game-mixer 1.1.4

Sound API for your game

To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:

Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:


A simple-to-use library for emitting sounds in your game. It was thought of as a replacement of SDL2_mixer.


  • ✅ MP3 / OGG / WAV / FLAC / XM / MOD playback
  • ✅ Threaded decoding with progressive buffering. Unlimited channels, decoded streams are reused
  • ✅ Looping, fade-in/fade-out, delayed triggering, synchronized triggering
  • ✅ Playback volume, channel volume, master volume
  • ✅ Integrated resampling
  • ✅ Loopback: you can get mixer output in pull-mode instead of using audio I/O
  • nothrow @nogc
  • ✅ Based upon libsoundio-d:


🔔 game-mixer v1

  • Initial release.

How to use it?

Usage tutorial

The Mixer object

All game-mixer ressources and features are accessible through IMixer.

interface IMixer
    // Create audio sources.
    IAudioSource createSourceFromMemory(const(ubyte[]) inputData);
    IAudioSource createSourceFromFile(const(char[]) path);

    // Play audio.
    void play(IAudioSource source, PlayOptions options);
    void play(IAudioSource source, float volume = 1.0f);
    void playSimultaneously(IAudioSource[] sources, PlayOptions[] options);

    /// Stop sounds.
    void stopChannel(int channel, float fadeOutSecs = 0.040f);
    void stopAllChannels(float fadeOutSecs = 0.040f);

    /// Set channel and master volume.
    void setChannelVolume(int channel, float volume);
    void setMasterVolume(float volume);

    /// Adds an effect on the master bus.
    void addMasterEffect(IAudioEffect effect);

    /// Create a custom effect.
    IAudioEffect createEffectCustom(EffectCallbackFunction callback, void* userData = null);
    // Mixer status.
    double playbackTimeInSeconds();
    float getSampleRate();
    bool isErrored();
    const(char)[] lastErrorString();

    /// Manual output ("loopback")
    void loopbackGenerate(float*[2] outBuffers, int frames);
    void loopbackMix(float*[2] inoutBuffers, int frames); ///ditto

Create and Destroy a Mixer object

  • To have an IMixer, create it with mixerCreate
  MixerOptions options;
  IMixer mixer = mixerCreate(options);
  • The MixerOptions can be customized:
  struct MixerOptions
      /// Desired output sample rate.
      float sampleRate = 48000.0f;

      /// Number of possible sounds to play simultaneously.
      int numChannels = 16; 

      /// The fade time it takes for one playing channel to change 
      /// its volume with `setChannelVolume`. 
      float channelVolumeSecs = 0.040f;

Mixers always have a stereo output and mixing engine stereo.

  • Destroy it with mixerDestroy:

This terminates the audio threaded playback and clean-up resources from this library.

Load and play audio streams

  • Create audio sources with IMixer.createSourceFromMemory and IMixer.createSourceFromFile.

    IAudioSource music = mixer.createSourceFromFile("8b-music.mod");;
  • You can play an IAudioSource with custom PlayOptions:

    IAudioSource music = mixer.createSourceFromFile("first_last.mod");
    PlayOptions options;
    options.pan = 0.2f;, options);

    The following options exist:

    struct PlayOptions
        /// Force a specific playback channel
        int channel = anyMixerChannel;
    /// The volume to play the source with
    float volume = 1.0f;
    /// Stereo pan
    float pan = 0.0f;
    /// Play in x seconds (not compatible with startTimeSecs)
    float delayBeforePlay = 0.0f;
    /// Skip x seconds of source (not compatible with delayBeforePlay)
    float startTimeSecs = 0.0f;
    /// Looped source plays.
    uint loopCount = 1;
    /// Transition time on same channel, new sound
    float crossFadeInSecs = 0.000f;
     /// Transition time on same channel, old sound
    float crossFadeOutSecs = 0.040f;
    /// Transition time when channel was empty
    float fadeInSecs = 0.0f;


Loopback interface

You can reuse game-mixer in your own audio callback, for example in an audio plug-in situation.

Create an Imixer with isLoopback option.

MixerOptions options;
options.isLoopback = true;
IMixer mixer = mixerCreate(options);

Then generate mixer output in your own stereo buffers:

float*[2] outBuffers = [ left.ptr, right.ptr ];
mixer.loopbackGenerate(outBuffers, N); // can only be called if isLoopback was passed
audio-formats, dplug:audio, dplug:core
1.1.4 2025-Jan-05
1.1.3 2024-Oct-16
1.1.2 2023-Sep-30
1.1.1 2023-Aug-18
1.1.0 2022-Nov-12
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