dests 0.2.1

D Extended Set Test Suite: minimal

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D Extended Set (DES) test suite

some aux funcs for unittesting

eq func Example:
/+ using epsilon of second argument (double.epsilon)
   for compare int and double
   abs( 1 - 1.0 ) < double.epsilon
assert(  eq( 1, 1.0 ) );

// ditto
assert(  eq( [[1,2],[3,4]], [[1.0f,2],[3.0f,4]] ) );

// character by character comparation
assert(  eq( "hello", "hello"w ) );

// for void[] simple byte by byte comparation
assert( !eq( cast(void[])"hello", cast(void[])"hello"w ) );

// compile error: array of array can't be compared with int
static assert( !__traits(compiles, eq(["hello"],1)) );

/+ no compile error: char can be compared with int
   but length of 'hello' not equals length of [1,2,3]
assert( !eq( "hello", [1,2,3] ) );

// approx comparation, only for numeric values
assert(  eq_approx( [1.1f,2,3], [1,2,3], 0.2 ) );
assert( !eq_approx( [1.1f,2,3], [1,2,3], 0.1 ) );
mustExcept func Example:
static class TestExceptionA : Exception { this() @safe pure nothrow { super( "" ); } }
static class TestExceptionB : Exception { this() @safe pure nothrow { super( "" ); } }
static class TestExceptionC : TestExceptionA { this() @safe pure nothrow { super(); } }

// TestExceptionA is an Exception
assert(  mustExcept!Exception({ throw new TestExceptionA; }) );
// TestExceptionB is an Exception
assert(  mustExcept!Exception({ throw new TestExceptionB; }) );

assert(  mustExcept!TestExceptionA({ throw new TestExceptionA; }) );
// TestExceptionC is an TestExceptionA
assert(  mustExcept!TestExceptionA({ throw new TestExceptionC; }) );
assert(  mustExcept!TestExceptionB({ throw new TestExceptionB; }) );

// TestExceptionA is not a TestExceptionB
assert( !mustExcept!TestExceptionB( { throw new TestExceptionA; }, false ) );
// TestExceptionB is not a TestExceptionA
assert( !mustExcept!TestExceptionA( { throw new TestExceptionB; }, false ) );

auto test_b_catched = false;
try mustExcept!TestExceptionA({ throw new TestExceptionB; });
catch( TestExceptionB ) test_b_catched = true; // unexpectable exception in delegate
assert( test_b_catched );
assert funcs Example:
// use 'eq' func to compare values
assertEq( [1.0f,2.0f], [1,2] );

// throw AssertError with message 'assertNotEq fails: [1.0f, 2.0f] == [1, 2]'
assertNotEq( [1.0f,2.0f], [1,2] );

// throw AssertError with message 'fail compare: [1.0f, 2.0f] is not [1, 3]'
assertEq( [1.0f,2.0f], [1,3], "fail compare: %s is not %s" );

// use 'is' for comparation with null
assertNull( some_object );
assertNotNull( some_object );

Documentation orient to harbored-mod

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  • Oleg Butko (deviator)
0.3.1 2020-May-19
0.3.0 2015-Dec-16
0.2.5 2015-Jun-03
0.2.4 2015-Jun-02
0.2.3 2015-Jun-02
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