dstruct-orm ~master

ORM for D language, similar to Hibernate

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


  • DStruct is in development mode, breaking changes may happen.

  • For now, DStruct is only supported on Linux, but Windows support can easily be added in the future (unfortunately, i don't have the time right now).

DStruct | master

A simple ORM for D language.

This project started as a fork of https://github.com/buggins/dstruct created by Vadim Lopatin.

All credits to the original author are maintained.


Supported databases

* PostgreSQL
* SQLite

Why create a fork ?

I needed some quick bugfixes and additional features for my personal projects, i also made some different design decisions. This fork is also more self-contained and mostly Posgres focused. So i thought this could be useful to more people.

All credits to the original author will be maintained in the source code and README. The library renaming is just to avoid possible confusions. The license is the same.


Ubuntu 18.04

* libpq-dev
* libsqlite3-dev




Open source libraries used by DStruct. Some may have been modified to suit the project needs.

* ddbc - https://github.com/buggins/ddbc
* derelictPQ - https://github.com/DerelictOrg/DerelictPQ
* derelictUtils - https://github.com/DerelictOrg/DerelictUtil

Sample code:

import dstruct.core; import std.algorithm;

// Annotations of entity classes

class User {

long id;
string name;
Customer customer;
@ManyToMany // cannot be inferred, requires annotation
    LazyCollection!Role roles;


class Customer {

int id;
string name;
// Embedded is inferred from type of Address
Address address;

Lazy!AccountType accountType; // ManyToOne inferred

User[] users; // OneToMany inferred

this() {
    address = new Address();


@Embeddable class Address {

string zip;
string city;
string streetAddress;


class AccountType {

int id;
string name;


class Role {

int id;
string name;
@ManyToMany // w/o this annotation will be OneToMany by convention
    LazyCollection!User users;


int main() {

// create metadata from annotations
EntityMetaData schema = new SchemaInfoImpl!(User, Customer, AccountType, 
        Address, Role);

// setup DB connection factory
version (USE_MYSQL) {
    import dstruct.ddbc.drivers.mysqlddbc;
    MySQLDriver driver = new MySQLDriver();
    string url = MySQLDriver.generateUrl("localhost", 3306, "test_db");
    string[string] params = MySQLDriver.setUserAndPassword("testuser", "testpasswd");
    Dialect dialect = new MySQLDialect();
} else {
    import dstruct.ddbc.drivers.sqliteddbc;
    SQLITEDriver driver = new SQLITEDriver();
    string url = "zzz.db"; // file with DB
    static import std.file;
    if (std.file.exists(url))
        std.file.remove(url); // remove old DB file
    string[string] params;
    Dialect dialect = new SQLiteDialect();
DataSource ds = new ConnectionPoolDataSourceImpl(driver, url, params);

// create session factory
SessionFactory factory = new SessionFactoryImpl(schema, dialect, ds);
scope(exit) factory.close();

// Create schema if necessary
    // get connection
    Connection conn = ds.getConnection();
    scope(exit) conn.close();
    // create tables if not exist
    factory.getDBMetaData().updateDBSchema(conn, false, true);

// Now you can use DStruct

// create session
Session sess = factory.openSession();
scope(exit) sess.close();

// use session to access DB

// read all users using query
Query q = sess.createQuery("FROM User ORDER BY name");
User[] list = q.list!User();

// create sample data
Role r10 = new Role();
r10.name = "role10";
Role r11 = new Role();
r11.name = "role11";
Customer c10 = new Customer();
c10.name = "Customer 10";
c10.address = new Address();
c10.address.zip = "12345";
c10.address.city = "New York";
c10.address.streetAddress = "Baker st., 12";
User u10 = new User();
u10.name = "Alex";
u10.customer = c10;
u10.roles = [r10, r11];

// load and check data
User u11 = sess.createQuery("FROM User WHERE name=:Name").
    setParameter("Name", "Alex").uniqueResult!User();
assert(u11.roles.length == 2);
assert(u11.roles[0].name == "role10" || u11.roles.get()[0].name == "role11");
assert(u11.roles[1].name == "role10" || u11.roles.get()[1].name == "role11");
assert(u11.customer.name == "Customer 10");
assert(u11.customer.users.length == 1);
assert(u11.customer.users[0] == u10);
assert(u11.roles[0].users.length == 1);
assert(u11.roles[0].users[0] == u10);

// remove reference
u11.roles = u11.roles().remove(0);

// remove entity
return 0;


About the codebase

* Follow D style conventions (https://dlang.org/dstyle.html).
* C/C++ bindings should be in the source code and not as separated dub packages.
  • Vadim Lopatin
  • João V.
System dependencies:
Depending on configuration: ODBC, PostgreSQL and/or SQLite v3
0.0.1-alpha.1 2020-Nov-07
~master 2021-Sep-30
~0.0.1-alpha 2020-Nov-07
Show all 3 versions
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