eventy ~master

Easy to use event-loop dispatcher mechanism

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Manual usage
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Easy-to-use event-loop dispatcher framework for D-based applications


Getting started

The engine

The first thing every Eventy-based application will need is an instance of the Engine. This provides the user with a single object instance of the Engine class by which the user can register event types, signal handlers for said events and the ability to trigger or push events into the engine.

The simplest way to get a new engine up and running is as follow:

Engine engine = new Engine();

This will create a new engine initializing all of its internals such that it is ready for use.

Event types

Event types are effectively just numbers. The use of these is to be able to connect events pushed into the engine with their respective signal handlers (which are registered to handle one or more event types).

Let's create two event types, with IDs 1 and 2:

engine.addEventType(new EventType(1));
engine.addEventType(new EventType(2));

This will tell the engine to create two new event types with tags 1 and 2 respectively.

Signal handlers

We're almost done. So far we have created a new engine for handling our event tyoes and the triggering of events. What is missing is something to handle those event types when an event of one of those types is pushed into the engine. Such handlers are referred to as signal handlers and in Eventy these are instances of the Signal class.

We're going to create a signal that can handle both of the event types 1 and 2 that we registered earlier on. We can do this by creating a class that inherits from the Signal base class:

class SignalHandler1 : Signal
    public override void handler(Event e)
   		import std.stdio;
   		writeln("Running event", e.getID());

We need to tell the Signal class two things:

  1. What event typess it will handle
  2. What to run for said event types

The first of these two is very easy, this is what you see in the constructor this():


The super([1,2]) call tells the Signal class that this signal handler handles those two IDs, namely 1 and 2.

As for what to run, that is specified by overriding the void handler(Event) method in the Signal class. In our case we make it write to the console the ID of the event (which would end up either being 1 or 2 seeing as this handler is only registered for those event types).

import std.stdio;
writeln("Running event", e.id);

We're almost there, trust me. The last thing to do is to register this signal handler with the engine, we do so as follows:

Signal j = new SignalHandler1();

Triggering events

Now comes the fun part, you can add events into the system by pushing them to the core as follows:

Event eTest = new Event(1);

eTest = new Event(2);

You will then see something like this:

Running event1
Running event2


Running event1
Running event2

Despite us pushing the events into the engine in the order of 1 and then 2, the scheduling of such threads is up to the Linux kernel and hence one could be run before the other.

Release notes


Completely overhauled Eventy system for the v0.4.3 release

Removed the event-loop for a better system (for now) whereby we just dispatch signal handlers on the call to `push(Event)`.

In a future release I hope to bring the event loop back but in a signal-based manner, such that we can support deferred events and priorities and such
  • Tristan B. Kildaire
0.4.3 2022-Nov-28
0.4.1 2022-Nov-28
0.4.0 2022-Nov-28
0.3.3 2022-Nov-26
0.3.2 2022-Nov-26
Show all 25 versions
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