ds5w 0.0.2

Windows API for the PS5 DualSense (+Edge) controller. Ported from C++ codebase to dlang. This API will help you using the DualSense controller in your windows D Applications / Projects.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:

DualSense on Windows [API]

  • Windows API for the PS5 DualSense controller. Ported from the C++ codebase of Ludwig Füchsl to dlang, and published with his permission. This API will help you using the DualSense controller in your windows D Applications / Projects.
  • DS5-Edge support has been added, unlike the original C++ repo.


  • Reading all button input from the controller
  • Reading the analog sticks and analog triggers
  • Reading the two finger touch positions
  • Reading the Accelerometer and Gyroscope
  • Using the haptic feedback for default rumbleing
  • Controlling the adaptive triggers (3 Types of effects) and reading back the users force while active
  • Controlling the RGB color of the lightbar
  • Setting the player indication LEDs and the microphone LED

Using the API

This is the minimal example on how to use the library:

import std.stdio;
import core.stdc.string;

import ds5w;

int main()

    DeviceEnumInfo[16] infos;

    size_t controllersCount = 0;
    auto rv = enumDevices(infos[], &controllersCount);

    if (controllersCount == 0)
        writeln("No DualSense controller found!");
        return -1;

    switch (rv)
    case DS5W_OK:
        // The buffer was not big enough. Ignore for now

        // Any other error will terminate the application
        // Insert your error handling
        return -1;

    // Check number of controllers
    if (!controllersCount)
        return -1;

    // Context for controller
    DeviceContext con;

    // Init controller and close application is failed
    if (DS5W_FAILED(initDeviceContext(&infos[0], &con)))
        return -1;

    // Main loop
    while (true)
        // Input state
        DS5InputState inState;

        DS5W_ReturnValue retVal;
        retVal = getDeviceInputState(&con, &inState);
        // Retrieve data
        if (retVal == DS5W_ReturnValue.OK)
            // Check for the Logo button
            if (inState.buttonsB & DS5W_ISTATE_BTN_B_PLAYSTATION_LOGO)
                // Break from while loop

            writefln("Left: x = %d, y = %d", inState.leftStick.x, inState.leftStick.y);

            DS5OutputState outState;

            // Set output data
            outState.leftRumble = inState.leftTrigger;
            outState.rightRumble = inState.rightTrigger;

            if (inState.leftTrigger > 20)
                outState.lightbar = Color(255, 0, 0);

            // Send output to the controller
            setDeviceOutputState(&con, &outState);

    // Shutdown context

    // Return zero
    return 0;

For docs and further referencing

  • Ludwig Füchsl
  • Ferhat Kurtulmuş
0.0.2 2023-Jun-22
0.0.1 2023-May-20
Show all 2 versions
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