ddh 1.0.0

dd's hashing utility

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

ddh, Generic hasher

ddh is a generic hasher using the D standard library for the most part to perform hashing and compute checksums.

Why? I wanted:

  • Something quick and easy to verify the integrety of downloaded content;
  • Something simple with only the most popular hashing algorithms used;
  • A cross-platform tool, notably Windows®️ and Linux®️;
  • A memory-mapped option (--mmfile);
  • The same features accross different algorithms;
  • And decently fast.

Algorithm Availability

Checksum or HashddhGNU coreutilsopenssl [1]crc32(1) [2]
BSD sum✔️ (sum)
System V sum✔️ (sum -s)
Ethernet CRC✔️ (cksum)
MD5✔️✔️ (md5sum)✔️
SHA-1✔️✔️ (sha1sum)✔️
SHA-2✔️✔️ [3]✔️
BLAKE2✔️ (b2sum)✔️
  • [1] See dgst command
  • [2] From the Perl Archive::ZIP package
  • [3] sha224sum, sha256sum, sha384sum, sha512sum

Feature Comparison

FeatureddhGNU coreutilsopensslcrc32(1) [1]
Binary mode✔️✔️✔️✔️
Text mode✔️✔️
Check support✔️✔️[2]✔️✔️
FILE support✔️✔️✔️✔️
Memory-mapped file support✔️
Standard Input support✔️✔️✔️
  • [1] From the Perl Archive::ZIP package
  • [2] All but cksum and sum


To get a list of options available, use the --help argument.

Standard Input (stdin)

The program, if lacking a third parameter or if a - parameter has been detected, will enter in the stdin input mode. Please note that the --mmfile option has no effect on this operating mode.

Standard pipe operations are supported.

To send a EOF signal:

  • On UNIX-like systems:
  • CTRL+D must be pressed twice on the same line or;
  • CTRL+D must be pressed once on a new line.
  • On Windows systems:
  • CTRL+Z on a new line followed with RETURN (Enter key).
    • This unfortunately sends a newline.
    • BUG: Must be done twice due to cmd internal mechanics. Piping recommended.

Globbing (* vs. '*')

This utility supports file globbing out of the box using std.file.dirEntries.

However, most UNIX-like terminals support globbing out of the box and may behave differently than the previously mentionned function. To use the embedded globbing mechanism, you may want to use '*' or \*. To disable embedded globbing, use the -- parameter.

The globbing pattern is further explained at dlang.org.

The default parameters used in dirEntries are SpanMode.shallow for its spanmode (same-level directory), and true for following symobolic links.

Do take note that the embedded globbing subsystem includes hidden files.

For example: src/*.{d,dd} will match all files ending with .d and .dd in the src directory, and will follow symbolic links.

Memory-mapped Files

The mmfile mode's performance may vary on systems. Generally, file mode is faster on Windows, and mmfile mode is faster on Linux systems.


Compiling requires a recent D compiler and DUB.

To compile a debug build with the default compiler:

dub build

Release recommendation with the LDC compiler:

dub build -b release-nobounds --compiler=ldc2
2.0.2 2022-Dec-24
2.0.1 2022-Nov-08
2.0.0 2022-Oct-31
1.4.0 2022-Apr-26
1.3.0 2021-Dec-23
Show all 11 versions
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