dpq2 0.1.0-1

Middle-level binding to the PostgreSQL database

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


This is yet another attempt to create a good interface to PostgreSQL from the D programming language.

It is doesn't add overhead to the original low level library libpq but make convenient use PostgreSQL from D.


  • Arguments list support
  • Binary and text data queries
  • Async queries support
  • Reading of the text query results to native D text types
  • Representation of the binary query results to native D types
  • Text types
  • Integer and decimal types (except "numeric")
  • Timestamp type (with and without timezone)
  • Access to PostgreSQL's multidimensional arrays (only in binary mode)
  • LISTEN/NOTIFY support


####Requirements: Currently code builds with libpq 9.1.0 and higher, compiler dmd 2.062 and higher. Bindings for libpq can be static or dynamic, compilation described below.

Instead of explicitly installing dpq2, it is now recommended to use DUB for building dpq2 based applications. Once DUB is installed, you can create a new project by running dub init <name> and enable the use of dpq2 by adding the following dependency to the package.json file in your project's directory:

    "name": "your-project-identifier",
    "dependencies": {
        "dpq2": "~master"

Invoking dub will then automatically download the latest dpq2 and compile and run the project. If you want only to build your project run dub build.

Similarly, you can run an example by invoking dub from any of the example project directories.

If you want to install dpq2 explicitly, you can use:

git clone https://github.com/denizzzka/dpq2.git
cd dpq2

The static bindings are generated by default. Add --config=dynamic to the dub parameters to generate dynamic bindings.

The debug version is generated by default. Add --build=release to the dub parameters to generate release version.

####Static bindings - debug version

$ dub build

####Static bindings - release version

$ dub --build=release build

####Dynamic bindings - debug version

$ dub --config=dynamic build

####Dynamic bindings - release version

$ dub --config=dynamic --build=release build

####Integration testing (see below)

$ cd integration_tests
$ dub
$ dub --build=release
$ dub --config=dynamic
$ dub --config=dynamic --build=release

####Example compilation

$ cd example
$ dub
$ dub --build=release
$ dub --config=dynamic
$ dub --config=dynamic --build=release



#!/usr/bin/env rdmd

import dpq2.all;
import std.stdio: writeln;

void main()
    Connection conn = new Connection;
    conn.connString = "host=localhost port=5432 dbname=postgres user=postgres password=******";

    // Text query result
    auto s = conn.exec(
        "SELECT now() as current_time, 'abc'::text as field_name, "
        "123 as field_3, 456.78 as field_4"
    writeln( "1: ", s[0][3].as!PGtext );

    // Binary query result
    static queryArg arg;
    queryParams p;
    p.resultFormat = valueFormat.BINARY;
    p.sqlCommand = "SELECT "
        "-1234.56789012345::double precision, "
        "'2012-10-04 11:00:21.227803+08'::timestamp with time zone, "
        "'first line\nsecond line'::text, "
        "NULL, "
        "array[1, 2, NULL]::integer[]";
    auto r = conn.exec( p );    
    writeln( "2: ", r[0][0].as!PGdouble_precision );
    writeln( "3: ", r[0][1].as!PGtime_stamp.toSimpleString );
    writeln( "4: ", r[0][2].as!PGtext );
    writeln( "5: ", r[0].isNULL(3) );
    writeln( "6: ", r[0][4].asArray.getValue(1).as!PGinteger );
    writeln( "7: ", r[0][4].asArray.isNULL(0) );
    writeln( "8: ", r[0][4].asArray.isNULL(2) );

####Compile and run Static bindings (requires libpq.a libcom_err.a):

$ cd example
$ dub
1: 456.78
2: -1234.57
3: 0013-Oct-05 03:00:21.227803Z
4: first line
second line
5: true
6: 2
7: false
8: true

Dynamic bindings (requires libpq.so libssl.so libcrypto.so for linux, libpq.dll libeay32.dll ssleay32.dll for win):

$ cd example
$ dub --config=dynamic
1: 456.78
2: -1234.57
3: 0013-Oct-05 03:00:21.227803Z
4: first line
second line
5: true
6: 2
7: false
8: true

Integration testing

Code contains integration tests. Integration testing requires access to any PostgreSQL server with permissions to run SELECT statements.

After building dpq2-integrationtests file integrationtests/bin/dpq2-integration_tests can be executed. Option "--conninfo" may contain connection string as described in [PostgreSQL documentation] (http://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/static/libpq-connect.html#LIBPQ-CONNSTRING).

For default connection to DB type:

$ cd integration_tests
$ dub

Connection to usually available database "postgres":

$ cd integration_tests
$ dub -- --conninfo "dbname=postgres"

Network connection:

$ cd integration_tests
$ dub -- --conninfo "host= dbname=testdb user=testuser password=123123"


  • Row by row result reading
  • Binary arguments types
  • PostGIS binary data support
  • Checking types by Oid
  • Make code more transparent, CamelCased and Autodoc
  • Denis Feklushkin
  • Anton Gushcha
1.2.0-rc.1 2024-Jul-24
1.1.7 2024-Apr-02
1.1.7-rc.1 2023-Nov-15
1.1.6 2018-Mar-10
1.1.6-rc.1 2023-Mar-29
Show all 180 versions
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