dython 0.1.0

D code preprocessor that adds significant whitespace support.

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


import dython;



import std.stdio

int main()
    int a, b
    readf(" %s %s", &a, &b)
    if (a + b != 0)
        writeln(a + b)
        return 0
        writeln("Isn't it awesome?")
        return 1


What it is

Dython is a D source preprocessor that makes your code look like Python. Actually, all that it does is inserting semicolons and braces where DMD wants to see them.


  • Much cleaner syntax.
  • More code fits on the screen.
  • The compiler will blame you on sloppy indentation.
  • Compilation errors are addressed to the correct source location.
  • Either tabs or spaces can be used, but mixing them is prohibited.
  • Zero run-time cost.
  • Compatible with DMD and LDC (and maybe also GDC — was not tested).


  • Compilation is slower. Not terribly slow, but the difference is clearly visible. Things should go better when a compile-time bytecode interpreter is merged into DMD.
  • DCD just gets stuck.
  • case and goto labels (and attribute like private:) must be indented:
final switch (x)
    case 0:

    case 1:
        //You can indent the block even more if you'd like.

This issue can be overcome (at some extent) by placing extra braces:

struct Thing {
nothrow pure @safe @nogc
  • Sometimes you still have to put braces and even semicolons (most notably, with delegates and struct initializers). Also, a trailing comma in a struct initializer is required (Thing th = { x, y, };).
  • And sometimes backslash line splicing has to be done (usually, in long function definitions):
auto joiner(RoR, Separator)(RoR r, Separator sep) \
if (isInputRange!RoR && isInputRange!(ElementType!RoR) &&
    isForwardRange!Separator &&
    is(ElementType!Separator: ElementType!(ElementType!RoR)))

Unfortunately, \ isn't a valid D token and thus is unavailable in q{}-strings. I'm looking for a replacement (maybe //\ or @? Submit an issue if you have an idea on that question).

How to use it

module dython

pure @safe
    S dythonize(S: const(char)[ ] = string)(const(char)[ ] source)
    S dythonizeFile(S: const(char)[ ], string fileName)()
    string dythonizeFile(string fileName)()

dythonize processes source code passed as an argument and dythonizeFile string-imports a file with the given name. Both may be asked to return a char[ ] instead of string:

//`enum` to force compile-time evaluation.
enum header      = dythonize!(char[ ])(q{import std.algorithm, std.range});
char[ ] contents = dythonizeFile!(char[ ], "contents.dy");

How it works

The parser is intentionally kept quite simple to make it faster. It follows a few rules:

  1. If the indentation increases, a brace is opened on the previous line, unless it ends with one of =>,\{.
  2. If the indentation decreases or stays consistent, a semicolon is appended to the previous line, unless it ends with one of =>,:;\{}, and then needed amount of braces are closed.
  3. \ is erased from the resulting code.
  4. Code rewriting is disabled in parentheses and brackets and re-enabled in user-placed braces.

Of course, comments and strings are properly skipped.

Dython passes the three-stage bootstrapping (a standard self-hosting compiler stress test), so the possibility of a nasty bug in it is rather small. Some sed scripting is required to turn it into a self-hosting one, though.


Even if you won't use it at all, I hope you've got as much fun reading this as much I've got implementing this.

  • Nickolay Bukreyev
0.1.0 2017-Aug-11
~master 2020-Mar-08
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