ddbc 0.2.21

DB Connector for D language, similar to JDBC

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:



Build Status

DDBC is DB Connector for D language (similar to JDBC)

Currently supports MySQL, PostgreSQL and SQLite.

Project homepage: https://github.com/buggins/ddbc Documentation: https://github.com/buggins/ddbc/wiki

See also: https://github.com/buggins/hibernated - ORM for D language which uses DDBC.

NOTE: project has been moved from SourceForge to GitHub


import ddbc.all;
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

// Create driver and fill connection params. You can leave only one section - for RDBMS you want to use
string[string] params;
// This part depends on RDBMS
version( USE_SQLITE )
    SQLITEDriver driver = new SQLITEDriver();
    string url = "zzz.db"; // file with DB
else version( USE_PGSQL )
    PGSQLDriver driver = new PGSQLDriver();
    string url = PGSQLDriver.generateUrl( "/tmp", 5432, "testdb" );
    params["user"] = "hdtest";
    params["password"] = "secret";
    params["ssl"] = "true";
} else version(USE_MYSQL)
    // MySQL driver - you can use PostgreSQL or SQLite instead as well
    MySQLDriver driver = new MySQLDriver();
    string url = MySQLDriver.generateUrl("localhost", 3306, "test_db");
    params = MySQLDriver.setUserAndPassword("testuser", "testpassword");
// create connection pool
DataSource ds = new ConnectionPoolDataSourceImpl(driver, url, params);

// creating Connection
auto conn = ds.getConnection();
scope(exit) conn.close();

// creating Statement
auto stmt = conn.createStatement();
scope(exit) stmt.close();

// execute simple queries to create and fill table
stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS ddbct1 (id bigint not null primary key AUTO_INCREMENT, name varchar(250), comment mediumtext, ts datetime)");
stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO ddbct1 SET id=1, name='name1', comment='comment for line 1', ts='20130202123025'");
stmt.executeUpdate("INSERT INTO ddbct1 SET id=2, name='name2', comment='comment for line 2 - can be very long'");

// reading DB
auto rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT id, name name_alias, comment, ts FROM ddbct1 ORDER BY id");
while (rs.next())
    writeln(to!string(rs.getLong(1)) ~ "\t" ~ rs.getString(2) ~ "\t" ~ strNull(rs.getString(3)));

Sample of easy reading from DB using PODs support:

import ddbc.core;
import ddbc.common;
import ddbc.drivers.sqliteddbc;
import ddbc.pods;
import std.stdio;

// prepare database connectivity
auto ds = new ConnectionPoolDataSourceImpl(new SQLITEDriver(), "ddbctest.sqlite");
auto conn = ds.getConnection();
scope(exit) conn.close();
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
scope(exit) stmt.close();
// fill database with test data
stmt.executeUpdate("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS user");
stmt.executeUpdate("CREATE TABLE user (id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL, flags int null)");
stmt.executeUpdate(`INSERT INTO user (id, name, flags) VALUES (1, "John", 5), (2, "Andrei", 2), (3, "Walter", 2), (4, "Rikki", 3), (5, "Iain", 0), (6, "Robert", 1)`);

// our POD object
struct User {
    long id;
    string name;
    int flags;

writeln("reading all user table rows");
foreach(ref e; stmt.select!User) {
    writeln("id:", e.id, " name:", e.name, " flags:", e.flags);

writeln("reading user table rows with where and order by");
foreach(ref e; stmt.select!User.where("id < 6").orderBy("name desc")) {
    writeln("id:", e.id, " name:", e.name, " flags:", e.flags);

writeln("reading all user table rows, but fetching only id and name (you will see default value 0 in flags field)");
foreach(ref e; stmt.select!(User, "id", "name")) {
    writeln("id:", e.id, " name:", e.name, " flags:", e.flags);

  • Vadim Lopatin
0.6.0 2023-Dec-16
0.5.9 2023-Oct-23
0.5.8 2023-Oct-16
0.5.7 2023-Jan-07
0.5.6 2022-Oct-19
Show all 42 versions
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