dls 0.1.3

D Language Server

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

This package provides sub packages which can be used individually:

dls:find - D Language Server

D Language Server

This is a work in progress...

DLS implements the server side of the Language Server Protocol (LSP) for the D programming language. It does not contain any language feature itself (yet), but uses existing components and provides an interface to work with the LSP. It currently provides:

  • formatting using DFMT
  • code completion using DCD

Client side configuration

All these keys should be formatted as d.dls.[section].[key] (e.g. d.dls.formatter.endOfLine).

Section: generalTypeDefault value
Section: formatterTypeDefault value
endOfLine"lf" or "cr" or "crlf""lf"
dfmtBraceStyle"allman" or "otbs" or "stroustrup""allman"

The find subpackage and the update system

In order to simplify the process of updating DLS, an update system is implemented. However, the extension will need to locate a first version of DLS; this is where dls:find comes in. The steps are:

  • dub fetch dls will fetch the latest version of DLS
  • dub run --quiet dls:find will output the directory to its parent DLS package
  • dub build --build=release launched in the just acquired DLS directory will build DLS (sending notifications before and after the build to the user might be a good idea, as it can take several minutes)
  • The dls executable will now be right under the same directory

IMPORTANT: when building DLS on Windows, --arch=x86_mscoff must be added to the arguments for the build to succeed.

After this, the Language Client has to listen to telemetry events. As this Language Server won't be using telemetry, the telemetry/event server-to-client notification has been re-purposed: the event sent by the server will be the path to the new DLS executable after every update. Otherwise nothing specific is required on the client's part regarding updates: the server will send notifications to the user when an update is available, and build its next version in parallel to responding to requests.


The server may delegate a few operations to the client-side extension depending on the language client's capabilities. The client should watch these files for the server to work properly:

  • dub.selections.json
  • dub.json
  • dub.sdl

If the client supports dynamic registration of the workspace/didChangeWatchedFiles method, then the server will automatically register file watching. If the client doesn't support dynamic registration however, the client-side extension will need to manually do it. The server needs to know at least when dub.selections.json files change to properly provide completion support. If dub.json and dub.sdl are also watched, dub.selections.json will automatically be regenerated and then it will be used for completion support.

As support for messages regarding workspace folders are not yet supported in Visual Studio Code (used for testing the server), dls also lacks support for multiple workspace folders for now.

  • Laurent Tréguier
Sub packages:
dfmt, dcd, dub
0.26.2 2020-Mar-20
0.26.1 2020-Jan-25
0.26.0 2019-Dec-03
0.25.19 2019-Oct-29
0.25.18 2019-Oct-28
Show all 158 versions
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