dcv ~refactorzilla-pt1

Computer vision library for D programming language.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

This package provides sub packages which can be used individually:

dcv:core - Core package of DCV. Contains computer vision algorithms.

dcv:io - Image and Video I/O package.

dcv:plot - Visualization package.


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Computer Vision Library for D Programming Language

API Refactoring Note

Library's API is currently under heavy reconstruction. Until the API is considered properly designed, implementation of new features will be put on hold.


DCV is an open source computer vision library, written in D programming language, with goal to provide tools for solving most common computer vision problems - various image processing tasks, feature detection and tracking, camera calibration, stereo etc.


Focus of the library is to present an easy-to-use interface, that would attract computer vision scientists and engineers to prototype their solutions with, but also to provide fast running code that could be used to make production ready tools and applications.


DCV's API heavily utilizes Mir library, and it's mir.ndslice package. N-dimensional range view structure Slice is used for any form of image manipulation and processing. But overall shape of the API is adopted from well known computer vision toolkits such as Matlab Image Processing Toolbox, and OpenCV library, to be easily familiarized with. But it's also spiced up with D's syntactic sugar, to support pipelined calls:

Image image = imread("/path/to/image.png"); // read an image from filesystem.

auto slice = image.sliced; // slice image data (calls mir.ndslice.slice.sliced on image data)

slice[0..$, 0..$, 1] // take the green channel only.
    .as!float // convert slice data to float.
    .slice // make a copy
    .conv!symmetric(sobel!float(GradientDirection.DIR_X)) // convolve image with horizontal Sobel kernel.
    .ranged(0, 255) // scale values to fit the range between the 0 and 255
    .imshow("Sobel derivatives"); // preview changes on screen.



API reference, and examples can be found on the project website: dcv.dlang.io. Also project roadmap, news and other related stuff should be always located on the site's home page.


PRs and any form of help is most appreciated. Also, you can file an issue for feature request, bug report or any other library related inquiry. If you have any sort of quick question, feel free to post it in the gitter room.


Library is licensed under Boost Software License - Version 1.0. Some modules in the library contain code that is licensed under some other terms. If a module in the library states different license terms in it's header, then the Boost Software License does not apply to that module.

  • Relja Ljubobratovic
Sub packages:
dcv:core, dcv:io, dcv:plot
dcv:core, dcv:plot, dcv:io
0.4.0 2024-May-20
0.3.0 2022-Oct-16
0.2.3 2018-Feb-13
0.2.2 2017-Dec-07
0.2.1 2017-Jun-19
Show all 17 versions
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