code_checker 0.0.4

Tool to check the quality of code for a review/inspection/PR

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

This package provides sub packages which can be used individually:

code_checker:toml - D implementation of TOML

code_checker:colorlog - std.experimental.logger with color support

code_checker:unit-threaded - Advanced multi-threaded unit testing framework with minimal to no boilerplate using built-in unittest blocks

codechecker [![Build Status](](

code_checker is a tool that perform a quality check of C/C++ code. The intended use is as an automated sanity check of code before e.g. a pull request is accepted, a manual inspection by a human etc.

Getting Started

code_checker depends on the following software packages:

  • D compiler (dmd 2.079+, ldc 1.8.0+)
  • clang-tidy (4.0+)

For users running Ubuntu one of the dependencies can be installed with apt.

sudo apt install clang-tidy

Download the D compiler of your choice, extract it and add to your PATH shell variable.

# example with an extracted DMD
export PATH=/path/to/dmd/linux/bin64/:$PATH

Once the dependencies are installed it is time to download the source code to install code_checker.

git clone
cd code_checker
dub build -b release

Done! The binary is place in build/. Have fun. Don't be shy to report any issue that you find.

  • Joakim Brännström
Sub packages:
code_checker:toml, code_checker:colorlog, code_checker:unit-threaded
code_checker:toml, code_checker:colorlog
2.1.0 2024-Mar-25
2.0.0 2021-Sep-30
1.0.0 2020-Mar-08
0.0.7 2019-Oct-06
0.0.6 2019-Aug-03
Show all 15 versions
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