either 1.0.0

An implementation for the either monad

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


This is a DLang implementation for the Either monad.

The Either type represents values with two possibilities: a Left value or a Right value, and never both.

The Either type is sometimes used to represent a value which is either correct or an error; by convention, the Left constructor is used to hold an error value and the Right constructor is used to hold a correct value (mnemonic: "right" also means "correct").

How to use


You can initialize a struct directly or by using the bind function. All of these instantiations are equivalent:

  auto myEither = Either!(Left, Right)(someValue);
  auto myEither = bind!(Left, Right)(someValue)

Type matching

Most of the time, the Right type matcher is used for the algorithm and the Left type matcher for error handling.

    auto either = Either!(int, bool)(1);

      .when((int value) {
        // ... handle the value when it has the Left type
      .when((bool value) {
        // ... handle the value when it has the Right type

Value matching

  auto either = Either!(int, bool)(1);

  auto result = either
    .when!1 ({
      // ... do something when the value has the Left type and is 1
    .when!false {
      // ... do something when the value has the Right type and is false
    .when!true {
      return 2; // when the value is true it is replaced with 2
    .when!true (2); // this is the shortened version of the previous matcher

Function matching

  bool function isOdd(int value) {
    return value % 2 == 1;

  bool function isEven(int value) {
    return value % 2 == 0;

  auto either = Either!(int, bool)(1);

  auto result = either
    .when!isOdd ({
      return true; // set the value to true, when the Left value is an odd number
    .when!isEven ((int a) {
      return a / 2; // divide by two if the value is an even number


This is a function that can safe divide two numbers. It returns an Either struct, where the Left type(the error) is a string and the Right value is a numeric type.

  Either!(string, NumericType) divideBy(U, V, NumericType)(Either!(U, NumericType) numerator, Either!(V, NumericType) denominator) {
    enum NumericType zero = 0;

    return denominator
      .when!(zero) ("Division by zero!")                   // when denominator is zero, return Left value: "Division by zero!"
      .when!(isNaN!NumericType) ("Denominator is NaN.")    // when denominator is NaN, return Left value: "Denominator is NaN."
      .when((NumericType a) =>                             // when denominator has the Right type
          .when!(isNaN!NumericType) ("Numerator is NaN.")  // when numerator is NaN, return Left value: "Numerator is NaN."
          .when((NumericType b) => b / a)                  // when numerator has the Right type, return the division

The above function can be used like this:

  auto result = 30.bind!(string, int).divideBy(4.bind!(string, int));

or you can add a to string method that can help you to print the value:

  string toString(T)(Either!(string, T) result) {
    import std.conv;

    string message;

      .when ((string error) { message = "Error: " ~ error; })
      .when ((T value) { message = value.to!string; });

    return "\t" ~ message ~ "\n";

and print the result to the console:

  writeln("30 / 4 =");

  30.bind!(string, int)
    .divideBy(4.bind!(string, int))

... for a complete example you can check the source code here.



  • Bogdan Szabo
1.1.3 2024-Feb-23
1.1.2 2023-Oct-23
1.1.1 2023-Jan-27
1.1.0 2023-Jan-13
1.0.0 2022-Oct-07
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