csprng 1.1.2

Cryptographically secure pseudo-random number generation

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

CSPRNG D Library

What Is This Library?

This is a library for generating cryptographically random numbers. The acronym, CSPRNG, stands for "Cryptographically-Secure Pseudo-Random Number Generator." This library relies upon existing system sources for cryptographic randomness.

When compiled on Windows, it uses the BCryptGenRandom, CryptGenRandom, or RtlGenRandom system APIs. When compiled on Linux, FreeBSD, or DragonFlyBSD, it reads random bytes from /dev/random. When compiled on Mac OS X, OpenBSD, or NetBSD, it reads random bytes from the arc4random_buf function in the C runtime library. Regardless of underlying operating system, it resorts to the arc4random_buf function if the Bionic C Library is in use.

Building and Installing

There are four scripts in build/scripts that help you build this library, in addition to building using dub. If you are using Windows, you can build by running .\build\scripts\build.ps1 from PowerShell, or .\build\scripts\build.bat from the traditional cmd shell. If you are on any POSIX-compliant(-ish) operating system, such as Linux or Mac OS X, you may build this library using ./build/scripts/build.sh or make -f ./build/scripts/posix.make. The output library will be in ./build/libraries. The command-line tools will be in ./build/executables.

For more information on building and installing, see documentation/install.md.

Library Usage

The usage of this library is really straight-forward. Whether you are on Windows, Mac OS X, or Linux, generating cryptographically-secure random bytes looks like this:

import csprng.system;
CSPRNG c = new CSPRNG();
writeln(c.getBytes(10)); // Writes ten random bytes to the command line.

Alternatively, you can get random numeric data types, including static arrays of numeric types like so:

import csprng.system;
CSPRNG c = new CSPRNG();
writeln(c.get!(int[4])()); // Writes an int[4] where each int is random.

On the backend, this library handles opening, caching, and closing file descriptors, and efficiently managing the Windows cryptography API constructs, so you don't have to!

If the CSPRNG object fails to load the system APIs for generating secure random bytes, it will throw a CSPRNGException.

Command-Line Tool Usage

This library comes with a simple command-line tool for generating secure random bytes, called get-cryptobytes. It is used like so:

get-cryptobytes 10

It takes only a single argument, specifying the number of random bytes wanted.


Though this library is ready for production, there are a few changes I plan to make:

  • [x] Implement a get templated method that retrieves a random equivalent of any parameterized numeric data type.
  • [ ] Make SecureARC4Random implementations fall back on /dev/random if SecureARC4Random is not present.
  • [ ] At least include assembly files for RDRAND.

Special Thanks

Thanks to Nathan Sashihara (@n8sh) for adding support for the use of arc4random_buf, and finding a few bugs as well.


Contact Me

If you would like to suggest fixes or improvements on this library, please just leave an issue on this GitHub page. If you would like to contact me for other reasons, please email me at [email protected] (My GPG Key) (My TLS Certificate). :boar:

1.1.2 2021-Mar-27
1.1.1 2018-Mar-14
1.1.0 2018-Mar-13
1.0.4 2018-Mar-13
1.0.2 2018-Mar-08
Show all 7 versions
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