dlisp 0.52.0
DLisp is an implementation of a Lisp dialect written in D.
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
DLISP is an implementation of a Lisp dialect written in D, to leverage the build-in memory management and hash-table support of the associative arrays.
dle.d - Or dLISP Environment is a read-eval-print loop, suitable for end- users and debugging.
tlisp.d - Is to be the linkable library for embedding dLISP in other projects (Non D as well).
The actual implementation resides in the dlisp package and should have as few dependencies as possible.
dLISP consist of three classes:
- Environment - To handle global and local bindings of symbols to values, functions and external objects.
- DLisp - Consist of two main functionalities;
- A parser - That parses strings or streams into a Cells-tree suitable for data or code for the evaluator.
- An evaluator - That evaluates a Cell-tree and returns a reslting Cell-tree.
Some understanding of Lisp will help here :). The fundamental building block of dLISP is the concell, declared as a pointer to the struct Cell in consell.d. Each cell is eather an atom or a composite.
An atom is an atomic value. Atoms are; Symbols (ctSYM), Integers (ctINT), Floats (ctFLOAT), Strings (ctSTR), and Streams (ctSTREAM). Nil or the empty list () is a special atom represented internally as a null pointer. Booleans have no type of it's own. Nil is treated as false, and the symbol T is true (in fact allsymbols are true), so is any numeric other than zero and NaN, non zero length strings, and open streams.
A composite is a list (ctCONS), or a function (ctFUNC and ctPREDEF). Each list concell have the member car pointing to its value, and cdr pointing the the next concell in the list. Each function have the member car pointing to the list of concells that is the functions body, and cdr points to a list of symbols that is the functions arguments. Build-in forms differs from normals forms, they do not have car and cdr but a single function pointer member; func. It is the responsibility of the called function to handle arguments.
Lisp is short for LISt Processing, so there is bound to be some lists. Actually quite a few kinds, and it is sometwhat important to know what kind of list is meant, and where as many functions are picky about them.
Proper list - a proper list is a list where the last concells cdr is nil. Ex: (1 2 3), ("foo"), ()
Dotted list - a dotted list is a list where the last concells cdr is not nil. Ex: (1 2 . 3), ("foo" . "bar") (NIL . BAZ)
Tree list - a tree list is a list of lists. Ex: ((1 2) (3 4)), (1 ((2 . 3) 4)), (NIL NIL NIL)
Assoc list - an associative list is a list of lists where each sublists car is used to identify the list. Ex: ((1 . "Anders") (3 . "Berit") (7 . "Ceasar"))
The parser is a simple recursive state-machine implemented in the module dlisp.parser and accessable as method of thee DLisp class implemented in dlisp.dlisp. Input is read from a stream instance, or a string. On success a valid tree list is returned. On failure an exception derived from ParseState is raised.
This text has been rewritten from describing the internals to describing the expected input in detail. Implementation details are only included if it differes significally from Common Lisp.
DLisp's syntax can be describes as follows (Semi correcly back naur):
token ::= atom | list | container token ; tokens ::= token tokens | ; atom ::= symbol | integer | float | string ; list ::= properlist | dottedlist properlist ::= '(' tokens ')' ; dottedlist ::= '(' token tokens '.' atom ')' ; container ::= ''' | '`' | ',' ; symbol ::= !(integer | float | string) ; integer ::= [0-9]+ ; float ::= [0-9]+.[0-9]+ ; string ::= ".*" ;
The lists is naturaly short hand for chaining cons cells. So: (1 2 3) <=> (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 nil)))
The quote container is shorthand for the QUOTE macro: 'foo <=> (quote foo)
Common Lisp implements back quote and comma quotes as symbol macros, dLISP does it using macros (dLISP have no notion of sybol macros): `foo <=> (back-quote foo) ,bar <=> (comma-quote bar) It is illegal to use comma quotes outside of a back quoted list, the parser will catch this as a ParseState, and at runtime it is an EvalState.
An instance of the Environment class handles scopes, and bindings of values, functions and external objects.
The indexing operators are overloaded so globals["foo"] works for writing and reading the global variable foo. Scopes are handled by three functions; pushScope() creates a new scope level and addLocal() is then used to add variables to the new scope. popScope() end the current scope and restores/ removes variables added by addLocal.
Tree lists are evaluated by the eval() method of the DLisp class. Implemented in dlisp.evaluator module. Atoms are passed back as is. For lists the first symbol is used to look up the form in the global associative array. If a correct form is found arguments are added to the local scope and the body of the form is evaluated recursivly by eval(). For buildin forms the function pointer fo the form is called with the original concell as argument (as is before form loo-up).
What that means for buil-in formas is that the symbol with the forms- functions name can be found in the passed concells member car. And the arguments in the passed concells member cdr.
Trace functionality has been added. It is advisable to only use (trace [<sym> ...]) and (untrace [<sym> ...]) and not addTrace() and removeTrace() directly.
- Write test cases for all predefined functions.
- Rewrite documentation for all predefined functions.
- Write libdlisp, as C bindings.
- Registered by mw
- 0.52.0 released 2 years ago
- mw66/dlisp
- LGPL-2.1
- Copyright © 2023, PeyloW
- Authors:
- Dependencies:
- undead
- Versions:
0.52.0 2023-Oct-04 ~main 2023-Oct-04 - Download Stats:
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5 downloads total
- Score:
- 0.1
- Short URL:
- dlisp.dub.pm