decentralized-internet 3.6.9

A library for building distributed web and grid computing projects.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

Decentralized Internet

npm FOSSA Status | | Discord | Gitter | Read the Docs

The NPM library is a collection of the following repos made for the purpose of building decentralized web projects:

lotion | bitcoin-peg | clusterpost | gridbee-framework | Reinvent-the-Internet

Also special thanks to: The Lonero Dev Team

  • May need some updates in Seed Migration for some of the org repos

Papers worth checking out: Lonero Whitepaper (Original) | CrowdCoin Scientific Whitepaper

This NPM library/package is being mantained by the folks here

Lotion Sample (State Machines):
  • From original Lotion repo (shown on installation page for demo purposes)
// app.js
let lotion = require('lotion')
let app = lotion({
	initialState: {
		count: 0
function transactionHandler(state, transaction) {
	if (state.count === transaction.nonce) {
let connect = require('lotion-connect')
app.start().then(appInfo => console.log(appInfo.GCI))
ccxml Device Connection Sample Code:
  • xml taken from TI's IDE in device config for driver
<connection XML_version="1.2" id="TI MSP430 USB1">
Installation Methods

Install via NPM: npm i decentralized-internet Install via DUB: dub add decentralized-internet Install via YARN: yarn add decentralized-internet Install via PIP: pip install decentralized-internet Install via APM: apm install decentralized-internet Ember Installation: ember install decentralized-internet Install via VS Code: ext install Lonero.decentralized-internet Install via SNAP: sudo snap install decentralized-internet --edge Install via Docker: docker pull gamer456148/decentralized-internet

Arch Linux Installation Instructions:
git clone
cd snapd
makepkg -si
sudo systemctl enable --now snapd.socket
sudo ln -s /var/lib/snapd/snap /snap
sudo snap install decentralized-internet --edge
Install via Dart:

Add to your pubspec.yaml file:

  decentralized_internet: ^3.4.1

Run: pub get

Use this Module via Puppet:

Add this to your Puppetfile as a declaration: mod 'gamer456148-decentralized_internet', '0.1.0' Next run the command: bolt puppetfile install Instead of the above, you can also try adding: mod 'gamer456148-decentralized_internet', '0.1.0' This mod line is for those who use r10k or Code Manager Learn more here

App to add GitHub metrics tracking to select repos here Potential BitBucket Marketplace App See original compatibility status update here

***** See NPM v.Updates

Latest Git Release Package here


FOSSA Status

  • gamer456148
3.6.9 2020-Jan-14
3.4.5 2020-Jan-13
~depfu/update/npm/ember-source-5.8.0 2024-Apr-17
~depfu/update/npm/ember-source-5.7.0 2024-Mar-06
~depfu/update/npm/ember-resolver-12.0.1 2024-Jun-13
Show all 32 versions
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