evalex 0.0.2
A small library for evaluating mathematical expressions in strings.
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
A small library for evaluating mathematical expressions in strings.
import std.stdio;
import evalex;
string text = "sin(0.5)*2^3-5*4";
auto evaluator = new Eval!double(text);
auto result = evaluator.result;
// Refer to the unit tests for capabilities
import std.typecons;
import std.math;
import std.meta;
// Define test cases with expressions and expected results
auto testCases(T)() {
return [
// Basic arithmetic
tuple("-2+3", T(-2+3)),
tuple("5*4-3/6", T(5*4-3/6.0)),
tuple("(2+3)*4", T((2+3)*4)),
tuple("2^3", T(8.0)),
tuple("1.0-sqrt(95.2 - 8.3/3.0)", T(1.0-sqrt(95.2 - 8.3/3.0))),
tuple("sin(π/2)", sin(T(PI)/2)), // handle symbol pi
tuple("log10(100) + log2(8) - log(e) * exp2(3)", T(log10(100.0) + log2(8.0) - log(E) * exp2(3.0))),
// Trigonometric functions
tuple("sin(0.5)", sin(T(0.5))),
tuple("cos(0.5)", cos(T(0.5))),
tuple("tan(0.5)", tan(T(0.5))),
tuple("atan(0.5)", atan(T(0.5))),
tuple("sin(0.5+2)", sin(T(0.5+2))),
tuple("cos(0.5-2)", cos(T(0.5-2))),
tuple("tan(pi*2)", tan(T(PI*2))),
tuple("atan(0.5/2)", atan(T(0.5/2))),
tuple("asin(0.5/2)", asin(T(0.5/2))),
tuple("acos(0.5/2)", acos(T(0.5/2))),
// Nested functions
tuple("sin(cos(tan(0.5)))", sin(cos(tan(T(0.5))))),
// Complex expressions
tuple("1.5+2.5*3-atan(0.5)", T(1.5+2.5*3-atan(0.5))),
tuple("(2^3-5)*pow(2, 2)+sin(0.5)", T((8-5)*pow(2.0, 2.0)+sin(0.5))),
tuple("sin(0.5)*2^3-5*4", T(sin(0.5)*8-5*4)),
tuple("sin(0.5*(2+3))-cos(0.25^2)", T(sin(0.5*(2+3))-cos(0.25^^2))),
tuple("3 * (exp2(4) + sin(0.5 * pi)) - atan(1) + 16^0.5 / exp(2) + cos(0.25 * pi) * tan(0.75 * pi)",
T(3.0 * (exp2(4.0) + sin(0.5 * PI)) - atan(1.0) + 16^^0.5 / exp(2.0) + cos(0.25 * T(PI)) * tan(0.75 * T(PI)))),
tuple("pi", T(PI)),
tuple("pi * 2", T(2.0 * PI)),
tuple("sin(pi / 2)", T(1.0)),
tuple("cos(pi)", T(-1.0)),
tuple("tan(pi / 4)", T(1.0)),
tuple("atan(pi / 4)", T(atan(PI/4)))
alias FloatingPoints = AliasSeq!(real, double, float);
static foreach (T; FloatingPoints) {
unittest {
foreach (testCase; testCases!T()) {
auto expression = testCase[0];
auto expected = testCase[1];
auto evaluator = new Eval!T(expression);
auto result = evaluator.result;
// Test that the evaluated result matches the expected result
string assertMsg = "Type: " ~ T.stringof ~ ", Expression: " ~ expression ~ ", Expected: " ~ expected.to!string ~ ", Got: " ~ result.to!string;
assert(isClose(result, expected), assertMsg);
// unittest for Exceptions
unittest {
import std.exception : assertThrown;
// Test invalid expression
auto evaluator = new Eval!double("2 + * 3");
// Test undefined function (should throw a LexicalException for now)
auto evaluator = new Eval!double("unknown(5)");
// Test mismatched parentheses
auto evaluator = new Eval!double("(2 + 3");
// Test invalid characters
auto evaluator = new Eval!double("2 # 3");
// Test empty expression
auto evaluator = new Eval!double("");
- Registered by Ferhat Kurtulmuş
- 0.0.2 released a year ago
- aferust/evalex
- BSL-1.0
- Copyright © 2024, Ferhat Kurtulmuş
- Authors:
- Dependencies:
- none
- Versions:
0.0.2 2024-Feb-16 0.0.1 2024-Feb-15 - Download Stats:
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5 downloads total
- Score:
- 1.0
- Short URL:
- evalex.dub.pm