d2sqlite3 0.10.0

A thin wrapper around SQLite3

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

Module d2sqlite3

Build Status Coverage Status Dub Downloads

This is a small wrapper around SQLite (version >= 3.8.7) for the D programming language. It wraps the C API in an idiomatic manner and handles built-in D types and Nullable!T automatically.


Online documentation

dub configurations

  • `with-lib` (the default): assumes that SQLite is already installed and available to the linker. Set the right path for the SQLite library in your project's dub.json file using the lflags setting:
    "lflags": ["-L/path/to/lib"]
  • `all-included`: on Windows, use a prebuilt SQLite DLL (bundled with this library) -- UNFINISHED; on Posix systems, builds SQLite from the source amalgamation (also bundled with this library).
  • `without-lib`: you manage linking SQLite yourself.

Set the right configuration for you project in its dub.json file using the subConfigurations setting, e.g.:

    "subConfigurations": {
        "d2sqlite3": "all-included"
  • Nicolas Sicard
  • Other contributors: see Github repo
System dependencies:
SQLite version >= 3.8.7
1.0.0 2021-Jun-10
0.19.1 2020-Jul-21
0.19.0 2020-Jul-21
0.18.3 2019-Aug-06
0.18.2 2019-Jun-25
Show all 46 versions
Download Stats:
  • 16 downloads today

  • 108 downloads this week

  • 455 downloads this month

  • 41177 downloads total

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