gged ~main
non-jagged array and tensor library
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
A ~~ja~~gged array library that saves you from writing nested for statements in multidimensional arrays.
import ggeD;
import std;
void main()
auto A = iota(27.).array.gged!double(3,3,3); // create a gged array
foreach(ijk ; A.index)
A[ijk] = sin(A[ijk]); // easy to access
A[ijk] = 1.*ijk[0] + 2.*ijk[1] + 3.*ijk[2]; // ijk is like vector
foreach(i,j,k ; A.index)
writeln(A[i,j,k]); // also easy to access
You can use Einstein summation.
import ggeD;
import std;
void main()
auto t1 = iota(9.).array.gged!double(3,3);
assert(t1 == [[0, 1, 2],[3, 4, 5],[6, 7, 8]]);
auto tr = Einsum | t1.ii;
assert(tr == 12);
auto transposed = Einsum.ji | t1.ij;
assert(transposed == [[0, 3, 6], [1, 4, 7], [2, 5, 8]]);
auto delta = fnTensor((ulong i,ulong j)=>(i==j?1.:0.));
auto tr2 = Einsum | t1.ij*delta.ij;
assert(tr2 == 12);
auto applyFunction = Einsum | br!tan(br!atan(t1.ij));
assert(t1 == applyFunction);
auto applyFunction2 = Einsum | br!atan2(t1[0,0..3].i,1.+t1[0..3,0].i);
assert(applyFunction2 == atan2(t1[0,0],1+t1[0,0]) + atan2(t1[0,1],1+t1[1,0]) + atan2(t1[0,2],1+t1[2,0]) );
- Registered by Zenw
- ~main released 2 years ago
- Zero-error-no-warning/gged
- Copyright (c) 2022 Zenw
- Authors:
- Dependencies:
- mir-algorithm
- Versions:
0.0.1 2022-Jul-16 ~main 2023-Jun-15 - Download Stats:
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- Score:
- 0.4
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