battery-d ~docs
Simple way to get battery info
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

battery-d - simple library for reading battery info on linux laptops. Provides access to battery status (discharging, charging or full), battery level (0-100%), time remaining and time until full. Also provides access to raw data (which can differ on different laptops).
Basic usage
dub run battery-d
As library
battery-d can be used as library. Just add it to dependencies in dub.json
Example usage:
import std.stdio;
import battery.d;
void main() {
auto b = new Battery();
writeln("Level: ", b.level);
writeln("Status: ", b.status);
Advanced usage
battery-d have been developed as rewrite of old perl script, which parses output of acpi
By default battery-d -pc
outputs coloured battery level:
- <= 20% - red
- <= 50% - yellow
- <= 100% - green
Output can be customized by editing code or cli arguments:
battery-d -pc --threshold=30=["%F{orange}","%%%f"]
This command adds new threshold, which prepends battery level with %F{orange}
and appends %%%f
Output will look like this:
In zsh it produces orange-coloured 29%
- Registered by Azbuka
- ~docs released 8 years ago
- Azbukagh/battery-d
- Copyright © 2017, Azbuka
- Authors:
- Dependencies:
- none
- Versions:
0.0.2 2017-Mar-04 0.0.1 2017-Feb-19 0.0.0 2017-Feb-19 ~master 2017-Mar-04 ~docs 2017-Feb-26 - Download Stats:
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22 downloads total
- Score:
- 0.4
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