fast_pack 1.0.3

A fast texture packer for D

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


A fast texture packer for D

This uses an algorithm I call "inverse tetris". It tries to find the best spot, highest on the y axis, and furthest to the left. It does this pixel by pixel going upwards instead of downwards, hence why it is called inverse tetris.

This relies on Adam D. Ruppe's awesome image library:

This is the texture atlas that the code below saved:

Fancy texture atlas

Here is a simple tutorial on how to use it:

import std.stdio;
import fast_pack.texture_packer;
import fast_pack.texture_packer_config;
import fast_pack.rect;
import std.conv: to;
import image;

void main() {

    // In this example I am allocating the texture packer and config onto the heap to clear out the stack
    // *new is optional
    TexturePackerConfig config = *new TexturePackerConfig();
    config.showDebugEdge = true;
    config.trim = true;
    config.padding = 2;

    // We give the texture packer constructer our config.
    // This is optional, but the default canvas size is 400 by 400 pixels.
    // So you might want to make that bigger!
	TexturePacker packer = *new TexturePacker(config);

    // Now we pack our textures into it
    for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
        packer.pack("blah" ~ to!string(i), "assets/" ~ to!string(i) ~ ".png");

    // You can save the texture packer as a raw image
    // The image above is what this saves to. It uses the /assets/ textures.

    Or you use it to work with OpenGL like this:
    Note: This is using Mike Parker's awesome bindbc OpenGL library.
    You can find this here:
    TrueColorImage myTextureAtlas = packer.saveToTrueColorImage();

    GLuint width = myTextureAtlas.width();
    GLuint height = myTextureAtlas.height();
    ubyte[] tempData = myTextureAtlas.imageData.bytes;

    GLuint id = 0;
    glGenTextures(1, &id);
    glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, id);
    glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
    glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, tempData.ptr);


    So on and so forth

    If you are asking "How can I even use this to map my textures to my vertices??"

    Well I'm so glad you asked! This comes with two additional internal types:


    These are part of the fast_pack.rect import

    Their names specify their precision and size

    Let's get the texture coordinates of...."blah3" in double precision!


    GLRectDouble myTextureCoordinates = packer.getTextureCoordinatesDouble("blah3");

    // Now let's get it as a float!

    GLRectFloat myTextureCoordinatesNotSoPrecise = packer.getTextureCoordinatesFloat("blah3");

    // We can work with these like so:

    double minX = myTextureCoordinates.minX;
    double maxY = myTextureCoordinates.maxY;

    So on and so forth

    Hopefully this is helpful to you! Enjoy! :D


  • jordan4ibanez
3.0.2 2023-Mar-22
3.0.1 2023-Mar-22
3.0.0 2022-Sep-12
2.0.2 2022-Sep-11
2.0.1 2022-Sep-11
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