dsfml ~2.0

DSFML binding for SFML-The Simple and Fast Multimedia Library

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


DSFML is a static binding of SFML, which let's you use SFML in your D programs. DSFML attempts to be as compatible with SFML as possible, but does so in a way that makes sense for the D language.

Getting Started

Check out the wiki for information on getting started with DSFML.


DSFML uses a C wrapper for SFML in order to run, called DSFML-C. There are tutorials in the wiki for building this from source, but if you would rather download these nightly* builds, feel free.

Windows 32bit - Compiled December 19th, 2013

Windows 64bit - Coming 2014(Unless someone else wants to build them for me)

Linux 32bit - Compiled December 28th, 2013 on Mint

Linux 64bit - Compiled December 19th, 2013 on Mint

OSX - Compiled November 11th, 2013 on Mavericks by @jaredonline. Thanks, Jared!

*Nightly builds are not actually built every night. Only when there have been changes.


If you would like to contribute, feel free! Issues, pull requests, and emails are always welcome.

Check out the Road Map for the list of what needs to be worked on next!

Email is dehaan.jeremiah@gmail.com

Unit Tests

Unit tests are currently being written for the binding. Feel free to attempt to build and run them, but they will use assets you most likely won't have on your system. Once the tests are finished a switch will be added to the build script for easy building and running.

  • Jeremy DeHaan
Sub packages:
dsfml:audio, dsfml:graphics, dsfml:window, dsfml:network, dsfml:system
dsfml:graphics, dsfml:system, dsfml:window, dsfml:audio, dsfml:network
2.1.1 2016-Apr-19
2.1.0 2015-Oct-07
~master 2018-Oct-02
~2.3 2016-Oct-21
~2.0 2014-Jul-13
Show all 5 versions
Download Stats:
  • 2 downloads today

  • 23 downloads this week

  • 124 downloads this month

  • 54041 downloads total

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