golem 0.12.0
A simple tensor library for the computational graph on CPU
To use this package, run the following command in your project's root directory:
Manual usage
Put the following dependency into your project's dependences section:
A library that provides tensors and computational graphs for machine learning.
- Lower the hurdle and learning curve to getting started.
- Use language features to make model definition simple and safe.
- Unify the code and language for training and production environments.
- A statically size checked tensor
- with shape-safe operators
- Statically omit grads from tensor
- Some friendly error messages
- Simple
dub init
dub add golem
"dependencies": {
"golem": "~>0.8.0"
dependency "golem" version="~>0.8.0"
Link with BLAS Library
See the mir-lapack
Link: https://github.com/libmir/mir-lapack/wiki/Link-with-CBLAS-&-LAPACK
For Windows
Use Intel MKL by default
Download : https://software.intel.com/content/www/us/en/develop/tools/oneapi/components/onemkl.html
For Ubuntu
Use OpenBLAS by default
$ sudo apt install libopenblas-dev
import golem;
// statically sized tensor
auto x = tensor!([2, 2])([
[0.1, 0.2],
[0.3, 0.4],
auto y = tensor!([2, 2])([
[-0.1, 0.2],
[0.3, -0.4],
auto z = x + y;
assert(z.value[0, 0] == 0.0);
import golem;
import golem.random : randn;
import std.typecons : No;
// no grads tensor
Tensor!(float, [3, 3], UseGradient.no) x = randn!(float, [3, 3], No.gradient);
Tensor Shape
import golem;
// 3 x 2
auto x = tensor!([3, 2])([
[1.0, 2.0],
[3.0, 4.0],
[5.0, 6.0],
// N x 2
auto y = tensor!([0, 2])([
[1.0, 2.0],
[3.0, 4.0],
assert(x.shape == [3, 2]);
assert(y.shape == [2, 2]);
static assert(x.staticShape == [3, 2]);
static assert(y.staticShape == [0, 2]);
assert(x.runtimeShape == [3, 2]);
assert(y.runtimeShape == [2, 2]);
const batchSize = x.shape[0];
import golem;
auto x = tensor!([3, 2])([
[1.0, 2.0],
[3.0, 4.0],
[5.0, 6.0],
auto y = tensor!([2, 2])([
[1.0, 2.0],
[3.0, 4.0],
auto z = tensor!([0, 2])([
[1.0, 2.0],
[3.0, 4.0],
// can not compile
static assert(!__traits(compiles, {
auto a = x + y;
// runtime error
import core.exception : AssertError;
import std.exception : assertThrown;
assertThrown!AssertError(x + z);
import golem;
// more dimentions
// like PyTorch (batch, channel, width, height)
Tensor!(float, [0, 3, 224, 224]) images;
// (batch, width, height)
Tensor!(float, [0, 28, 28], UseGradient.no) mnistImages;
Broadcast Operation
import golem;
import golem.random;
Tensor!(float, [0, 28, 28]) images = randn!(float, [0, 28, 28])(1);
Tensor!(float, [28, 28]) offset = randn!(float, [28, 28]);
// shape rule for broadcast
assert(images.shape.length > offset.shape.length);
assert(images.shape[$ - offset.shape.length .. $] == offset.shape);
// broadcast
auto result1 = broadcastOp!"+"(images, offset);
auto result2 = broadcastOp!"-"(images, offset);
auto result3 = broadcastOp!"*"(images, offset);
// implement broadcast!"/"
auto result4 = broadcastOp!"*"(images, onesLike(offset) / offset);
import golem;
// prepare datasets with dynamic batch sizes
auto data = tensor!([0, 2])([
[0.1, 0.2],
[0.1, 0.3],
[0.15, 0.4],
[0.2, 0.5],
auto label = tensor!([0, 1])([
// init
auto linear = new Linear!(double, 2, 1);
auto optimizer = createOptimizer!SGD(linear);
// train
foreach (epoch; 0 .. 10_000)
auto y = linear(data);
auto diff = label - y;
auto loss = mean(diff * diff);
// result
import std.stdio;
auto y = linear(data);
import golem.nn : Linear;
import golem.optimizer;
auto fc1 = new Linear!(float, 28 * 28, 100);
auto fc2 = new Linear!(float, 100, 10);
// create instance with parameters
auto sgd = createOptimizer!SGD(fc1, fc2);
auto adam = createOptimizer!Adam(fc1, fc2);
// reset grads
// train step
// configure Parameters
import golem;
auto fc1 = new Linear!(float, 2, 2);
auto fc2 = new Linear!(float, 2, 1);
// SGD
auto sgd = createOptimizer!SGD(fc1, fc2);
sgd.config.learningRate = 0.1; // default 0.01
sgd.config.momentumRate = 0.95; // default 0.9
sgd.config.weightDecay = 1e-3; // default 0
// Adam
auto adam = createOptimizer!Adam(fc1, fc2);
adam.config.learningRate = 0.1; // default 0.001
adam.config.beta1 = 0.95; // default 0.9
adam.config.beta2 = 0.99; // default 0.999
adam.config.eps = 1e-6; // default 1e-8
adam.config.weightDecay = 1e-3; // default 0
// AdaBelief
// https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.07468
auto adabelief = createOptimizer!AdaBelief(fc1, fc2);
adabelief.config.learningRate = 0.1; // default 0.001
adabelief.config.beta1 = 0.95; // default 0.9
adabelief.config.beta2 = 0.99; // default 0.999
adabelief.config.eps = 1e-6; // default 1e-8
adabelief.config.weightDecay = 1e-3; // default 0
Custom Model
- Dim :
Input -> Hidden -> Output
- Activation :
import golem;
import std.meta : AliasSeq;
class Perceptron(size_t Input, size_t Hidden, size_t Output)
// layers
Linear!(float, Input, Hidden) fc1;
Linear!(float, Hidden, Output) fc2;
// implements as a simple network module
mixin NetModule;
// is equals to
alias parameters = AliasSeq!(fc1, fc2);
// init layers
foreach (ref p; parameters)
p = new typeof(p);
auto forward(T)(T x)
auto h = sigmoid(fc1(x));
auto o = sigmoid(fc2(h));
return o;
- Dim :
10 -> 8 -> |3| -> 8 -> 10
class AutoEncoder
// Nested custom model
Perceptron!(10, 8, 3) encoder;
Perceptron!(3, 8, 10) decoder;
mixin NetModule;
auto forward(T)(T x)
auto encoded = encode(x);
auto decoded = decode(encoded);
return decoded;
auto encode(T)(T x)
return encoder.forward(x);
auto decode(T)(T x)
return decoder.forward(x);
Use Sequence
import golem;
alias Perceptron(size_t Input, size_t Hidden, size_t Output) = Sequence!(
Linear!(float, Input, Hidden),
Linear!(float, Hidden, Output),
auto net = new Perceptron!(2, 2, 1);
auto x = tensor!([0, 2])([1.0f, 2.0f]);
auto y = net(x);
import std.parallelism : parallel;
import golem.data.common;
auto source = [1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 5.0];
auto datasets = source.kfold!5();
foreach (dataset; parallel(datasets[]))
auto train = dataset[0];
auto test = dataset[1];
// train
Save & Load
auto model = new Perceptron!(2, 2, 1);
auto archiver = new ModelArchiver("model_data");
archiver.load(model); // recent saved parameters
foreach (epoch; 0 .. 10)
// train
archiver.save(model); // save each epoch
filename format
Dependency Graph
- Registered by lempiji
- 0.12.0 released 3 years ago
- lempiji/golem
- Authors:
- Dependencies:
- numir, msgpack-d, mir-blas, mir-algorithm
- Versions:
0.12.0 2022-Oct-10 0.11.0 2022-Jun-02 0.10.0 2022-Apr-09 0.9.0 2021-Sep-11 0.8.0 2021-Jul-09 - Download Stats:
0 downloads today
0 downloads this week
0 downloads this month
38 downloads total
- Score:
- 1.5
- Short URL:
- golem.dub.pm