dchip ~master

dchip is a D2 port of the Chipmunk2D physics library.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

This package provides sub packages which can be used individually:

dchip:simple - dchip simple demo

dchip:demo - dchip demo

dchip:old_demo - dchip old_demo



This is a D2 port of the Chipmunk2D game physics library.

Currently DChip targets Chimpunk2D version 6.2.1.

DChip is a platform-independent library with no dependencies.

The sample projects have dependencies on either [GLFW] or [SDL], and the OpenGL Utility Library (GLU).

Homepage: https://github.com/d-gamedev-team/dchip


This D2 port has been created by [Andrej Mitrovic].

The older v5.3.5 port was created by [Stephan Dilly], and is being maintained here: https://bitbucket.org/Extrawurst/chipmunkd/wiki/Home

Note: The two ports are not compatible with each other.

The older [SDL]-based samples were created by [Stephan Dilly], and updated to the new API by [Andrej Mitrovic].

The newer samples use [GLFW] and were written by [Scott Lembcke] and [Howling Moon Software], and were ported to D by [Andrej Mitrovic].

Compiler Version Compatibility

Currently DMD v2.065 (or any other compiler based on the same fronted) is required.


Using dub

You can use [dub] to make this library a dependency for your project.

Version switches

The following -version=NAME switches are supported:


Make private or package fields public. This switch will enable you to directly manipulate internal fields. However this is not future-compatible since these fields might be reordered or changed in the future. You should prefer to use accessor methods unless performance demands that you directly manipulate internal fields.


Enable internal library warnings. When the internal state is in an unexpected state turning this switch on will print out warnings to the standard error stream (stderr).


By default all floating-point types are declared as float. Enabling this switch will use double types instead.

Note: Regardless of this switch, the D compiler will still use real's for floating-point calculations, meaning that enabling this switch will likely not give you a big improvement in accuracy. On the other hand using double's will use twice as much memory and could lead to a performance degradation.

Warning: There is a large performance hit when enabling this switch and using DMD.

Running the examples

Most examples require the [GLFW] library. See the [GLFW] homepage on how to obtain this library.

Using dub

Compile and run one of the examples via:

# Showcases a simple iteration of the physics engine without any drawing.
dub run dchip:simple

# Contains a series of visual and interactive demos, selectable with the keyboard.
# Select each of the demo's by pressing the keys 'a' through 'y'.
dub run dchip:demo

# Similar to the above, but demos were based on the older v5.3.5 version and they
# use the [SDL] library (which means you'll have to install [SDL] to run it).
dub run dchip:old_demo

# Build with another compiler, in release mode (Run `dub build --help` for more help)
dub --compiler=ldc2 --build=release

Note: The old_demo examples are based on the v5.3.5 version and require [SDL] rather than [GLFW].

Note: If you're using Windows you might get dub errors when automatically running the samples. The samples should still be built and located in the dchip\bin subfolder.

Note: As of 04 February 2014, building with LDC2 from the latest prepackaged binary of LDC2 on Windows might produce crashing applications. However the latest LDC2 built from source (commit 704ab30001582dc67084e6ea8967e61e8112d595) using the MinGW instructions is known to work.


Since dchip is a straight port of the C library to D all existing C-based documentation should be applicable and easily transferable to D with very little to no code modification. In particular, the Chipmunk2D documentation will come in handy:


You can import the dchip.all module to bring in the entire library at your disposal. Alternatively if you're using the latest compiler (e.g. 2.065+ or git-head) you may use the new package module feature and import dchip.

Most dchip types have getter and setter functions to access and modify internal fields, for example the cpArbiter's internal fields such as the e field for elasticity can be accessed and manipulated with this code:

cpArbiter * arb
cpFloat elasticity = cpArbiterGetElasticity(arb);  // get the internal 'e' field
elasticity += 1.0;
cpArbiterSetElasticity(arb, elasticity);  // set the internal 'e' field

The getters and setters are auto-generated via a mixin template, such as:

// Inject 'cpArbiterGetElasticity' and 'cpArbiterSetElasticity' which
// operate on a `cpFloat` type.
mixin CP_DefineArbiterStructProperty!(cpFloat, "e", "Elasticity");

Some dchip types only define getters and not setters, via:

// Inject 'cpBodyGetRot', which returns the internal 'rot' field of
// type 'cpVect'.
mixin CP_DefineBodyStructGetter!(cpVect, "rot", "Rot");

As mentioned in the Building section above, passing the CHIP_ALLOW_PRIVATE_ACCESS version flag allows you to access all fields directly rather than through getter and setter functions. However, using the internal fields directly is not future-proof as these internal fields are not part of the public API and may change at any future version release.

Additionally, setter functions typically perform additional actions, for example cpBody setters usually call cpBodyActivate before assigning to an internal field, followed by a call to cpBodyAssertSane. If you ever have bodies that seem to "hang in the air", they might be sleeping, so make sure you call cpBodyActivate before manipulating internal fields.


Distributed under the MIT License. See the accompanying file LICENSE.txt.

  • Scott Lembcke and Howling Moon Software
  • Andrej Mitrovic
Sub packages:
dchip:simple, dchip:demo, dchip:old_demo
0.1.3 2017-Oct-05
0.1.2 2015-Feb-01
0.1.1 2014-Aug-22
0.1.0 2014-May-23
0.0.1 2014-May-15
Show all 6 versions
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