dialect ~postprocessors

IRC parsing library

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IRC parsing library with support for a wide variety of server daemons.

Note that while IRC is standardised, servers still come in many flavours, some of which outright conflict with others. If something doesn't immediately work, generally it's because we simply haven't encountered that type of event before, and so no rules for how to parse it have yet been written.

Please report bugs. Unreported bugs can only be fixed by accident.

What it looks like

API documentation can be found here.

struct IRCEvent
    enum Type { ... }

    Type type;
    string raw;
    IRCUser sender;
    string channel;
    IRCUser target;
    string content;
    string aux;
    string tags;
    uint num;
    int count;
    int altcount;
    long time;
    string errors;

        string emotes;
        string id;

struct IRCUser
    enum Class { ... }

    Class class_;
    string nickname;
    string alias_;
    string ident;
    string address;
    string account;
    long lastWhois;

        string badges;
        string colour;

struct IRCServer
    enum Daemon { ... }
    enum CaseMapping { ... }

    string address;
    ushort port;

    // More internals

struct IRCClient
    version(RichClient)  // dub configuration "rich"
        string nickname;
        string user;
        string ident;
        string realName;
        string quitReason;
        string account;
        string password;
        string pass;

        IRCServer server;

        version(TwitchSupport)  // dub configuration "twitch"
            string colour;

        // More internals
    else  // dub configuration "simple" (default)
        string nickname;
        IRCServer server;

        // More internals

        bool updated;

struct IRCParser
    IRCClient client;

    IRCEvent toIRCEvent(const string) { ... }  // <--

How to use

This assumes you have a program set up to read information from an IRC server. This is not a bot framework; for that you're better off with the full kameloso and writing a plugin that suits your needs.

Instantiate an IRCParser and configure its members, notably its .client. Read a string from the server and parse it with IRCParser.toIRCEvent(string).

IRCParser parser;

string fromServer = ":[email protected] MODE #channel +v nickname";
IRCEvent event = parser.toIRCEvent(fromServer);

with (event)
    assert(type == IRCEvent.Type.MODE);
    assert(sender.nickname == "zorael");
    assert(sender.ident == "~NaN");
    assert(sender.address == "address.tld");
    assert(target.nickname == "nickname");
    assert(channel == "#channel");
    assert(aux = "+v");

string alsoFromServer = ":cherryh.freenode.net 435 oldnick newnick #d " ~
    ":Cannot change nickname while banned on channel";
IRCEvent event2 = parser.toIRCEvent(alsoFromServer);

with (event2)
    assert(type == IRCEvent.Type.ERR_BANONCHAN);
    assert(sender.address == "cherryh.freenode.net");
    assert(channel == "#d");
    assert(target.nickname == "oldnick");
    assert(content == "Cannot change nickname while banned on channel");
    assert(aux == "newnick");
    assert(num == 435);

string furtherFromServer = ":kameloso^[email protected] NICK :kameloso_";
IRCEvent event3 = parser.toIRCEvent(furtherFromServer);

with (event3)
    assert(type == IRCEvent.Type.NICK);
    assert(sender.nickname == "kameloso^");
    assert(sender.ident == "~ident");
    assert(sender.address == "81-233-105-99-no80.tbcn.telia.com");
    assert(target.nickname = "kameloso_");

See the /tests directory for more example parses.


  • investigate @nogc
  • fix AppVeyor failing to build lu:core


This project is licensed under the MIT license - see the LICENSE file for details.

  • JR
lu:core, lu:meld
3.2.1 2025-Feb-24
3.2.0 2025-Feb-07
3.1.0 2025-Feb-01
3.0.1 2025-Jan-13
3.0.0 2024-Aug-11
Show all 51 versions
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