPtr!long.make(42);
        assert(a.useCount == 1);

        SharedPtr!(const long) b = a;
        assert(a.useCount == 2);

        SharedPtr!long.WeakType w = a.weak; //or WeakPtr!long
        assert(a.useCount == 2);
        assert(a.weakCount == 1);

        SharedPtr!long c = w.lock;
        assert(a.useCount == 3);
        assert(a.weakCount == 1);

        assert(*c == 42);
        assert(c.get == 42);

    ///polymorphism and aliasing:
        ///create SharedPtr
        SharedPtr!Foo foo = SharedPtr!Bar.make(42, 3.14);
        SharedPtr!Zee zee = SharedPtr!Zee.make(42, 3.14, false);

        ///dynamic cast:
        SharedPtr!Bar bar = dynCast!Bar(foo);
        assert(bar != null);
        assert(foo.useCount == 2);

        ///this doesnt work because Foo destructor attributes are more restrictive then Zee's:
        //SharedPtr!Foo x = zee;

        ///this does work:
        SharedPtr!(Foo, DestructorType!(Foo, Zee)) x = zee;
        assert(zee.useCount == 2);

        ///aliasing (shared ptr `d` share ref counting with `bar`):
        SharedPtr!double d = SharedPtr!double(bar, &bar.get.d);
        assert(d != null);
        assert(*d == 3.14);
        assert(foo.useCount == 3);

    ///multi threading:
        ///create SharedPtr with atomic ref counting
        SharedPtr!(shared Foo) foo = SharedPtr!(shared Bar).make(42, 3.14);

        ///this doesnt work:
        //foo.get.i += 1;

        import core.atomic : atomicFetchAdd;
        atomicFetchAdd(foo.get.i, 1);
        assert(foo.get.i == 43);

        ///creating `shared(SharedPtr)`:
        shared SharedPtr!(shared Bar) bar = share(dynCast!Bar(foo));

        ///`shared(SharedPtr)` is not lock free but `RcPtr` is lock free.
        static assert(typeof(bar).isLockFree == false);

        ///multi thread operations (`load`, `store`, `exchange` and `compareExchange`):
        SharedPtr!(shared Bar) bar2 = bar.load();
        assert(bar2 != null);
        assert(bar2.useCount == 3);

        SharedPtr!(shared Bar) bar3 =;
        assert(bar3 != null);
        assert(bar3.useCount == 3);

    ///dynamic array:
        import std.algorithm : all, equal;

        SharedPtr!(long[]) a = SharedPtr!(long[]).make(10, -1);
        assert(a.length == 10);
        assert(a.get.length == 10);
        assert(a.get.all!(x => x == -1));

        for(long i = 0; i < a.length; ++i){
            a.get[i] = i;
        assert(a.get[] == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);

        SharedPtr!long a6 = SharedPtr!long(a, &a.get[6]);
        assert(*a6 == a.get[6]);


    import core.lifetime : move;
        UniquePtr!long a = UniquePtr!long.make(42);
        UniquePtr!(const long) b = move(a);
        assert(a == null);

        assert(*b == 42);
        assert(b.get == 42);

        ///create UniquePtr
        UniquePtr!Foo foo = UniquePtr!Bar.make(42, 3.14);
        UniquePtr!Zee zee = UniquePtr!Zee.make(42, 3.14, false);

        ///dynamic cast:
        UniquePtr!Bar bar = dynCastMove!Bar(foo);
        assert(foo == null);
        assert(bar != null);

        ///this doesnt work because Foo destructor attributes are more restrictive then Zee's:
        //UniquePtr!Foo x = move(zee);

        ///this does work:
        UniquePtr!(Foo, DestructorType!(Foo, Zee)) x = move(zee);
        assert(zee == null);

    ///multi threading:
        ///create SharedPtr with atomic ref counting
        UniquePtr!(shared Foo) foo = UniquePtr!(shared Bar).make(42, 3.14);

        ///this doesnt work:
        //foo.get.i += 1;

        import core.atomic : atomicFetchAdd;
        atomicFetchAdd(foo.get.i, 1);
        assert(foo.get.i == 43);

        ///creating `shared(UniquePtr)`:
        shared UniquePtr!(shared Bar) bar = share(dynCastMove!Bar(foo));

        ///`shared(UniquePtr)` is lock free.
        static assert(typeof(bar).isLockFree == true);

        ///multi thread operations (`store`, `exchange`):
        UniquePtr!(shared Bar) bar2 =;

    ///dynamic array:
        import std.algorithm : all, equal;

        UniquePtr!(long[]) a = UniquePtr!(long[]).make(10, -1);
        assert(a.length == 10);
        assert(a.get.length == 10);
        assert(a.get.all!(x => x == -1));

        for(long i = 0; i < a.length; ++i){
            a.get[i] = i;
        assert(a.get[] == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);


        RcPtr!long a = RcPtr!long.make(42);
        assert(a.useCount == 1);

        RcPtr!(const long) b = a;
        assert(a.useCount == 2);

        RcPtr!long.WeakType w = a.weak; //or WeakRcPtr!long
        assert(a.useCount == 2);
        assert(a.weakCount == 1);

        RcPtr!long c = w.lock;
        assert(a.useCount == 3);
        assert(a.weakCount == 1);

        assert(*c == 42);
        assert(c.get == 42);

    ///polymorphism and aliasing:
        ///create RcPtr
        RcPtr!Foo foo = RcPtr!Bar.make(42, 3.14);
        RcPtr!Zee zee = RcPtr!Zee.make(42, 3.14, false);

        ///dynamic cast:
        RcPtr!Bar bar = dynCast!Bar(foo);
        assert(bar != null);
        assert(foo.useCount == 2);

        ///this doesnt work because Foo destructor attributes are more restrictive then Zee's:
        //RcPtr!Foo x = zee;

        ///this does work:
        RcPtr!(Foo, DestructorType!(Foo, Zee)) x = zee;
        assert(zee.useCount == 2);

    ///multi threading:
        ///create RcPtr with atomic ref counting
        RcPtr!(shared Foo) foo = RcPtr!(shared Bar).make(42, 3.14);

        ///this doesnt work:
        //foo.get.i += 1;

        import core.atomic : atomicFetchAdd;
        atomicFetchAdd(foo.get.i, 1);
        assert(foo.get.i == 43);

        ///creating `shared(RcPtr)`:
        shared RcPtr!(shared Bar) bar = share(dynCast!Bar(foo));

        ///`shared(RcPtr)` is lock free (except `load` and `useCount`/`weakCount`).
        static assert(typeof(bar).isLockFree == true);

        ///multi thread operations (`load`, `store`, `exchange` and `compareExchange`):
        RcPtr!(shared Bar) bar2 = bar.load();
        assert(bar2 != null);
        assert(bar2.useCount == 3);

        RcPtr!(shared Bar) bar3 =;
        assert(bar3 != null);
        assert(bar3.useCount == 3);

    ///dynamic array:
        import std.algorithm : all, equal;

        RcPtr!(long[]) a = RcPtr!(long[]).make(10, -1);
        assert(a.length == 10);
        assert(a.get.length == 10);
        assert(a.get.all!(x => x == -1));

        for(long i = 0; i < a.length; ++i){
            a.get[i] = i;
        assert(a.get[] == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]);


nothrow unittest{
    static struct Struct{
        ControlBlock!(int, int) control;
        int i;

        this(int i)pure nothrow @safe @nogc{
            this.i = i;

    static class Base{
        int i;
        ControlBlock!(int, int) control;

        this(int i)pure nothrow @safe @nogc{
            this.i = i;
    static class Derived : Base{
        double d;

        this(int i, double d)pure nothrow @safe @nogc{
            this.d = d;
    static class Class : Derived{
        bool b;
        this(int i, double d, bool b)pure nothrow @safe @nogc{
            super(i, d);
            this.b = b;

        /+~this()nothrow @system{

        IntrusivePtr!Struct a = IntrusivePtr!Struct.make(42);
        assert(a.useCount == 1);

        IntrusivePtr!(const Struct) b = a;
        assert(a.useCount == 2);

        IntrusivePtr!Struct.WeakType w = a.weak;
        assert(a.useCount == 2);
        assert(a.weakCount == 1);

        IntrusivePtr!Struct c = w.lock;
        assert(a.useCount == 3);
        assert(a.weakCount == 1);

        assert(c.get.i == 42);

    ///polymorphism and aliasing:
        ///create IntrusivePtr
        IntrusivePtr!Base foo = IntrusivePtr!Derived.make(42, 3.14);
        IntrusivePtr!Class zee = IntrusivePtr!Class.make(42, 3.14, false);

        ///dynamic cast:
        IntrusivePtr!Derived bar = dynCast!Derived(foo);
        assert(bar != null);
        assert(foo.useCount == 2);

        ///this doesnt work because Foo destructor attributes are more restrictive then Class's:
        //IntrusivePtr!Class x = zee;

        ///this does work:
        IntrusivePtr!Base x = zee;
        assert(zee.useCount == 2);

    ///multi threading:
        ///create IntrusivePtr with atomic ref counting
        IntrusivePtr!(shared Base) foo = IntrusivePtr!(shared Derived).make(42, 3.14);

        ///this doesnt work:
        //foo.get.i += 1;

        import core.atomic : atomicFetchAdd;
        atomicFetchAdd(foo.get.i, 1);
        assert(foo.get.i == 43);

        ///creating `shared(IntrusivePtr)`:
        shared IntrusivePtr!(shared Derived) bar = share(dynCast!Derived(foo));

        ///`shared(IntrusivePtr)` is lock free (except `load` and `useCount`/`weakCount`).
        static assert(typeof(bar).isLockFree == true);

        ///multi thread operations (`load`, `store`, `exchange` and `compareExchange`):
        IntrusivePtr!(shared Derived) bar2 = bar.load();
        assert(bar2 != null);
        assert(bar2.useCount == 3);

        IntrusivePtr!(shared Derived) bar3 =;
        assert(bar3 != null);
        assert(bar3.useCount == 3);

  • Adam Búš
1.0.0-rc.3 2022-Jan-31
1.0.0-rc.2 2022-Jan-24
1.0.0-rc.1 2022-Jan-24
0.6.1-rc6 2022-Jan-20
0.6.1-rc5 2022-Jan-18
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