dcrypt ~master
A cryptography library for the D programming language.
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
Sad, sad, sad... Soon you'll have to log in with your Windows Live ID or whatever bullshit.
dcrypt - A simple cryptography library for D
dcrypt is a light-weight cryptography library written in D. It is still far away from beeing what it should be and therefore productive usage is discouraged.
Running selftest and benchmark
dub run --config=selftest --build=benchmark
Supported algorithms
- Digests: sha1, sha2, sha3, blake
- MAC: hmac, gmac
- Blockciphers: aes (with support for hardware acceleration on Intel platforms), serpent, rc6
- Streamciphers: chacha, salsa
- Blockcipher modes: cbc, ctr, gcm
- Authenticated encryption: poly1305, gcm
- Password based key derivation: pbkdf2, scrypt
- ECC: curve25519, ed25519
- Quantum resistant signature scheme: sphincs256
- NaCl API
- Fortuna entropy daemon
Using the high-level NaCl API
dcrypt provides part of the NaCl API for easy symmetric and asymmetric cryptography.
Symmetric authenticated encryption
import nacl;
/// Encrypt and decrypt a message using symmetric authenticated encryption.
ubyte[32] secret_key;
ubyte[24] nonce;
/// Generate a random key.
/// Generate a unique nonce.
/// Don't use the same nonce with the same key more than once.
const ubyte[] msg = cast (const ubyte[]) "Hi Bob!";
/// Let's encrypt!
ubyte[] boxed = crypto_secretbox(msg, nonce, secret_key); /// This can now be transmitted over a insecure channel.
ubyte[] recv_msg;
// Decrypt the message.
try {
recv_msg = crypto_secretbox_open(boxed, nonce, secret_key);
assert(recv_msg == msg, "Decryption produced unexpected result.");
} catch(InvalidCipherTextException e) {
/// An exception is thrown if the cipher text is not valid.
/// This is the case if either the ciphertext is not the result
/// of crypto_secretbox with the same key and nonce.
/// Possibly someone tries to maliciously modify the encrypted message ...
ubyte[] tampered = boxed.dup;
tampered[$-1] ^= 1;
/// ... then decryption fails.
bool exceptionThrown = false;
try {
recv_msg = crypto_secretbox_open(tampered, nonce, secret_key);
} catch(InvalidCipherTextException e) {
exceptionThrown = true;
assert(exceptionThrown, "Tampered message has not been rejected!");
Asymmetric authenticated encryption
import nacl;
/// Encrypt and decrypt a message using asymmetric authenticated encryption.
ubyte[32] alice_sk, bob_sk, alice_pk, bob_pk;
/// Make sure sensitive data gets erased on scope exit.
scope(exit) {
/// Generate two random keypairs.
crypto_box_keypair(alice_sk, alice_pk);
crypto_box_keypair(bob_sk, bob_pk);
/// If you already have your secret key, that's the way to get the public key:
/// alice_pk = crypto_box_pubkey(alice_sk); /// Alice's public key
/// bob_pk = crypto_box_pubkey(bob_sk); /// Bob's public key
ubyte[24] shared_nonce; /// A shared nonce. Can be transmitted in plaintext.
/// Alice sends a message to Bob.
const ubyte[] msg = cast (const ubyte[]) "Hi Bob!";
ubyte[] boxed = crypto_box(msg, shared_nonce, alice_sk, bob_pk);
/// Bob receives two messages, one has been modified by Eve.
ubyte[] tampered = boxed.dup;
tampered[$-1] ^= 1;
/// Bob decrypts the messages
ubyte[] recv_msg;
// The message as sent by alice
try {
recv_msg = crypto_box_open(boxed, shared_nonce, bob_sk, alice_pk);
assert(recv_msg == msg, "Decryption produced unexpected result.");
} catch(InvalidCipherTextException e) {
// Try to decrypt the forged message.
bool exceptionThrown = false;
try {
recv_msg = crypto_box_open(tampered, shared_nonce, bob_sk, alice_pk);
assert(false, "Tampered message has not been rejected!");
} catch(InvalidCipherTextException e) {
exceptionThrown = true;
assert(exceptionThrown, "Tampered message has not been rejected!");
Having fun with post quantum cryptography.
If you'd like to generate signatures that can't be forged by an adversary with access to a quantum computer then the SPHINCS signature scheme might be interesting for you.
The implementation of SHPINCS aims to be as generic as possible but at the time of this writing only SPHINCS256 is supported by the template.
- Registered by puzzlehawk
- ~master released 7 years ago
- puzzlehawk/dcrypt
- Dependencies:
- none
- Versions:
0.0.7 2015-Dec-06 0.0.6 2015-Sep-03 0.0.5 2015-Aug-01 0.0.4 2015-Jul-31 0.0.3 2015-Jul-17 - Download Stats:
0 downloads today
0 downloads this week
0 downloads this month
298 downloads total
- Score:
- 0.8
- Short URL:
- dcrypt.dub.pm